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10-03 投稿


mazed 發(fā)音

英:[me?zd]  美:[me?zd]

英:  美:

mazed 中文意思翻譯



mazed 詞性/詞形變化,mazed變形

動(dòng)詞現(xiàn)在分詞: mazing |動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞: mazed |動(dòng)詞過(guò)去式: mazed |動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù): mazes |

mazed 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、lazed ─── v.懶散,偷懶;消磨(時(shí)光);混日子,游手好閑;n.閑散,混日子;n.(Laze)(塞、羅、法、美)拉茲(人名)

2、amazed ─── v.(使)大為驚奇,驚愕;(使)糊涂(amaze的過(guò)去式及過(guò)去分詞);adj.大為驚奇的,驚訝的

3、hazed ─── n.陰霾;薄霧;疑惑;vt.使變朦朧;使變糊涂;vi.變朦朧;變糊涂;n.(Haze)人名;(法)阿澤

4、gazed ─── vi.凝視;注視(gaze的過(guò)去式和過(guò)去分詞)

5、maaed ─── 土地

6、mased ─── v.激射微波;產(chǎn)生并放大微波;n.(Mase)(美)馬塞(人名)

7、fazed ─── adj.倉(cāng)皇失措的,焦慮不安的;v.(非正式)打擾,(使)慌亂(faze的過(guò)去式及過(guò)去分詞)

8、maned ─── adj.有鬃毛的;長(zhǎng)著長(zhǎng)而密的頭發(fā)的

9、dazed ─── adj.頭昏的;茫然的;vt.使眩暈;使惶惑(daze的過(guò)去式)

mazed 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、She finally lost herself in the maze of income tax figures. ─── 她終于被所得稅單上大堆的數(shù)據(jù)弄糊涂了。

2、To get the crystal, she must find her way through a maze. ─── 為了找到水晶,她必須找到穿過(guò)迷宮的路。

3、To settle the matter, the scientists designed a huge maze and ran the chimps and elephants through it. ─── 為解決這一問(wèn)題,科學(xué)家們?cè)O(shè)計(jì)了一個(gè)迷宮讓黑猩猩和大象跑著穿過(guò)。

4、One of those tests inoles teaching the animals to locate a platform hidden in a maze set up in a water tank. ─── 其中一項(xiàng)測(cè)試包括訓(xùn)練動(dòng)物找到藏在迷宮中的踏板,該裝置設(shè)置在一個(gè)水箱中。

5、It was difficult to think through this maze of contradictory facts and statistics. ─── 從這些錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜而又相互矛盾的事實(shí)和統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)字中很難得出一個(gè)結(jié)論來(lái)。

6、London, unlike Tucson, is a maze. ─── 從圖森市反觀倫敦,它簡(jiǎn)直是個(gè)迷宮。

7、Once crack open like scrapers slice all nerves of minds in not any maze. ─── 一經(jīng)張開(kāi),便像鋒利的刀片一樣劃開(kāi)我所有的緊張與迷惑。

8、In the dungeons and a lot of mice to Sida, each layer of the maze has ... ─── 在地牢里要和很多老鼠撕打,每一層迷宮都有一扇門,找到鑰匙方可通過(guò)。

9、His words mazed me that he sometimes said like and sometimes said don't like, up till now, I don't know he like or not. ─── 他的話真把我給弄糊涂了。他一會(huì)兒說(shuō)喜歡,一會(huì)兒又說(shuō)不喜歡。到現(xiàn)在我也不知道他到底喜歡還是不喜歡。

10、Everyone is still worrying Looking for alternative route for running In case of fire occurring Inside the maze building! ─── 大家都還在擔(dān)心,尋找其他路線逃跑,以防火災(zāi)的發(fā)生,救在這迷城!

