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10-03 投稿


wretchedly 發(fā)音

英:[?ret??dli]  美:[?ret??dli]

英:  美:

wretchedly 中文意思翻譯



wretchedly 詞性/詞形變化,wretchedly變形

形容詞最高級(jí): wretchedest |名詞: wretchedness |副詞: wretchedly |形容詞比較級(jí): wretcheder |

wretchedly 相似詞語短語

1、retched ─── vi.作嘔,反胃;惡心;n.反胃,嘔吐

2、pretendedly ─── 冒

3、botchedly ─── 拙劣地

4、wrenched ─── n.扳手,扳鉗;扭傷;痛苦;歪曲;猛扭;vt.扭傷;猛扭;曲解;折磨;vi.扭傷;猛扭;猛絞;n.(Wrench)人名;(英)倫奇

5、retiredly ─── 隱退地

6、detachedly ─── 不連接的;不偏袒的;冷漠的

7、wretchedness ─── n.可憐;悲慘;不幸

8、wretched ─── adj.可憐的;卑鄙的;令人苦惱或難受的

9、wretches ─── n.可憐的人,不幸的人;卑鄙的人

wretchedly 常見例句(雙語使用場(chǎng)景)

1、Portugal a decade of wretchedly low growth testified to problems afflicting the whole economy. ─── 10年來葡萄牙可憐的經(jīng)濟(jì)低增長(zhǎng)率加深了困擾整個(gè)經(jīng)濟(jì)體的問題。

2、"I am the spectre of a wretch you buried in the dungeons of the Chateau d'If ─── “我是被你埋在伊夫堡黑牢里的一個(gè)可憐的人的陰魂。

3、'I can't remember who I am,'I said,wretchedly. ─── “我想不起來我是誰,”我沮喪地說道。

4、Do Not Be A Wretch of Your Career ─── 不做職場(chǎng)可憐蟲

5、-- Had I been in love, I could not have been more wretchedly blind. ─── 即使我真的愛上了人家,也不會(huì)盲目到這樣該死的地步。

6、He was a miserly wretch who grudged us food to eat, and clothes to wear ─── 他是個(gè)吝嗇的壞蛋,他克扣我們的伙食和穿衣

7、The poor wretch asked for food and place to sleep. ─── 可憐人要求食物和睡覺的地方。

8、He's a scurvy wretch. ─── 他是個(gè)卑鄙的家伙。

9、"Because the person who bears it is too highly favored by heaven to be the father of such a wretch as you." ─── “因?yàn)榻心莻€(gè)名字的人是蒙天主厚愛,是不會(huì)有你這樣一個(gè)混蛋的兒子

10、and wretchedly as she had hitherto misunderstood even those she was watching, she did not know how to admit that she could be blinded here. ─── 雖說她以前可憐巴巴地甚至誤解了她所觀察的人,但她卻不知道自己在這件事上怎么會(huì)受了蒙蔽。

11、He was a bold wretch. ─── 他是個(gè)大膽的惡漢。

12、He was a miserly wretch who grudged us food to eat, and clothes to wear(Charles Dickens. ─── 他是個(gè)吝嗇的壞蛋,他克扣我們的伙食和穿衣(查爾斯 狄)。

13、Tusihubei back the atmosphere match Duochou to allow a small number of people are sad, such as the poor wretch Liaozu and more than two feet deep. ─── 兔死狐悲,退賽的氣氛讓少數(shù)多愁的人開始傷感,比如中超兩大窮光蛋遼足和深足。

14、"Mother," said Shelton, who, confronted by her optimism, had never, since his time of trial began, felt so wretchedly dejected. ─── “媽”,謝爾頓說,面對(duì)著他母親這種樂觀心情,他感到一種打考驗(yàn)的時(shí)間開始以來,從來不曾有過的心灰意懶。

15、He' s a scurvy wretch. ─── 他是個(gè)卑鄙的家伙.

16、He whistles as he goes, lighthearted wretch, / Cold and yet cheerful(William Cowper. ─── 他邊走邊吹口哨,無憂無慮的小家伙/寒冷但仍然很高興(威廉姆 考珀)。

17、Any wretch may enter the house of a black man, and commit any violence he pleases; if he happens to do it only in the presence of black persons, he goes unwhipt of justice. ─── 任何一個(gè)壞蛋都可以進(jìn)入一個(gè)黑人的房子隨意施暴,如果剛好他施暴時(shí)只有黑人在場(chǎng),那他便可追逐法外。

18、They dragged the wretch to a tree and hanged him. ─── 他們將那個(gè)可憐的人拉到棵樹旁,把他吊死。

