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10-03 投稿


marge 發(fā)音


英:  美:

marge 中文意思翻譯



marge 網(wǎng)絡釋義

n. 邊緣(等于margin)

marge 詞性/詞形變化,marge變形

名詞復數(shù): margays |

marge 短語詞組

1、marge simpson ─── 邊際辛普森

marge 相似詞語短語

1、Marge ─── n.瑪吉(女子名,Margaret的昵稱,等于Margie或Marj)

2、mage ─── n.博學者;魔術師;n.(Mage)人名;(西)馬赫;(法)馬熱

3、madge ─── n.馬奇(女子名,等于Margaret)

4、marae ─── n.毛利會堂;毛利人集會地

5、marges ─── n.邊緣(等于margin)

6、large ─── adj.大的;多數(shù)的;廣博的;adv.大大地;夸大地;n.大;n.(Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉爾熱

7、mange ─── n.[獸醫(yī)]獸疥癬;[獸醫(yī)]家畜疥;n.(Mange)人名;(法)芒熱;(英、意)曼奇;(西)曼赫

8、mare ─── n.母馬;母驢;月球表面陰暗部;n.(Mare)人名;(意、芬、羅、波、塞)馬蕾(女名),馬雷;(俄)瑪勒;(英)梅爾

9、barge ─── n.駁船,平底載貨船;華麗大游艇;(旗艦將官的)專用艇;v.亂闖;(體育運動中)蓄意沖撞;用駁船運載(貨物);n.(Barge)(美)巴奇(人名)

marge 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Marg: Yeah. She *loused-up one of the five best days of your life. ─── 瑪格:明白。她破壞了你一生中最美好的五天之一。

2、Marg: No I did not give her any pep talk. ─── 瑪格:不,我沒有動員她。

3、Marge replies, “George, that there airplane ride costs ten dollars, and ten dollars is ten dollars. ─── 每年瑪吉也都會回答:“我知道,喬治。但坐一次要十美元,十美元畢竟是十美元啊?!?/p>

4、"Marge, 1 was just getting ready to step into my bath when you called, so I'd better run before the water gets cold .... ─── “瑪吉,你來電話時我正準備進澡盆呢,所以我想我得趕快去了,要不水就該冷了。

5、Harry starts to lose his temper when he speaks up and debates with Aunt Marge about how the Potter's died. ─── 當哈利開始與瑪姬爭論波特夫婦的死因時,他控制不住自己的情緒了。

6、The cloud with rose glow hang on the marge of the heaven, as the sun was setting. The black earth seems rough and grave. ─── 隨著太陽的墜落,玫瑰般的云彩懸掛天邊,黑色的土地顯得粗糙和厚重。

7、Harry starts to lose his temper when he speaks up and debates with Aunt Marge about how the Potter's died. ─── 當哈利開始與瑪姬爭論波特夫婦的死因時,他控制不住自己的情緒了。

8、He was still, not wanting to make any noise that might cause Marge to wonder. ─── 他端坐在那里一動不動,不愿出任何足以引起瑪吉懷疑的聲響。

9、Since Marge's discovery in 2001, the researchers have successfully bred her to produce offspring that also make low-fat milk. ─── 自從2001年馬奇被發(fā)現(xiàn)后,研究人員成功的喂養(yǎng)了它并期望它的后代也能夠產(chǎn)出低脂牛奶。

10、Despite being on the front cover, Marge will not be totally bare, with the magazine only featuring "implied nudity" . ─── 盡管榮登雜志封面,瑪吉將不會全裸出鏡。雜志僅以“含蓄的裸露”為主題。

11、George and his wife Marge go to the State Fair every year.Every year George would say, “Marge, I’d like to ride in that there airplane. ─── 喬治回答說:“其實,當瑪吉從飛機上掉出去的時候,我本來想喊的,但十美元畢竟是十美元啊?!?/p>

12、For the Marge incident, Harry didn't get an owl, only a visit from the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. ─── 但在瑪姬事件發(fā)生后,哈利并沒有收到警告信,只是偶發(fā)事件逆轉司去了一趟他家而已。