11、But you said it's a Korean goods, I am mazed . ─── 可您一說(shuō)朝鮮貨,我就傻了。

12、At the crossrod the insomnia and hunger are interlaced, maze the tie but infect a mood that will ill-treat myself. ─── 失眠和饑餓交錯(cuò)的十字路口,迷失緣又感染了一種自虐情緒。

13、Although this game may appear to be a simple maze to the eyes, it is really an adventure. ─── 可能你看這游戲只是簡(jiǎn)單的迷宮,但它真的是一個(gè)大冒險(xiǎn)。

14、Photo Gallery: Kelp Gardens Sunlight filters through a maze of giant kelp near Catalina Island in California. ─── 意譯:海帶花園圖片集。日光過(guò)濾器通過(guò)一個(gè)迷宮巨海帶卡塔利娜島附近島嶼在加利福尼亞州。

15、GUNNING HIS ENGINE, Anderson zigzagged through a maze of winding, deserted roads deep into the country. ─── 發(fā)動(dòng)了車子的引擎,安德森的車子就曲折穿行在鄉(xiāng)間迷宮般的蜿蜒僻靜的道路上。

16、They have ripped out the maze of narrow streets and buildings which formed the centre of the city. ─── 他們已把市中心那些雜亂的狹窄街道和建筑物拆除了。

17、Just another day in the maze of a myth. ─── 在迷宮中的另一天。

18、I admire! Laodu you went to there and used this to have western-style food, the foreign people must be mazed. ─── 羨慕??!老毒到了他鄉(xiāng)吃西餐還用這個(gè),老外肯定傻了,驚呼“洋啊!”

19、Sniff and Scurry continued to wake early every day and race through the maze, always following the same route. ─── 嗅嗅和匆匆仍舊每天都起得很早,然后沿著相同的路線跑進(jìn)迷宮中。

20、The 300-year-old Ottoman quarter, on the other hand, is a maze of little alleyways and crumbling coral houses. ─── 對(duì)面奧特曼時(shí)代遺留下來(lái)的居住區(qū)已經(jīng)有300年的歷史,有著迷宮一般的小巷和珊瑚石砌就、巖塊剝落的房屋。

21、She was lost in the maze for several hours. ─── 她在迷宮中迷了路,浪費(fèi)了好幾個(gè)小時(shí)。

22、Manulife Asset Management Mutual Funds can help you meet your financial goals by helping you navigate through the maze of investment options. ─── 宏利資產(chǎn)管理可以助您在日趨復(fù)雜的投資選擇項(xiàng)目中,尋找適合之選,讓您更快達(dá)致個(gè)人的理財(cái)目標(biāo)。

23、He found his way through the complex maze of corridors. ─── 他穿過(guò)了迷宮一樣的走廊。

24、In the vaulted maze of the kitchens -well, the imagination should need no assistance. ─── 在廚房組成的地下迷宮中--好吧,想象力也許不需要幫手。

25、He can scare away the guards by ringing the alarm in the maze. ─── 他能夠通過(guò)拉響迷宮的警報(bào)嚇走警衛(wèi)。

26、The Party was caught in a maze of schemes and intrigues both of enemies and of allies, but it lacked vigilance. ─── 黨處于敵人和同盟者的陰謀詭計(jì)的包圍中,但是沒(méi)有警覺(jué)性。

27、Cabbies must master London’s maze of streets, and their calculation of routes may stimulate brain changes. ─── I出租司機(jī)必須掌握倫敦混亂的街道,而他們的路由選擇則極有可能促進(jìn)了大腦的變化。

28、They had entered a maze of fences, through which they twisted and turned for a long time before finally finding their way out again. ─── 他們被引入一帶曲折的迷陣似的欄桿,他們彎來(lái)彎去走了許久才走出了這個(gè)迷陣。

29、The 2006 Stocker Farms corn maze in Snohomish, Washington in the US. ─── 2006年美國(guó)華盛頓州斯諾荷米遜鎮(zhèn)上,史塔克農(nóng)場(chǎng)的玉米迷宮.

