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metastatic 發(fā)音

英:[?met??st?t?k]  美:[?met??st?t?k]

英:  美:

metastatic 中文意思翻譯



metastatic 短語詞組

1、metastatic breast cancer ─── 轉移性乳腺癌

2、metastatic orchitis ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性睪丸炎

3、metastatic thermometer ─── [醫(yī)] 易位溫度計

4、metastatic mumps ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性腮腺炎

5、metastatic abscess ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性膿腫

6、metastatic tumor ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移瘤

7、metastatic pneumonia ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性肺炎

8、metastatic septicopyemia ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性膿毒敗血病

9、metastatic cancer ─── 轉移癌

10、metastatic parotitis ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性腮腺炎

11、metastatic carcinoma n. ─── 轉移癌; ─── 轉移性癌

12、metastatic choroiditis ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性脈絡膜炎

13、metastatic nephritis ─── [醫(yī)] 遷徙性腎炎, 轉移性腎炎

14、metastatic calcification ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性鈣化

15、metastatic neoplasm ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移瘤

16、metastatic retinitis ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性視網膜炎

17、metastatic ophthalmia ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性眼炎

18、metastatic meningitis ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性腦膜炎

19、metastatic inflammation ─── [醫(yī)] 轉移性炎

metastatic 詞性/詞形變化,metastatic變形

動詞第三人稱單數(shù): metastasizes |動詞過去分詞: metastasized |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: metastasizing |動詞過去式: metastasized |

metastatic 常用詞組

metastatic carcinoma ─── n. 轉移癌;轉移性癌

metastatic tumor ─── 轉移瘤

metastatic 相似詞語短語

1、metastasise ─── 轉移

2、metastasis ─── n.轉移;新陳代謝;[地質]同質蛻變

3、metastatically ─── 超靜定

4、metaplastic ─── adj.化生的;組織轉化的

5、antistatic ─── adj.抗靜電的;拮抗的

6、metabatic ─── 變形的

7、metastasize ─── vi.轉移;遷徙

8、aerostatic ─── adj.航空的;空氣靜力學的

9、metasomatic ─── adj.交代的

metastatic 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Here is so-called "metastatic calcification" in the lung of a patient with a very high serum calcium level (hypercalcemia). ─── 圖示肺組織轉移性鈣化,病人血鈣升高(高鈣血癥)。

2、Younger women were the only ones in whom metastatic disease seemed to have increased, the researchers found. ─── 研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),年輕女性可能是轉移疾病發(fā)病率呈上升趨勢的唯一群體。

3、In patients with submucosal carcinoma, 8 had residual carcinoma at the EMR site at surgery and 5 patients had metastatic lymphadenopathy. ─── 在黏膜下層癌患者中,8例在食管切除術中發(fā)現(xiàn)在EMR部位有腫瘤組織殘余,5例有遠處淋巴結轉移。

4、The treatment of EPP for lung metastatic tumors was not satisfactory and should be avoided. ─── EPP治療肺部多發(fā)轉移瘤效果不好,不應提倡。

5、The metastatic part: Metastasis means the tumor spread outside its original site. ─── 關于轉移:轉移意味著散腫瘤向外擴散。

6、During the drive he told me that his wife had metastatic breast cancer and was not well, but she insisted upon meeting me. ─── 在路上他告訴我他的妻子患了乳腺癌并且情形不太好,但是她堅持要見我。

7、Of the 12 patients, 11 exhibited other metastatic diseases, which were diagnosed radiologically or pathologically at the time of skin biopsy. ─── 12位病人中有11位病人在接受皮膚切片或細針抽吸時,已有遠端轉移。

8、Of the 161 MPA cases, 152 were primary tumors, 7 were recurrent tumors, and 2 were cervical lymph node metastatic tumors. ─── 161例MPA中,152例為原發(fā)性腫瘤、7例為局部復發(fā)性腫瘤、2例為腫瘤頸淋巴結轉移灶。

9、The most common distant metastatic sites from hypopharyngeal carcinoma are the lung, liver and bone. ─── 摘要下咽癌最常見的遠處轉移為肺、肝及骨骼。

10、Metastatic carcinoma of skin and subcutaneous tissue. ─── 基底細胞癌。五、皮膚及皮下組織轉移性癌。