13、His wife, Marge, made sandwiches and coffee and kept me talking about growing up in New York. ─── 他的妻子瑪吉做三明治,煮咖啡,一面要我講從小怎么在紐約長大的。

14、It all started with Marge, a cow that researchers from biotechnology company ViaLactia found naturally produces low-fat milk. ─── ViaLactia生物技術公司的研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)了奶??梢陨a(chǎn)天然的低脂牛奶,是源于奶牛馬奇。

15、Job Responsibilities:Ensure the timely and accurate costing reports, including monthly and closing reports, marg...... ... ─── 公司名稱:上海匯溪商務咨詢有限公司工作地點:上海市發(fā)布時間:2009-5-7

16、We don't know what the occasion was of Marge's visit. ─── 似乎當時天氣很好,因為德思禮一家都“在外面的草地上”嘲笑他。

17、Though Aunt Marge is now in the hospital, she'll soon be fit as a fiddle. ─── 雖然瑪姬阿姨現(xiàn)在住院,但她很快就會康復。

18、"Oh, Marge, I'm tied up then. I'm going shopping in Des Moines. Good chance to get a lot of things done I've been putting off. You know, with Richard and the kids gone-" ─── “噢,瑪吉,我那天沒空,我要到得梅音去采購,我壓下了好多事沒做,這是好機會,你知道理查德和孩子們正好出門去了?!?/p>


20、stops: list 36.0pt} .at_7{TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARG... ─── 惠州市惠城區(qū)康信達五金工具商行>>類別:溶劑油料廣東省-惠州市2008-12-3109:48

21、Situated in Andorra la Vella, the Font del Marge is an ideal base for exploring this region of the Pyrenees, or enjoying a skiing holiday in a top resort. ─── 這家酒店位于安道爾公國的首都安道爾城的歷史區(qū)域內,為前來比利牛斯山脈享受滑雪假期或購物的游客提供了理想的下榻處。

22、A portrait of Mona Lisa by Nick Walker, where the Da Vinci icon is mocked up as Marge Simpson. ─── 尼克·沃科爾的蒙娜麗莎畫像,畫中這位達·芬奇的偶像被裝扮成了美國著名的動畫形象馬吉·辛普森。

23、Although Petunia may wish to pretend she doesn't have a sister, as Harry believes she does, she is almost certainly offended at the way Marge is blaming Harry's imperfections entirely on Petunia's side of the family. ─── 盡管佩妮總是假裝自己沒有妹妹(哈利知道她有)但她肯定會因瑪姬把哈利的“缺陷”全部歸結于佩妮的家族而感到受了冒犯。

24、And Marg Helgenberger. ─── 還有邁格.希爾詹伯格。

25、P class=unnamed1 style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARG... ─── 首頁上一頁下一頁尾頁當前頁:1/共:1頁每頁:10個共:2個

26、Marge: Shary, you did the best you could, but you can't change this family. ─── 你已經(jīng)盡了力啦,但是你沒法改變這個家庭。

27、While this could be seen as a violent act, Harry's reaction was unintentional and Aunt Marge isn't hurt, after all. ─── 盡管這一場景可以視為暴力行為,但是哈利的反應不是有意的,瑪吉姑媽畢竟也沒有受到傷害。

28、You can do unfocused and uncontrolled magic without a wand (like when Harry blows up Aunt Marge), but to do really good spells you need a wand. ─── 沒有魔杖你可以施行不集中、不受控的魔法,(像哈利吹脹瑪吉姑媽的時候),但是要施真正好的咒語,你需要一個魔杖。

29、First we have Pam Ferris as Aunt Marge. ─── 然后我們回到了霍格沃茨。在樓梯盡頭有什么?

30、Aunt Marge is all of these things rolled together into one large, mustachioed package, complete with an evil-tempered animal alter-ego with a violent name who she treats far better than the humans around her. ─── 瑪姬姑媽就是所有這些缺點組成的一個肥大,長滿唇髭,蛇蝎心腸的家伙,有著損人利己的罪名。

31、Marge Simpson: Go out there and face that mob! ─── 到外面去面對圍攻的民眾!