30、Alleyways wind through the city like a maze, opening up into surprising, sunny fountained piazzas. ─── 小巷子像迷宮一般蜿蜒穿過(guò)這座城市,出現(xiàn)在令人驚訝、絢爛的噴泉廣場(chǎng)上。

31、Greece turned to the young prince, Theseus, the way he challenges the use of latent mythical monster of the maze. ─── 變身為年青的希臘王子,忒修斯,使用他的方式挑戰(zhàn)神話般潛伏怪獸的迷宮。

32、Why would anyone choose to get mired in a maze when the days encase us, loopy and confusing? ─── 當(dāng)我們陷入歲月的牢籠,困惑不安的時(shí)候,誰(shuí)又有心情再去迷失在一幅迷宮圖中呢?

33、We got lost in Hampton Court maze. ─── 我們?cè)跐h普頓科特迷宮里迷了路。

34、In the electronic maze of Internet, E-mail is perhaps the most facile tool for the business user to access and utilize in corporate communication. ─── 在因特網(wǎng)的電子迷宮中,也許E-mail是商業(yè)用戶在集體通訊中存取.使用最容易采用的手段.

35、Many Neapolitans earn their first lira selling contraband cigarettes in the city's maze of alleys. ─── 大多數(shù)那不列斯人靠在這座城市迷宮般的小巷里兜售違禁香煙來(lái)賺取第一筆錢。

36、At first, in De Palma's maze of visual styles, we feel as lost as the men in their moral labyrinth. ─── 剛開(kāi)始,在德?帕爾瑪錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的視覺(jué)風(fēng)格中,我們會(huì)覺(jué)得和那些在道德迷宮中迷路的人一樣迷失。

37、Go to help those who need, to direct those who maze, to save those who deserve, until the day the next inheritor comes. ─── 去吧,去幫助那些需要幫助的人,去指引那些迷惘的人,去拯救那些應(yīng)該挽救的人,直到下一個(gè)繼承者來(lái)到。

38、Smiling as he remembered, Martin thought of the laboratory maze. ─── 回憶到這兒,馬丁笑了,他想起了實(shí)驗(yàn)室中的迷津。

39、Big companies can hire lawyers to help their PACs find their way through the maze, but the little guys get lost. ─── 大企業(yè)可以聘請(qǐng)律師為他們的“政治行動(dòng)委員會(huì)”指點(diǎn)迷津,但是小企業(yè)卻迷失了方向。

40、Later that day, as I walked through our living room, a maze revealed itself to me in the mahogany coffee table. ─── 當(dāng)天稍后,我穿客廳而過(guò),卻見(jiàn)廳里的紅木咖啡桌向我展示了一個(gè)迷宮。

41、For a stranger here,the London tube could be a maze. ─── 對(duì)一個(gè)陌生人來(lái)說(shuō),倫敦地鐵可能是個(gè)迷宮。

42、The result shows that Chinese money maze rate would gradually decrease in the expectable future. ─── 分析表明,今后可預(yù)期的一段時(shí)間內(nèi),中國(guó)的貨幣迷失率將逐步走低。

43、How do you design an infinite maze having both entrance and exit? ─── 怎樣設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)有出入口的無(wú)限迷宮?

44、Inside us is a maze of interdependent systems: not one works alone. ─── 人體內(nèi)部是一個(gè)互相依賴的系統(tǒng)迷宮,沒(méi)有一個(gè)器官能夠獨(dú)立作業(yè)。

45、He was in such a maze that he couldn't speak. ─── 他困惑不堪,語(yǔ)無(wú)倫次。

46、Like the classic monster tower game, a game you need layers of the maze to find the ultimate relief. ─── 像經(jīng)典的魔塔游戲一樣,這個(gè)游戲也需要你在層層的迷宮中找到最終的解脫。

47、Researchers compared the use of fertilizer in 3 areas that grow mazed maize as a major grain, : China, Kenya and the United States. ─── 研究者比較了3個(gè)主要小麥種植地:中國(guó),肯尼亞,美國(guó)的肥料用量。

