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10-03 投稿


veto 發(fā)音

英:[?vi?to?]  美:[?vi?t??]

英:  美:

veto 中文意思翻譯





veto 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 否決權(quán)vt. 否決;禁止vi. 否決;禁止

veto 短語詞組

1、suspensive veto ─── [法] 致使停頓的否決

2、pocket-veto ─── 擱置否決權(quán)

3、absolute veto ─── [法] 絕對(duì)否決, 絕對(duì)的否決

4、liberum veto ─── [法] 自由否決權(quán)

5、local veto ─── 地方抉擇權(quán)

6、veto in detail ─── 部分條款否決權(quán)

7、item veto ─── 部分條款否決權(quán)

8、pocket veto ─── 擱置否決

9、veto a bill ─── [法] 否決議案

10、put a veto upon ─── [法] 否決, 禁止

11、line-item veto ─── [美國英語]單項(xiàng)條款否決權(quán)

12、power of veto ─── [法] 否決權(quán)

13、put a veto on ─── 否決,不贊成,反對(duì)

14、qualified veto ─── [法] 有限制的否決權(quán)

15、double veto ─── [法] 兩次否決

16、line item veto ─── 單項(xiàng)否決權(quán)

17、veto-proof a. ─── 防否決的;(擁有足夠的可能票數(shù))確保能不被否決的

18、right of veto ─── [法] 否決權(quán)

19、veto power ─── [經(jīng)] 否決權(quán)

veto 常用詞組

veto power ─── 否決權(quán)

put a veto on ─── 否決;禁止

veto 詞性/詞形變化,veto變形


veto 相似詞語短語

1、Leto ─── n.勒托(希臘神話中的一個(gè)形象)

2、peto ─── n.棘鲅

3、vet ─── n.獸醫(yī);獸醫(yī)診所;老兵;審查;v.審查,檢查;作獸醫(yī);診療;n.(Vet)(荷,俄)韋特(人名)

4、vets ─── abbr.退伍軍人(veteransadjustmentscale);n.(Vets)人名;(英)韋茨

5、Aneto ─── 阿內(nèi)塔

6、keto ─── adj.酮類的;n.(Keto)(美)凱托(人名)

7、aweto ─── n.冬蟲夏草

8、vego ─── n.素食主義者;adj.素食的

9、vet. ─── n.獸醫(yī);獸醫(yī)診所;老兵;審查;v.審查,檢查;作獸醫(yī);診療;n.(Vet)(荷,俄)韋特(人名)

veto 特殊用法

1、absolute veto ─── 無限制的否決權(quán), 絕對(duì)否決權(quán)

2、veto in detail ─── 【律】部分否決(權(quán))

3、executive veto ─── 行政否決權(quán)

veto 習(xí)慣用語

1、put a veto upon on sth. ─── 否決; 不批準(zhǔn); 禁止

2、item veto ─── [美]部分條款否決權(quán)

3、pocket veto ─── [美]總統(tǒng)對(duì)法案的擱置否決權(quán)

veto 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、To veto against the proposal was not an easy decision. ─── 否決提案的決定不是輕易作出的。

2、I'll never give a veto to any country over our security. But I also know how to lead those alliances. ─── 在國家安全的問題上,我決不會(huì)把否決權(quán)授予任何國家,但我也懂得如何領(lǐng)導(dǎo)這些盟國。

3、When the UNSC is making a decision, non-permanent member states do not have the right to veto with a single vote. ─── 在聯(lián)合國安理會(huì)要作出某項(xiàng)決議時(shí),非常任理事國是沒有一票否決權(quán)的。

4、He have the right to veto the proposal. ─── 他有權(quán)力否決這項(xiàng)提議。

5、He said that if there was no request for the vote, or the US exercised its veto, then the Palestinians would go to the general assembly. ─── 他說如果沒有進(jìn)行表決,或者美國行使了否決權(quán),那巴勒斯坦就會(huì)前往聯(lián)大(尋求觀察員身份)。

6、veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries. ─── 數(shù)世紀(jì)以來,否決已經(jīng)成為一種傳統(tǒng)的外交手段。

7、In Vermont, the state legislature successfully overrode the governor’s promised veto. ─── 在佛蒙特州,州立法機(jī)關(guān)成功推翻了州長已承諾的否決權(quán)。