32、., do not use a constant right-hand marg in. ─── ) 請問是什么意思?。?/p>

33、Marge was talking on about free love and communes and drugs she'd read about somewhere. ─── 瑪吉談到她在什么地方讀到的關于性解放,群居,吸毒等等。

34、Marge is a real penny-pincher. She doesn't spend money unless it is absolutely necessary. ─── 瑪吉真節(jié)省,除非真的需要,否則她絕不花錢。

35、Plot No. 262, West End Marg, M.B. Road, T Point CISF Camp, New Delhi 110030, India ─── 推薦酒店,度假村,旅店,假日旅游套餐,旅游指南等等的資訊

36、I heard so much abt u, good luck on the Marge dubbing!!! ─── 這里最好是有漢語(簡體字)可以看,希望你常常近來啊。

37、Also, Lisa develops a crush, Bart gets in trouble and Marge expresses concern and disapproval. ─── 同時,麗莎開發(fā)了粉碎,巴特還跟麻煩和馬奇表示關切和不滿。

38、Since Marge's discoery in 2001, the researchers hae successfully bred her to produce offspring that also make low-fat milk. ─── 自從2001年馬奇被發(fā)現(xiàn)后,研究人員成功的使它繁殖出的后代也能夠產(chǎn)出低脂牛奶。

39、Marge and her daughters are being kept in a secret location, where they produce milk with a fat content of about 1.0%. ─── 馬奇和其子女在一個秘密地點喂養(yǎng),它們產(chǎn)出的牛奶脂肪含量約1.0%。

40、Harry comes back downstairs to the kitchen, to find Marge served with tea and fruitcake. ─── 哈利下樓回到廚房,看見瑪姬正在喝茶,吃水果蛋糕。

41、Marg: Oh, I didn't believe you. ─── 瑪格:噢,真不敢相信你竟這么說。

42、Even though she is young and has a lot to learn, Marge isn't a child. ─── 雖然她年紀很小、尚有許多東西要學,但 Marge 可不是個小孩。

43、Vernon mentions picking up Aunt Marge, whose train is due at 10 o'clock. ─── 弗農(nóng)提起要去接瑪姬,她的火車將在10點到達。

44、Soon it will be Marge's insults of her family. ─── 接著瑪姬又侮辱了她的家庭。

45、Xutuan Coal Mine West Breeze Well Master with Main Well the Diagraph Error Marg in Analysis ─── 許疃煤礦西風井與主井之間貫通測量誤差分析

46、Marg: No, I did not *put Joanna up to this! ─── 瑪格:不,我沒有給喬安娜出過這種主意!

47、Marge retired and sold her rights in Little Lulu to the Western Publishing Co. , which continued to publish Little Lulu materials. ─── 馬奇退休,并在小露露出售她的權利,西方出版公司,繼續(xù)出版小露露材料。

48、Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time, though chiefly concerned with the protagonist's time-travel to a future utopia, also has her travel to a dystopia, and in the current time, stymies the efforts that will lead to that future. ─── 瑪兒吉皮爾希所寫的時間邊緣上的女人,主要關于主角藉由時光旅行到未來的烏托邦、反烏托邦以及現(xiàn)代,讓她去阻礙達成未來的努力。

49、Guess who I saw yesterday. Marge White. ─── 你猜我昨天碰到誰?瑪姬·懷特!

50、As Marge is outraged by Homer's monumental blunder, a vengeful mob descends on the Simpson household. ─── 瑪姬為了荷馬一再捅出大簍子怒不可遏,而憤怒的春田鎮(zhèn)居民正從四面八方涌來,打算包圍辛普森家的房子。

51、For more about Marge's eating habits, follow this link about the whelk. ─── 要想了解更多瑪姬姨媽飲食的習慣,請看這篇關于“油螺”的文章。

52、lt;!-- .at_0{MARGIN-TOP: 10px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px; MARG... ─── 啟東市匯龍鎮(zhèn)盛源工藝品經(jīng)營部>>類別:其他個人護理用具江蘇省-啟東市2008-12-2513:06

53、Marg: I didn't come up here to cheer you up, I came up because I'm concerned about Joanna. ─── 瑪格:我來這兒可不是為了安慰你的,我來是因為我關心喬安娜。

54、As the week goes on we see Aunt Petunia bottling up her frustration as she endure's Marge's boorishness. ─── 當這個星期一天天地過去,佩妮為了要忍受瑪姬的粗魯行為而感到困擾。

55、Vernon Dersley: Marge is ill. Ate a funny whelk. ─── 弗農(nóng)·德思禮:噢,瑪姬病了,吃了個怪油螺。

56、Marge: Best kiss of my life! ─── 今生最好的吻!