19、Pain,scorned by yonder gout-ridden wretch, endured by yonder dyspetic in the midst of his dainties,borne bravely by the girl in travail. ─── 不幸的只會(huì)縮成一團(tuán)的膽小鬼會(huì)痛恨痛苦;有遠(yuǎn)大理想但遭遇挫折的人會(huì)忍耐痛苦;正經(jīng)歷分娩之痛的女子會(huì)勇敢地承受痛苦。

20、the despicable wretch who stole the old woman's money ─── 偷了老太婆錢的那個(gè)卑鄙的家伙

21、"He whistles as he goes, lighthearted wretch,/Cold and yet cheerful" (William Cowper). ─── “他邊走邊吹口哨,無憂無慮的小家伙/寒冷但仍然很高興“ (威廉姆·考珀)。

22、He had made me wretchedly conscious of my shortcomings,that is how he had me on the hook. ─── 他使我非常痛苦地意識(shí)到自己的缺點(diǎn),所以他才能任意擺布我。

23、"Don't torture a poor forlorn wretch," he implored them, with a dreadful cry; "but give me my work! ─── “不要折磨一個(gè)可憐的孤老頭子吧,”他凄苦地叫著乞求他們,“把活兒給我!

24、"Why,of course," continued the little wretch on the capital. "But what is there to laugh about? ─── “嘿!”柱頂上那個(gè)小淘氣鬼接著說,“姓勒科尼有啥好笑的呢?

25、"Poor little Faith," thought he, for his heart smote him." What a wretch am I leave her on such an errand." ─── “可憐的小費(fèi)思啊

26、You ungrateful wretch! ─── 你這忘恩負(fù)義的家伙!

27、He called me an ungrateful wretch and nourished the grievance to the end of his days. ─── 他說我是個(gè)忘恩負(fù)義的無恥小人,直到死的時(shí)候他還是心懷不滿。

28、Can a wretch who wanders about, who works and starves, whose life is a continual scene of sore affliction or pinching penury; can that man call England or any other kingdom his country? ─── 一個(gè)到處流浪的可憐人,一個(gè)終日辛勞卻還忍饑挨餓的人,一個(gè)總是生活在痛苦或赤貧如洗的境遇里的人,會(huì)把英國(guó)或其它王國(guó)稱作自己的國(guó)家嗎?

29、The immense strains wretchedly put this uprising star in a miserable dilemma with her performing career stagnated. ─── 巨大的壓力讓這顆冉冉升起的新星身陷演藝事業(yè)停滯的悲慘境地。

30、But the journey is likely to be wretchedly uncomfortable. ─── 但這條路可能會(huì)極其不平坦。

31、What had I done, says he, that such an unhappy wretch should come into my ship? I would not set my foot in the same ship with thee again for a thousand pounds. ─── 他說,"我作了什么孽,竟會(huì)讓你這樣的災(zāi)星上船。我以后絕不再和你坐同一條船,給我一千鎊我也不干!"

32、'I can't remember who I am,' I said, wretchedly. ─── ‘我想不起來我是誰,’我沮喪地說道。

33、He was a wretch to be hated and chastised by every champion of woman. ─── 他這個(gè)壞蛋理應(yīng)遭到一切尊重婦女的人的憎恨和譴責(zé)。

34、Would you shake your finger at me and say, "What an ungrateful wretch of a bird! It is gnawing at its chain day and night"? ─── 你是不是會(huì)對(duì)我指指點(diǎn)點(diǎn)說“真是一個(gè)不知感恩的賤鳥呀!整天只知道咬它的鏈子!”?

35、A wretch who in the deepest distress still aimed at good humor was an object my friend was by no means capable of withstanding. ─── 一個(gè)苦人,深陷在不幸之中而又強(qiáng)顏歡笑,看到此情此景,我的朋友再也受不住了。

36、"She could not endure the insult offered to us by that wretch, so she asked permission to travel." ─── “她無法容忍那壞蛋對(duì)我們的羞辱,她要求我允許她去旅行?!?/p>

37、A man who values individuals above his own integrity is a wretch, not a free thinker. ─── 一個(gè)男人把個(gè)人的價(jià)值凌駕于他自己的理想之上是可悲的,他不是一個(gè)在思想上自由的人。

38、Now what a wretch must he be! ─── 他是多么不可救藥呀!

39、Sorry everyone...i still cant upload the photos..so go to WRETCH to see my new photos okay..... ─── 今天去吃了香港故事.....天阿,.....真的事有夠難吃的啦!!去看照片就知道了!!!!!

40、You are a lying wretch! ─── 你是個(gè)撒謊的家伙!