8、Because of the way the package is structured, Congress can deny Mr Obama the funds, but Mr Obama can veto their denial. ─── 因?yàn)榭铐?xiàng)是以如此的方式發(fā)放,國會(huì)可以拒絕向奧巴馬發(fā)放款項(xiàng),但奧巴馬有權(quán)否決他們的否認(rèn)。

9、Seiji Maehara, a former party leader, says that to insist on UN backing is to give Russia and China a veto over Japanese foreign policy. ─── 前任黨魁前原誠司表示,若堅(jiān)持要獲得聯(lián)合國的支持才行動(dòng),則就是把日本外交政策的否決權(quán)交給了*屏蔽*和中國。

10、Re-enacted in May 1928, the McNary-Haugen bill drew a second veto from the president. ─── 1928年5月,重新判定的麥克納里-霍根法又遭總統(tǒng)否決。

11、On every decree of his they have a tacit veto, by merely refraining from carrying it into effect. ─── 他們對(duì)于沙皇的每項(xiàng)詔令都有一個(gè)不聲不響的否決權(quán),只要不把它付諸實(shí)施就得了。

12、He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area. ─── 他提出一件大事:用英國對(duì)歐洲一體化的否決權(quán)去交換脫離歐盟政策的區(qū)域的權(quán)利。

13、But with a narrow majority and a Republican president who still has veto power, do they have the ability to pass consumer-friendly legislation as promised? ─── 但是,大多數(shù)共和黨總統(tǒng)窄誰還否決權(quán)是否有能力通過消費(fèi)者的法律承諾呢?

14、A rebellious congress overrode the president's veto. ─── 不聽話的國會(huì)推翻了總統(tǒng)的否決。

15、He stressed that his revised budget had lost of room for give and take and suggested that lawmakers could do a good deal of tinkering without provoking another veto. ─── 他強(qiáng)調(diào)說他修改過的預(yù)算有很多折沖的余地,并暗示議員們盡可略事更改,而不會(huì)招致再一次否決。

16、Nato also does not want Russia to think it has a veto over who joins the alliance, the BBC's Caroline Wyatt says. ─── 北大西洋公約組織也要俄國認(rèn)為它結(jié)束有一次叁加同盟否決權(quán),英國廣播公司的凱若琳,懷亞特說。

17、Congress may override the President's veto by approving the bill again with at least a two-thirds majority vote in both the House and the Senate. ─── 國會(huì)可以以兩院2/3強(qiáng)的表決來推翻否決而再次通過議案。

18、As a result, in 1947 Congress passed the Labor Management Relations Act over President Truman's veto. ─── 1947年,國會(huì)在推翻了杜魯門總統(tǒng)的否決之后,通過了“勞工管理關(guān)系法”。

19、He says he will veto pork-barrel spending, a threat his Senate record makes credible. ─── 他說他將否決“豬肉桶”開銷,他在參議院的經(jīng)歷證明這個(gè)威脅是真實(shí)可靠的。

20、He used his veto to stop the project from being accepted. ─── 他使用否決權(quán)阻止該計(jì)畫被采納。

21、China is one of five veto-wielding permanent members of the U. N. Security Council and its support is crucial in efforts to reform U. ─── 中國是聯(lián)合國五個(gè)擁有否決權(quán)的常任理事國之一,因此中國的支持對(duì)改革聯(lián)合國機(jī)構(gòu)的努力至關(guān)重要。

22、The president has the power of veto over all new legislation. ─── 總統(tǒng)有權(quán)否決一切新法規(guī)。

23、Farm-state lawmakers have sought to prevail in keeping the old subsidies largely in place, drawing a veto threat on Wednesday from the White House. ─── 農(nóng)場州立法者試圖占上風(fēng),在保持舊的補(bǔ)貼大致到位,繪畫否決權(quán)威脅星期三從白宮。

24、Russia has all but promised to veto any text that foresees independence for the territory. ─── 俄羅斯已經(jīng)明示會(huì)拒絕任何包括科索沃獨(dú)立內(nèi)容的草案。

25、China and Russia would veto any resolution in the Security Council. ─── 中國和俄羅斯將會(huì)否決安理會(huì)的任何解決方法。

26、The Lords exercised their veto. ─── 上議院使用了他們的否決權(quán)。

27、China claims veto power over Hong Kong reform. ─── 中國宣稱有權(quán)否決香港改革方案。

28、One of the official powers of the President is the ability to veto bills. ─── 否決議案是總統(tǒng)的權(quán)限之一。