48、JT must navigate the political maze to discern the truth and try to save the soldiers' lives. ─── 后來(lái),從一段影片發(fā)現(xiàn)美軍竟是受害者,既然是清白之身,豈能袖手旁觀;況且美國(guó)有意拉軍政府下臺(tái),組織臨時(shí)政府,美軍事件發(fā)生得正是時(shí)候。

49、A maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities. ─── 官僚主義與墨守成規(guī)混雜成一團(tuán)糟

50、But I'm in a maze already without going down to the tube. ─── 可我還沒(méi)下地鐵就已經(jīng)暈頭轉(zhuǎn)向了。

51、Today I attended ISI's activity.I went to the corn maze and a pumpkin farm.I did not get lost in the corn maze. ─── 今天我參加ISI的活動(dòng),我去玉米迷宮和南瓜園,我沒(méi)有玉米迷宮中迷路,南瓜有不同的形狀和大小。

52、It Is Safer To Search In The Maze Than Remain In The Cheeseless Situation. ─── 在迷宮中搜尋比停留在沒(méi)有奶酪的地方更安全。

53、I had always liked solving puzzles, still do, but I was just clawing my way through a maze. ─── 我一直都喜歡解謎,現(xiàn)在也是,但那時(shí)只是在迷宮里艱難地爬行。

54、Duck, your floorplan is great, and your house is like a maze too. ─── 慚愧,慚愧,次貸的好處在休斯敦還沒(méi)有顯示出來(lái),這里的房?jī)r(jià)最近沒(méi)有漲,但是一點(diǎn)也沒(méi)有跌。

55、Move your ball around the maze but don't fall into the holes or you start again. Can use camera to play also. ─── 在迷宮中移動(dòng)圓球,小心不能掉入洞中,否則重新開(kāi)始。可以用攝像頭游戲。

56、He is so mazed that he does not know what to do. ─── 他昏亂得不知所措。

57、Cathy was the first one brave enough to venture into the maze of his laboratory. ─── 卡西第一個(gè)有足夠的勇氣進(jìn)入他那迷宮一樣的實(shí)驗(yàn)室。

58、A popular figure around the world maze games, puzzle games belong to. ─── 一款風(fēng)靡全球的數(shù)字迷宮游戲,屬于益智類游戲。

59、There, over several weeks, the myriad pieces and trackers or wires are reassembled in an intricate maze. ─── 在那里花上幾個(gè)星期的時(shí)間,重新組裝錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的木牽引或線路。

60、In a warren of cubicles, a maze of "workstations," there is one station that has no exit, and inside it sits a skeleton. ─── 在他的畫里,一大堆的小屋擠成一團(tuán),組成了“工作站”的迷宮。其中的一個(gè)工作站沒(méi)有門,一個(gè)骷髏正坐在里面。

61、Different level has different maps and the player needs to walk out from the maze as soon as possible. ─── 尋寶著要在迷宮里快速地走動(dòng),因時(shí)間有限,同時(shí)還要尋找寶藏,得高分。

62、He managed to lose his pursuers in the maze of streets. ─── 在繁雜的街道上,他竭力擺脫了跟蹤者。

63、A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave. ─── 向?qū)ьI(lǐng)我們通過(guò)山洞里如迷宮般的隧道。

64、I think she mazed me a little, the bitch. ─── 我想她讓我感到有點(diǎn)迷惑,賤人。

65、She still looked about her upon the great maze of the city without understanding. ─── 她打量著周圍像迷宮一般的城市市容。 仍然感到一片茫然。

66、She was lost in a maze of railway lines. ─── 她在縱橫交錯(cuò)的鐵軌前面迷失了方向。

67、Stack, queue, maze problem, expression computing, multi-stack and multi-queue. ─── 堆棧;隊(duì)列;迷宮問(wèn)題;表達(dá)式計(jì)算;多堆棧和多隊(duì)列。