11、CONCLUSION: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus combined radical surgery can resect the primary tumors and metastatic lymph nodes maximally. ─── 可以最大限度地切除腫瘤及轉移淋巴結。

12、Two important differential diagnoses exist in this direction - metastatic melanoma and metastatic small cell (or neuroendocrine) carcinoma. ─── 兩種重要的鑒別診斷是:轉移性黑色素瘤和轉移性小細胞(或神經內分泌)癌。

13、Abstract: Objective To investigate the relationship between the expressionof heparanase gene and the metastatic activity of lung cancer. ─── 文摘:目的探討肝素酶基因表達與肺癌轉移的關系。

14、The pattern of smaller nodules which have a propensity for upper lobe involvement suggests a granulomatous process rather than metastatic disease. ─── 小結節(jié)經常向肺上葉發(fā)展說明肉芽腫過程,而不是腫瘤轉移。

15、Breast carcinoma patients with positive expression of HER2 had higher metastatic rate(P

16、Metastatic skin signet-ring cell carcinoma originating from stomach or colon is rare. ─── 摘要轉移性皮膚戒環(huán)細胞癌是很少見的,暗示他的來源可能是胃或是大腸。

17、Method 69 moderate or severe metastatic pain f lung cancer were randomized assigned to fentanyl treatment group and oral morphine treatment group. ─── 方法69例中重度肺癌癌痛患者隨機分成芬太尼透皮貼劑組和口服硫酸嗎啡控釋片組,評價其療效和副反應。

18、A cerebellopontin angle (CPA) metastatic tumor from colon cancer is extremely rare. ─── 摘要結腸癌轉移到小腦橋腦角相當罕見。

19、Four patients with pathological stage T2 (1) and T3 (3) had metastatic disease at followup. ─── 2例在隨訪中發(fā)現(xiàn)膀胱腫瘤是高分期。

20、HRCT sho wed clearly internal low density and perifocal indentation sign for metastatic n odules. ─── HRCT掃描對肺癌肺轉移性結節(jié)的顯示明顯高于普通CT,HRCT清楚顯示結節(jié)邊緣菱角征和內部低密度環(huán)征。

21、The presentation concludes that Sorafenib dose escalation to 1200mg or 1600mg/day was achieved in 93% of patients with metastatic RCC. ─── 總結索拉非尼劑量提升到1200毫克或者1600毫克每天是可以的對于有腎癌轉移的93%的病人。

22、Hemorrhagic pericarditis is most likely to occur with metastatic tumor and with tuberculosis (TB). ─── 出血性心包炎最可能合并轉移性腫瘤和肺結核(TB)。

23、Some patients are cured with a simple surgical excision whereas others will develop metastatic disease within a relatively short interval. ─── 有些病人治愈一個簡單的手術切除,而其他國家也將制定轉移性疾病在相對短的間隔。

24、HYPOTHESIS: For distant metastatic (M1) gastric adenocarcinoma, a policy to maximally aoid resection of the primary tumor is safe and efficacious. ─── 前提:對于遠處轉移的胃腺癌(M1),最大程度避免切除原發(fā)腫瘤的原則是安全和有效的。

25、It turned out to be metastatic renal cell carcinoma. ─── 后來證明是腎細胞轉移癌。

26、Abstract:Objective To retrospectively evaluate the value of CT diagnostic in metastatic tumor of bladder. ─── 摘要]目的:回顧性評價CT對膀胱外腫瘤侵及膀胱的診斷價值。

27、Bonin used alone are effective to relieve the pain of metastatic cancer of bone. ─── 博寧單獨使用與博寧聯(lián)合化療治療骨轉移的疼痛均具有良好的止痛效果。

28、Based on radiographic and pathological findings of a biopsy of the fracture site, metastatic testicular cancer was confirmed. ─── 基于骨折處之影像學及病理切片檢查確定為轉移之?丸癌。

29、Biopsy of the nodule showed nests of clear tumor cells, suggesting metastatic renal cell carcinoma. ─── 切片的結果顯示群集的明亮腫瘤細胞,讓人聯(lián)想到轉移來的腎細胞癌。

30、Here is so-called "metastatic calcification" in the lung of a patient with a very high serum calcium level (hypercalcemia). ─── 左側動脈壁發(fā)生鈣化,在粘膜下層也有不規(guī)則藍紫色鈣化灶。鈣化容易發(fā)生在受損組織。