41、It's not that my family ill treated me, but we were living on a wretchedly low budget then. ─── 不是家人不疼我,那時(shí)條件實(shí)在太差了。

42、You wretch! You're late again. ─── 你這家伙!又遲到了。

43、An hour or two hence, and the low companions and low habits that I scorn but yield to, will render me less worth such tears as those, than any wretch who creeps along the streets. ─── 一兩個(gè)小時(shí)之后,我瞧不起卻又?jǐn)[不掉的卑劣伙伴和惡劣習(xí)性又會(huì)把我變得比流浪街頭的可憐蟲更不配你的眼淚了!

44、You wretch! You've taken the book I wanted. ─── 你這個(gè)壞蛋! 你把我想要的書拿走了。

45、But the little wretch had to play the big shot . Now they are going to court-martial him. ─── 人家把他選成青年隊(duì)長(zhǎng),我就說過不叫他當(dāng),小雜種硬要充人物頭!

46、But some parts of the country remain wretchedly poor, particularly in the north. ─── 但國(guó)家的某些地區(qū)仍過著悲慘的貧窮生活,特別是北部地區(qū)。

47、Hungry Joe was a jumpy, emaciated wretch with a fleshless face of dingy skin and bone. ─── 享格利·喬是個(gè)瘦弱,神經(jīng)過敏的可憐蟲,一張黑臉皮包骨頭,沒有什么肌肉。

48、He is really a worthless wretch. ─── 他真是個(gè)窩囊廢。

49、Wretch, do you expect me to trust you ─── 卑鄙的傢伙,你還希冀我相信你

50、And then as a result of that deed he became a poor, miserable wretch of a person in this very Rajagaha. ─── 作為該業(yè)的果報(bào),他就在此王舍城內(nèi),成為一貧窮、悲慘、潦倒的麻瘋病者。

51、He was an unfeeling wretch. ─── 他是個(gè)冷酷的家伙。

52、'Mother, 'said Shelton, who, confronted by her optimism, had never, since his time of trial began, felt so wretchedly dejected. ─── “媽”,謝爾頓說,面對(duì)著他母親這種樂觀心情,他感到一種打考驗(yàn)的時(shí)間開始以來,從來不曾有過的心灰意懶。

53、Meanwhile it is clear how wretchedly the world is failing to do so. ─── 同時(shí),非常遺憾的是,全球減排的努力正在走向失敗。

54、This is such a wretchedly conformist society that the hint of something nonconformist can be a powerful aphrodisiac. ─── 這是如此可憐的社會(huì)遵奉者,這暗示著某些不遵奉者可以成為強(qiáng)大的壯陽劑。

55、And to think that there is not a hussy in Paris who would not have been delighted to make this wretch happy! ─── 你們想想,在巴黎沒有一個(gè)女人不樂意向這個(gè)家伙委身的。

56、-- had i been in love, i could not have been more wretchedly blind. but vanity, not love, has been my folly. ─── 即使我真的愛上了人家,也不會(huì)盲目到這樣該死的地步。然而我的愚蠢,并不是在戀愛方面,而是有虛榮心方面。

57、"He was a miserly wretch who grudged us food to eat, and clothes to wear" (Charles Dickens). ─── “他是個(gè)吝嗇的壞蛋,他克扣我們的伙食和穿衣” (查爾斯·狄)。

58、A slaveholder, a dictator, a grant of A wolf in sheep's clothing, a betrayal of the homeland of treason, and a wretch worthy of our sympathy. ─── 一個(gè)奴隸主,一個(gè)獨(dú)裁者,一個(gè)批著羊皮的狼,一個(gè)背叛祖國(guó)的叛國(guó)者,一個(gè)不值得同情的可憐蟲。

59、He had almost seemed like a human being and not the perverse wretch she knew so well. ─── 他幾乎真像個(gè)有良心的好人,而不是她所熟悉的乖戾的壞蛋。

60、You are really an ungrateful wretch to complain instead of thanking him. ─── 你不但不謝他, 還埋怨他, 真不知好歹。

61、"You thought it a mercy then, miserable wretch! ─── “你當(dāng)時(shí)卻以為那是慈悲的呀,你這該死的混蛋!

62、No attention, however, must be paid to his cunning wiles, no matter how base and horrible -- all his suggestions must be cast back upon his head.The wretch is to be despised and scorned. ─── 任憑牠這麼狡猾,投來什歷邪像惡念,你不必答理,只要把惡念還給牠,放在牠頭上罷了。

63、"You are a clever, black-hearted wretch, Rhett Butler, and you know very well this bonnet's too pretty to be refused." ─── "瑞德 - 巴特勒,你這個(gè)又狡詐又黑心的壞蛋,而且你明明知道這帽子太漂亮了,誰還會(huì)拒絕呢。"

64、To make a wretch His treasure ─── 以換取我們這些無名小卒而成為祂的寶貝

65、A poor wretch on returning to his attic would find that his door had been opened, sometimes even forced, during his absence. ─── 一個(gè)窮鬼回到他破屋子里,發(fā)現(xiàn)他的房門已被人趁他不在時(shí)開過了,有時(shí)甚至是撬開的。

66、You wretch! ─── 你這個(gè)卑鄙家伙!