68、Reason And Countermeasure Of Prevention and Cure To the Crime Of the Callan Who Have Mazed in the Internet ─── 迷失于網(wǎng)絡(luò)的青少年犯罪原因及防治對(duì)策

69、Carrie realised the change of affectional atmosphere at once. Amid all the maze, uproar, and novelty she felt cold reality taking her by the hand. ─── 嘉莉立刻感覺(jué)到氣氛的變化。眼前雖然仍是一片紛亂喧鬧和新奇的世界,她感覺(jué)到冰冷的現(xiàn)實(shí)抓住了她的手。

70、As an example let us look at a computer-controlled mechanical mouse in a maze. ─── 作為例子,讓我們看一下一只計(jì)算機(jī)操縱的機(jī)器鼠在迷宮里的情況。

71、Finding a way through the maze of channels of the strait was a brilliant piece of navigation and evidence of Magellan's genius. ─── 發(fā)現(xiàn)海峽水道迷宮的航線是航海史上輝煌的一頁(yè),也是證明麥哲倫天才的有力證據(jù)。

72、I seemed to be in a maze, unable to find the exit. But a tiny light spurred me on. ─── 但是我始終挺起身子向前邁步,因?yàn)槲铱匆?jiàn)了一點(diǎn)豆大的燈光。

73、He is in such a maze that he can not speak. ─── 他困惑不堪,語(yǔ)無(wú)倫次。

74、Out of a maze of distress, she prayed to God to direct her, to show her what was her duty. ─── 在一片茫然的苦腦中,她請(qǐng)求上帝指引她,告訴她她該怎么做。

75、ANI impaired retention as the mice injected with ANI requiredlonger time in the maze test. ─── ANI破壞小鼠的記憶,而預(yù)先給予DGAVP則能防止ANI的破壞作用;

76、Seen from above,the old town is a maze of canals, little bridges and tiny cobbled streets that tourists get lost in. ─── 從上面俯看,古城就是一座由溝渠、小橋和鵝卵石鋪成的街巷構(gòu)成的迷宮,游人極易迷失其中。

77、Traverse to the exit of the maze while picking power-ups such as Blaster Pack and Ammo Pack. ─── 導(dǎo)線的出口的迷宮,而采摘電力公司,如沖擊波包和彈藥包。

78、Take a dangerous journey with Buddy- a funny little shark who has to find the way out of the complicated maze. ─── 小鯊魚的危險(xiǎn)的旅程:一只必須從復(fù)雜迷宮逃出的搞笑小鯊魚。

79、Cabbies must master London's maze of streets, and their calculation of routes may stimulate brain changes. ─── 出租車司機(jī)必須掌握倫敦如迷宮般的街道,他們對(duì)路線的計(jì)算促使大腦發(fā)生改變。

80、Every day the mice and the little people spent time in the maze looking for their own special cheese. ─── 兩個(gè)小老鼠和兩個(gè)小矮人每天都在迷宮中度過(guò),在其中尋找他們各自喜歡的奶酪。

81、She knows there's an exit and plans to traverse the maze systematically to find it. ─── 她知道有一個(gè)出口,并且計(jì)劃系統(tǒng)地搜索迷宮找到出口。

82、Can you design a maze with both entrance and exit? ─── 你能否設(shè)計(jì)出一個(gè)有出入口的迷宮?

83、If you add solder and you can make that circuit substitute for a maze of conventional wiring. ─── 如加上焊料,你就可以使板上面的電路代替那種用舊方法連接起來(lái)的迷宮一樣的線路。

84、In the New World, Hengchongzhizhuang, in the underground maze in the search for treasures, how can play! ─── 在新大陸里橫沖直撞,在地下迷宮里尋找寶藏,怎么玩都可以!

85、Effects of scopolamine and physostigmine on acquisition of morphine-treated rats in Morris water maze performance. ─── 東莨菪堿和毒扁豆堿對(duì)嗎啡訓(xùn)練大鼠空間學(xué)習(xí)的影響。

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