31、Radiation treatment of 60 patients with cervical lymph node metastatic squamous cell carcinoma from an unknown primary site. ─── 60例原發(fā)灶不明的頸轉移性鱗癌的放射治療。

32、The speckled black rounded areas represent hilar lymph nodes with metastatic carcinoma. ─── 斑點狀黑色圓形區(qū)域說明存在肺門淋巴結轉移。

33、Patients with regional metastatic lymph nodes in the chest 2 cm in the greatest dimension gave 5-year survivals of 40% and 0% (p

34、Three patients had local recurrences and two eventually died of metastatic disease. ─── 在3個復發(fā)的病例中,2例死亡。

35、Analysis of synchronous metastatic liver cancer of colorectal cancer for risk factors. ─── 大腸癌同期肝轉移危險因素的分析。

36、On CT scan, the tumor extension, laryngeal cartilage destruction and metastatic lymph nodes were investigated. ─── 按雙盲法根據CT征象進行分期并與手術病理結果對照分析。

37、Almost all metastatic lesions from thymomas invade adjacent organs or spread along the pleura or pericardium. ─── 摘要幾乎從胸腺腫瘤轉移來的病灶都會侵入鄰近的器官或沿著肋膜或心包膜散布。

38、Objective To study the histological and immunohistochemical features of primary and metastatic ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma. ─── 摘要目的探討卵巢原發(fā)性黏液性腺癌與轉移性黏液性腺癌的組織學和免疫組織化學特點。

39、Surgical resection of the mass both demonstrated a metastatic thymic lesion and ameliorated the patient's quality of life. ─── 外科手術切除術雙側腫瘤表明是轉移性胸腺瘤,并改善了患者的生活質量。

40、In clinical trials, it was found that trastuzumab could lengthen the survival of patients with both early-stage and metastatic breast cancer. ─── 臨床試驗發(fā)現(xiàn),賀癌平可延長乳癌初期和后期轉移病患的壽命。

41、Capecitabine is already approved for use in colorectal cancer and metastatic breast cancer. ─── 卡培他濱已被批準用于結腸直腸癌和乳腺轉移癌。

42、Most metastatic cancers are incurable. But most also are treatable. Chemotherapy drugs, radiation and other treatments can extend a patient's life. ─── 大多晚期的癌癥難以治愈,但是有很多也是可以治愈的。化療,放療和其他療法都能延長患者的生命。

43、Ribs were the most frequent metastatic sites,vertebras,pelvis,bone of limbs,scapulae,skulls,sternum and clavicles were the next. ─── 2%,發(fā)生骨轉移最常見的部位為肋骨,其次為脊椎骨、盆骨、四肢骨、肩胛骨、顱骨和胸鎖骨。

44、RFA offers an ideal and effective alternative for patients with inoperable metastatic bone tumors. ─── 為臨床無法采用其他方法治療的骨腫瘤患者提供了一項有效的治療選擇。

45、There were no metastatic lesions were found in other organs, such as lung, liver, spleen and kidney. ─── 兩種細胞亞系均未見肺、肝、脾、腎等臟器轉移灶。

46、In patients with malignant PNET, metastatic recurrence is not uncommon and will usually require additional multimodality therapy. ─── 在患惡性PNET的病人中,轉移性復發(fā)并不少見,此時通常需要多學科綜合治療。

47、The chance for palliation and long-term survival is greater with metastatic breast carcinoma than with any other late malignant disease. ─── 乳腺轉移癌得到緩解和長期生存的機會大于其它惡性腫瘤的轉移癌。

48、A bilateral orchiectomy was performed, and pathology examination demonstrated hepatocellular carcinoma metastatic to the left testis. ─── 患者接受了雙側睪丸切除手術,組織病理檢查發(fā)現(xiàn)左側睪丸腫瘤是由肝癌轉移而來。

49、Heparanase resides in metastatic malignant tumor cell generally. ─── 乙酰肝素酶普遍存在于轉移性惡性腫瘤細胞中。

50、The detection rate of metastatic lymph nodes in Dukes A,B and C was(4.7%)(3/64),16.8%(28/167) and 70.4%(159/226) distinctively by immunohistochemistry. ─── Dukes A、B和C期轉移淋巴結的檢出率分別是4.7%(3/64)、16.8%(28/167)和70.4%(159/226)。