67、Pain, scorned by yonder gout-ridden wretch, endured by yonder dyspeptic in the midst of his dainties, borne bravely by the girl in travail. ─── 不幸的、只會(huì)縮成一團(tuán)的膽小鬼會(huì)痛恨痛苦;有遠(yuǎn)大理想但遭遇挫折的人會(huì)忍耐痛苦;正經(jīng)歷分娩之痛的女子會(huì)勇敢地承受痛苦。

68、Primitive tribes are naked, and wretchedly fed and housed, but they do not suffer from unemployment. ─── 原始部落的成員赤身露體,吃、住條件都很可憐,不過他們沒有失業(yè)的痛苦。

69、But none reject Our Signs except only a perfidious ungrateful (wretch)! ─── 只有每個(gè)狡猾的、孤恩的人,否認(rèn)我的跡象。

70、"The wretch!" said Mrs. Shelby, vehemently. ─── “這個(gè)壞家伙

71、Your family has been poor for generations, I think you are also a poor wretch. ─── 你們家代代都沒錢,我看你也是一個(gè)窮骨頭。

72、Overcome by resolves, he broods like a miserable wretch. ─── 受意愿控制的人,修禪時(shí)像個(gè)不幸者;

73、From thence he commanded the sacrilegious wretch to be thrown down into the ashes, all men thrusting him forward unto death. ─── 凡盜竊廟物,或犯其他重罪的人,都應(yīng)投入里面處死。

74、" Get out of my sight, you wretch ! I never want to set eyes on you again." ─── “滾開,你這個(gè)混蛋!我永遠(yuǎn)不要再看見你。”

75、Primitive tribes are naked, and wretchedly fed and housed, but they do not suffer from unemployment. ─── 原始部落的成員赤身露體,吃、住條件都很可憐,不過他們沒有失業(yè)的痛苦。

76、Show off ? Wretch !I teach you how to study English kindly, but cause and envy! ─── 賣弄?切!我好心教你們學(xué)英文,卻招來嫉妒!

77、A wretch who in the deepest distress still aimed at good humour was an object my friend was by no means capable of withstanding. ─── 一個(gè)苦人,深陷在不幸之中而又強(qiáng)顏歡笑,看到此情此景,我的朋友再也受不住了。

78、"Let the wretch take my money,"said Arabella."We'll never miss it, being blessed with each other." ─── “讓那個(gè)卑鄙的家伙把我的錢拿走吧,”阿拉貝拉說,“我們絕不會(huì)為失去這筆錢而心痛的,只要我們兩人互相恩愛?!?/p>

79、"This wretch has just insulted Monsieur le Maire." ─── “這賤人剛才侮辱了市長(zhǎng)先生?!?/p>

80、"Yes, my mother," said Albert, "I will return, and woe to the infamous wretch! ─── “是的,我的母親,”阿爾貝說,“我就回去了,叫那不要臉的混蛋等著瞧吧!

81、they were right in telling you that Jean Valjean was a very vicious wretch. ─── 別人告訴您說冉阿讓是個(gè)非常兇的壞人,這話說得有理。

82、"Why, of course," continued the little wretch on the capital. "But what is there to laugh about? ─── “嘿

83、"Mother, " said Shelton, who, confronted by her optimism, had never, since his time of trial began, felt so wretchedly dejected. ─── “媽”,謝爾頓說,面對(duì)著他母親這種樂觀心情,他感到一種打考驗(yàn)的時(shí)間開始以來,從來不曾有過的心灰意懶。

84、Born the son of a wretchedly poor Venetian souvenir vendor, he grew up a decidedly short man. ─── 父親是一位貧窮的售賣維也納紀(jì)念品的小販,顯然他長(zhǎng)大后個(gè)子不高。

85、"Oh, what a wretch am I!" cried Ralph the rover. ─── “啊,我是個(gè)混蛋

86、"Oh, what a wretch am I!" cried Ralph the rover ─── "啊,我真是個(gè)混蛋!"海盜拉爾夫嚷道。

87、It was small, decayed, and rickety, but it was packed full of wretchedly poor families. ─── 它很小,破舊不堪,搖搖欲墜,但里面住滿了窮苦的家庭。

88、"Oh, send for some one to whom I can denounce the wretch!" ─── “噢,只要來一個(gè)人,讓我向他告發(fā)那個(gè)惡棍就好了

89、Brabantio. What profane wretch art thou? ─── 勃拉班修你是個(gè)什麼混賬東西,敢這樣胡說八道?

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