29、The bill then becomes a law despite the President's veto. ─── 盡管總統(tǒng)否決議案仍然變成了法律。

30、Yet some permanent members of the Security Council have publicly announced that they will veto any resolution that compels the disarmament of Iraq. ─── 但還有一些政府公開表示將在安理會(huì)上行使否決權(quán)來否定任何促使伊拉克解除武裝的決議。

31、If I later had to veto Republican budget bills, I wanted to do so after demonstrating a good-faith effort to make honorable compromises. ─── 如果遲后我不得不否決共和黨的預(yù)算法案,我也想表明自己善意的努力,做出令人尊敬的妥協(xié),之后再提出自己的計(jì)劃。

32、Within a few years Congress, overturning a veto by President Woodrow Wilson, passed laws that sharply cut the inflow of migrants. ─── 在數(shù)年間,國會(huì)推翻伍德羅威爾遜總統(tǒng)的否決,通過了大幅削減移民流入的法律。

33、To this end, We streets on advanced qualifications were 'one-vote veto' leading punished, we were so after deducting bonuses. ─── 為此,我們街道評(píng)先進(jìn)的資格被‘一票否決’,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)受到處罰,我們的獎(jiǎng)金也被扣掉。

34、But, unlike in America, he cannot veto bills. ─── 但他又不能像美國總統(tǒng)那樣否決議案。

35、His father put a veto upon his staying out late. ─── 他父親不許他在外邊呆得太晚。

36、He had been successful beyond all expectations, and achieved virtual veto influence over all operations and personnel within the Agency. ─── 他獲得了意想不到的成功,對(duì)局內(nèi)各種工作和人事問題,取得了實(shí)際的否決權(quán)。

37、The council has veto all plans to hold protest march in the centre of town. ─── 地方議會(huì)否決所有在市中心舉行抗議游行的計(jì)劃。

38、I would refuse to let you even veto. ─── 哪怕是你只行使否決權(quán),我也不同意。

39、Mr Bush's veto does not kill stem-cell research.Scientists who spurn federal cash may do as they please. ─── 但布什的否決并沒有把干細(xì)胞研究一棍子打死,那些放棄了聯(lián)邦資金支持的科學(xué)家可以按他們的想法進(jìn)行研究。

40、The governor's veto kept the bill from becoming a law. ─── 州長的否決使該法案無法成為法律。

41、President Bush is set to veto a bill that would have loosened federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. ─── 布什總統(tǒng)將否決國會(huì)要解除禁止對(duì)胚胎干細(xì)胞研究提供聯(lián)邦資助一項(xiàng)法案。

42、They fell six votes short of the two-thirds necessary to reverse the veto. ─── 他們因所需推翻否決案的三分之二的票數(shù)差了六票而受挫。

43、Should the president veto the appropriations bill, it goes back to Congress. ─── 假如總統(tǒng)否決了這項(xiàng)撥款提案,就把它退還給國會(huì)。

44、Chadha appeared to invalidate all of the nearly 200 legislative veto devices that were then on the books. ─── “查達(dá)”案看來好像使在當(dāng)時(shí)已載入書冊(cè)的近200種立法否決策略全部無效。

45、Will they interpose their veto again ? ─── 他們還會(huì)再次否決嗎?

46、A veto would rob the action of strict legality, but paradoxically, by exposing the cynicism of the junta's apologists, help to gain it legitimacy. ─── 否決票將取消行動(dòng)的合法性,同時(shí)這可以暴露為軍事政府辯護(hù)者的虛偽,從而有助于空投的合法化。

47、State statutes are passed by state legislatures with the consent of the governor (or by a supermajority vote over the governor's veto). ─── 州成文法由州立法機(jī)構(gòu)通過并得到州長的同意(或者通過多數(shù)決推翻州長的否決)。

48、Two years later, in January 1917, Congress overrode his veto of a similar bill. ─── 兩年后,1917年1月,國會(huì)推翻他對(duì)一項(xiàng)類似法案的否決。

49、The headteacher of the school reserves a veto over management-board decisions. ─── 學(xué)校校長保留對(duì)管理理事會(huì)決定的否決權(quán)。

50、Russia has veto power in the U. N. Security Council and can stop the passage of any resolution against the volatile Middle Eastern nation. ─── 俄羅斯在聯(lián)合國安理會(huì)擁有否決權(quán),可以阻止通過任何針對(duì)敘利亞這個(gè)動(dòng)蕩的中東國家的決議。