51、Both lungs will have innumerable metastatic foci and lymphangitic involvement. ─── 雙側肺內出現(xiàn)無數(shù)的轉移病灶和淋巴管性播散。

52、The chance for palliation and long-term survival is greater with metastatic breast carcinoma than with any other late malignant disease. ─── 乳腺轉移癌得到緩解和長期生存的機會大于其它惡性腫瘤的轉移癌。

53、She arrived in a wheelchair, unable to walk from metastatic fractures, wearing a stylish bandanna. ─── 她是坐著輪椅來的,她由于轉移性骨折而不能行走,戴著時尚的頭巾。

54、CONCLUSION Retinoic acid can effectively suppress the metastatic ability of gastric cancer cells in vivo and in vitro. ─── 主題詞胃腫瘤;視黃酸;腫瘤轉移;腫瘤細胞,培養(yǎng)的

55、For the numbers of metastatic foci, MLD RIT group have also less than both control group and SHD group (P

56、The metastatic rate of LNs in the lateral ligament and in the mesorectum for tumors below the peritoneal reflection were 11.8% and 12.5%. ─── 側方淋巴結轉移率為11.8%,腹膜返折下直腸周圍系膜淋巴結轉移率為12.5%。

57、Surgical resection at 15th day after implantation, multiple low-dose RIT groups gained longer life-span and less metastatic nodules than others. ─── 二、接種后第15天手術,分次小劑量5組、化療組比單次大劑量RIT組及對照組小鼠生存期延長,肺轉移結節(jié)數(shù)減少,分次小劑量RIT優(yōu)于化療。

58、Carcinoid tumors can either be primary or metastatic and every case should be treated as the latter until a primary focus is found. ─── 摘要類癌可能是原發(fā)性或轉移性,每個病例應視為轉移性直到發(fā)現(xiàn)原發(fā)部位。

59、Internal 89 Sr radiotherapy combined with bonin is the first choice in treating metastatic bone pain. ─── 89Sr內照射聯(lián)合博寧是目前治療轉移性骨痛的優(yōu)選方案 .

60、The high specificity of angiogram in diagnosis of primary and metastatic hepatic neopelasm is well documented. ─── 摘要血管造影術于原發(fā)或轉移性肝臟腫瘤之診斷已被公認為具有相當高之特異性。

61、Also, RET mutations were found to be correlated with the persistence of the disease (both biochemical and metastatic). ─── 并且,該研究發(fā)現(xiàn)RET基因突變與疾病的持續(xù)時間有相互關系(兼顧生化指標和轉移病灶)。

62、therapy could ultimately serve as a seek-and-destroy treatment for metastatic cancer. ─── 試驗性療法可能最終成為能定位并消除可轉移性癌癥的治療手段

63、For single site of bone metastatic cancer pain, the response rate of radiotherapy group is 95.7%, while the Bonin group is 73.3% (P

64、Main body signs:enlargement of supraclavicular lymph nodes, metastatic carcinoma of bone and hydrothorax. ─── 在鏡下按兩種腫瘤的任何一種必須占全部腫瘤的20%以上的標準診斷。

65、Methods:Follow-up data of TACE in 28 aged patients with primary or metastatic liver cancer were retrospectively analysed. ─── 方法:回顧性分析28例老年肝癌病人采用TACE治療的臨床隨訪資料。

66、BICC-C is a phase 3, metastatic colorectal cancer trial sponsored by Pfizer Inc. ─── BICC-C是一項第三期、由輝瑞藥廠贊助,針對轉移性直腸癌的臨床試驗。

67、Seen over the surface of the epicardium are pale white-tan nodules of metastatic tumor. ─── 在心外膜的表面可見灰白色轉移性腫瘤結節(jié)。

68、With metabolic image ofPET and anatomic image of CT, 18F-FDG PET-CT is avery useful method in diagnosing metastatic cervicallymph nodes. ─── 18F-FDGPET-CT結合PET提供腫瘤代謝圖像,CT提供解剖圖像,在頸淋巴結轉移癌的診斷及監(jiān)測復發(fā)方面具有較大的臨床價值。

69、Objective To explore the expression of mucin MUC5AC in primary and metastatic ovarian tumor and its clinical pathological significance. ─── 摘要目的探討原發(fā)性和轉移性卵巢腫瘤中粘蛋白MUC5AC的表達及臨床病理意義。

70、Objective: Malignant melanoma is not an uncommon malignancy in the head and neck regions but metastatic malanoma in the parotid was very rare. ─── 摘要目的:惡性黑色素瘤是頭頸部常見的惡性腫瘤,腮腺內原發(fā)灶不明的轉移性惡性黑色素瘤非常少見。

71、Deep myometrial invasion occured in 56 .2%of the cas es (9/19).62.5%had extrauterine disease(10/16).The rate of lymph node metastasi s was 62.5%(5/8). ─── 56.2%的病例肌層浸潤深度超過1/2肌層(9/16),62.5%有宮外擴散(10/16),淋巴結轉移率62.5%(5/8),幾乎缺乏雌、孕激素受體。

72、MEM1 is an oncogene, and its upregulation influences metastatic potential. ─── MEM1是致癌基因,它的上調影響癌細胞轉移能力。

73、Figure 17. Metastatic nodular deposits in a patient with oarian cancer. ─── 圖17。一卵巢癌病人轉移性結節(jié)聚集。

74、The metastatic melanoma is seen here to be infiltrating into the myocardium. ─── 圖示轉移性黑色素瘤浸潤到心肌。

75、No more metastatic sites could be found elsewhere. ─── 回轉移部位特殊,故提出報告。

76、On the other hand, metastatic melanoma is quite common in cases of deeply invasive malignant melanoma of skin and, sometimes, mucous membrane. ─── 另一方面,在皮膚和粘膜惡黑深部浸潤時,轉移是常見的。

77、Objective To explore the effect on immunological roles of peritoneal macrophages caused by murine hepatoma cells with different metastatic ability. ─── 摘要 目的 研究轉移程度不同的小鼠肝癌細胞株對腹腔巨噬細胞功能的影響。

78、Neuroblastoma is the most common pediatric solid tumor metastatic to the eye. ─── 摘要小兒的固體腫瘤中最常見轉移至眼睛的,是神經母細胞瘤。

79、Metastatic tumors to gingival from non-oral malignancies are very uncommon. ─── 摘要從非口腔部位的惡性腫瘤轉移至齒齦是非常罕見。

80、In addition, BAC skeleton metastatic, destroyed and widely spread, and mostly seen in rib and clavicular invasion. ─── 另外,細支氣管肺泡癌骨骼轉移灶呈浸潤性破壞,分布較廣,以肋骨和鎖骨侵犯為多見。

81、The Use Of A Whey Protein Concentrate In The Treatment Of Patients With Metastatic Carcinoma: A Phase I-II Clinical Study. ─── 以乳漿蛋白濃縮物治療轉移性惡性腫瘤:第一、二期臨床研究。

82、Metastatic cells shown to arise from pre-existing subpopulations in primary tumors. ─── 發(fā)現(xiàn)轉移細胞來自于原發(fā)腫瘤中既存的細胞亞群。

83、The solitary appearance of this neoplasm suggests that the tumor is primary rather than metastatic. ─── 單個腫塊往往說明是原發(fā)瘤,而不是轉移瘤。

84、Some cancers have limited invasiveness and metastatic potential, for instance, whereas others spread quickly to distant organs. ─── 舉例來說,有些人的癌細胞侵略性和轉移力較低,有些人的癌癥很快就擴散到其他器官。

85、the drug has typically been used to treat metastatic cancer of the colon and is not normally used to treat eye ailments. ─── 這種注射液主要適用于轉移性結腸癌的治療,并未提及治療眼疾。

86、A review of the current literature revealed no other cases of this uncommon alhistologic subtype of thymic carcinoma metastatic to the cranium. ─── 對最新資料的回顧顯示沒有這種罕見胸腺癌顱內轉移的病例。

87、No concurrent scalp DFSP was identified when the neck metastatic lesion was found. ─── 當時頭皮并無腫瘤。

88、Skin manifestations of internal malignancy are divided to paraneoplastic dermatosis and metastatic tumors of skin. ─── 內臟腫瘤的皮膚表現(xiàn)可以分為副腫瘤性皮膚病及皮膚轉移瘤。

89、There was no remarkable difference between primary site and metastatic lymph node in the patients with brest cancer. ─── 在一組原發(fā)部位和淋巴結轉移性乳腺癌配對標本中,CD_(15)表達無明顯差異性。

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