51、But China is also fully aware that the United States can veto an I.M.F. decision. ─── 但中國也充分認(rèn)識(shí)到,美國可以否決國際貨幣基金組織的任何一個(gè)決定。

52、The WTO has some of its own natural safeguards-rules are decided by comsensus of all 142-mnmber governments-so every country has a voice and a veto. ─── WTO的組織內(nèi)部可以進(jìn)行一定意義上的自我保護(hù),所有規(guī)定經(jīng)全部142個(gè)成員國一致同意方可通過,這樣每個(gè)國家都可以發(fā)表意見,作出否決。

53、If Mr Bush allows the Christian right a veto over his appointments, he will re-ignite America s culture wars. ─── 如果布什否決自己的任命,就會(huì)重新點(diǎn)燃美國的文化戰(zhàn)火。

54、White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the president would veto the bill in its present form. ─── 白宮發(fā)言人佩里諾說,布什總統(tǒng)將否決現(xiàn)在這個(gè)法案。

55、They carried the ministerial veto. ─── 他們行使了內(nèi)閣否決權(quán)。

56、Congress overrode my veto, but in 2001, when all the problems with Enron and WorldCom arose, I knew I had done the right thing. ─── 國會(huì)推翻了我的否決,然而在2001年,當(dāng)所有牽扯到安然公司和美國世界通信公司的問題暴露出來時(shí),我知道我在這件事上做對(duì)了。

57、The president threatened to veto the entire $664 billion defense appropriations bill if there were F-22s in it. ─── 奧巴馬曾宣稱,如果國會(huì)繼續(xù)投資F-22戰(zhàn)機(jī),他就會(huì)連全部6640億的國防撥款給一起否決掉。

58、The Russians are threatening to veto any resolution not acceptable to Serbia. ─── 俄方明確表示將反對(duì)任何難以令塞爾維亞接受的方案。

59、Then there are a lot of defects in the exercise of the veto power. ─── 但在協(xié)調(diào)利益與正義的問題上,否決權(quán)的具體操作存在著許多缺陷。

60、EW: Could they veto a script? Could they say they're just not going to produce it? ─── 他們有權(quán)否決劇本嗎?他們可以隨時(shí)終止制作嗎?

61、Nor did House Minority Leader Marty Seifert, whose GOP caucus fended off an override of Pawlenty's most recent veto. ─── 但這種方法不能維持更久,” 莫納說到?!拔覀兊拇_需要尋找能夠長期依靠的資金來源。

62、WASHINGTON: Farm-state lawmakers have sought to prevail in keeping the old subsidies largely in place, drawing a veto threat from the White House. ─── 華盛頓:農(nóng)用州立法者試圖占上風(fēng),在保持舊的補(bǔ)貼大致到位,繪畫否決權(quán)的威脅來自白宮。

63、In 1919, Congress enacted the Volstead Act, which provided for enforcement of Prohibition, over President Wilson's veto. ─── 1919年,美國國會(huì)不顧威爾遜總統(tǒng)的否決,頒布沃爾斯特法案(禁酒法案),該法案規(guī)定,實(shí)行強(qiáng)制性禁酒

64、President Bush has vowed to veto any timetable for troop withdrawal. ─── 布什總統(tǒng)發(fā)誓會(huì)否決任何一個(gè)軍隊(duì)撤回的安排。

65、He has the right to veto the proposal. ─── 他有權(quán)否決這項(xiàng)提議。

66、George Washington was the first president in the history of America to use his veto power. ─── 喬治·華盛頓是美國歷史上第一個(gè)動(dòng)用否決權(quán)的總統(tǒng)。

67、Mr Bush is unlikely to veto bills to raise the minimum wage or to restrict and make more transparent the way lobbyists schmooze lawmakers. ─── 布什不會(huì)否決提高最低工資的法案,也不會(huì)插手說客跟立法者交流方式的透明度問題。

68、They need 12 votes to override his veto. ─── 他們需要12票來推翻他的否決。

69、To prevent(a legislative bill) from becoming law by exercising the power of veto. ─── 否決通過行使否決權(quán)而使立法案不能形成法律

70、In Vermont, the state legislature successfully overrode the governor's promised veto. ─── 在佛蒙特州,州立法機(jī)構(gòu)推翻了州長在選舉時(shí)承諾的否決票。

71、Ten years ago, Members of Congress from both parties voted to grant President Clinton the line-item veto. ─── 十年以前,來自兩黨的國會(huì)議員通過投票賦予了克林頓總統(tǒng)部分否決權(quán)。

72、For years it had used the threat of its veto to keep North Korean adventurism off the Security Council's agenda. ─── 多年來,中國一直用其一票否決權(quán)來保護(hù)朝鮮,在安理會(huì)的議程中避開其冒險(xiǎn)主義。

73、Congress can pass laws, but the President can veto them, and his veto can be overturned only by a super-majority. ─── 國會(huì)可以通過法令,但總統(tǒng)可以否決,而總統(tǒng)的否決只有在國會(huì)參分之二多數(shù)決的情況下才能被推翻。

74、Veto seven batches of subsidiary legislation? ─── 否決七條附屬法例?

75、Schwarzenegger also extended a loan to fund stem cell research in the state following a Bush veto of a federal funding bill. ─── 在布??偨y(tǒng)否決了一項(xiàng)由聯(lián)邦政府資助干細(xì)胞研究的法案后,施瓦辛格延長了對(duì)在本州內(nèi)進(jìn)行干細(xì)胞研究的一項(xiàng)貸款。

76、However, the president has the power to veto acts of the legislature and, in turn, a supermajority of legislators may act to override the veto. ─── 但是,總統(tǒng)有權(quán)利否決立法部門提出的法案,同時(shí),經(jīng)總統(tǒng)否決的議案也能因立法部門絕大多數(shù)人投票反對(duì)而推翻。

77、But even if the president rejects the bill, Congress can override his veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House and the Senate. ─── 但即使總統(tǒng)否決了這個(gè)法案,國會(huì)可以透過參、眾兩院三分之二的票數(shù)同意而不顧他的否決。

78、But even if the president rejects the bill Congress can override his veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House and the Senate. ─── 但即使總統(tǒng)否決了這個(gè)法案國會(huì)可以透過參、眾兩院三分之二的票數(shù)同意而不顧他的否決。

79、In1947, the Senate joined the House in overriding President Truman's veto of the Taft-Hartley Act. ─── 1947年,參議院和議院在駁回杜魯門總統(tǒng)對(duì)塔夫脫哈特萊法的否決問題上達(dá)成一致。

80、No appeal against the veto is possible, although there is a slim chance that a judicial review may be sought. ─── 對(duì)此項(xiàng)否決提起上訴是不可能的了,要推翻該否決唯一的一絲希望是尋求司法審查。

81、The Secretary-General's selection is therefore subject to the veto of any of the five permanent members of the Council. ─── 因此,挑選秘書長的工作可能受到安理會(huì)五個(gè)常任理事國中任何一國的否決。

82、"Tonight, the House of Representatives voted for failure in Iraq, and the president will veto its bill," she said in a statement. ─── 她在一份聲明中說,“今晚,白宮代表將會(huì)對(duì)伊拉克的事務(wù)的失敗與否投票,總統(tǒng)會(huì)禁止這個(gè)法案”

83、The mayor's veto was the kiss of death for the new law. ─── 市長的否決使得新法律不能生效。

84、Within hours of Bush's veto, both the House of Representatives and the Senate voted to override his veto and signed this Bill into Law. ─── 在幾個(gè)小時(shí)內(nèi),布什的否決,無論是眾議院和參議院的表決推翻他的否決,并簽署了這一法案變成法律。

85、For six months, he has kept the legislation at bay by threatening to veto it if it is sent to him in its current form. ─── 6個(gè)月來,他一直通過威脅會(huì)對(duì)這項(xiàng)法案投否決票來背水一戰(zhàn)。

86、In these states the veto gives the governor leverage over budget decisions. ─── 在這些州,否決權(quán)使州長可以影響預(yù)算決定。

87、Because the measure passed the House and Senate by close votes, it is highly unlikely opposition Democrats can find the two-thirds majority to over-ride this veto. ─── 因?yàn)樽h案在國會(huì)和參議院以十分接近的選票通過,民主黨幾乎不可能找到。

88、Therefore, the corporation may continue its operations veto disruption, despite the retirement or death of individual stockholders. ─── 因此,不論個(gè)別股東退休或死亡,公司都可以持續(xù)經(jīng)營。

89、They quickly and overrode President Bush's veto of a bill that affected the reimbursement of physicians by Medicare. ─── 他們很快和推翻布什總統(tǒng)否決了一項(xiàng)法案,受影響的償還醫(yī)生的醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn)。

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