57、MARGE LUBELEY: "It wasn't that important." ─── 瑪吉·路比利:“不那么重要。”

58、Marge: Bottled please. ─── 瑪吉:瓶裝的。

59、George and Marge agree and up they go. ─── 喬治和瑪吉同意了,坐上了飛機。

60、" Yet even as she said it, Miranda knew in her heart that things would never be the same.That she and Marge and Joanie would never be the same. ─── 南京下雪了,無聲無息的把寒冷帶到了校園,不過一切都已經(jīng)無所謂了,本來最近比較失意這點寒冷還沒達到雪上加霜的地步,往事不提。

61、Marge: Bottled please. I prefer German beer and they don't seem to have any on draught. ─── 瑪吉:瓶裝的。我較喜歡德國啤酒,而且這里看來沒有散裝的。

62、Marg : This is my granddaughter, Georgia. ─── 這是我孫女兒喬治亞。

63、"We could phone Marge," Uncle Vernon suggested. ─── “咱們給瑪姬掛個電話吧?!备マr(nóng)姨父建議說。

64、Of course Marge is speaking about dogs here, but there's no escaping the fact that she is using a rather rude term to refer indirectly to Petunia's sister, Lily. ─── 瑪姬這里是在談論狗,但顯然她是在用相當粗魯?shù)脑掗g接地指責佩妮的妹妹莉莉。

65、Though Aunt Marge is now in the hospital, she'll soon be fit as a fiddle. ─── 雖然瑪姬阿姨現(xiàn)在住院,但她很快就會康復。

66、Harry does "wandless" magic here, the same sort of magic that he does to Aunt Marge in chapter two of PA. ─── 在那里,哈利沒有用魔杖就施展了魔法,他在《囚徒》第二章里如法炮制地對付了瑪姬姑媽。

67、Bart, Marge, &Lisa: But we're happy, just the way we are. ─── 我們很開心,我們現(xiàn)在這個樣。

68、Marge lets Norah see Sharon' s telegram. ─── (瑪姬讓蘿拉看雪倫的電報。

69、Bill: Marge will be so surprised. ─── 她可不會想到你已經(jīng)結婚了。

70、Marge is Vernon's sister and is due to stay for a week. ─── 瑪姬是弗農(nóng)的姐姐,她準備待一個禮拜。

71、George and his wife Marge go to the State Fair every year. ─── 今年,喬治和瑪吉又來到博覽會上。喬治說:“瑪吉,我都71歲了。

72、Marge Mitchell also introduced me to two young people who had just started teaching in Hot Springs, Danny Thomason and Jan Biggers. ─── 瑪琪.米切爾還介紹我認識了另兩位年輕人,丹尼.托馬森和簡.比格斯。他們剛剛開始在溫泉城教書。

73、During the course of the show we will meet 92 year old Ellen Wareham who is performing open heart surgery, and Marge Jetton is celebrating her 103rd birthday with a six-mile bike ride. ─── 在本節(jié)目中,我們將認識正在做手術的92歲老人艾倫·韋勒姆,還有馬吉·杰頓,她以6英里騎自行車的方式慶祝她的103歲生日。

74、Marg furniture as a whole in the form of dart through, consumers set their own discounts, unique marketing model to attract a large number of consumers. ─── 瑪格整體家具也通過飛鏢的形式,讓消費者自己定折扣,別具一格的營銷模式吸引了大量消費者。

75、This comes as a very unpleasant shock to Harry as Marge is his least favorite Aunt. ─── 這對哈利來說是個很不愉快的打擊,因為他是瑪姬最討厭的人。

76、Every year George would say, “Marge, I’d like to ride in that there airplane. ─── 如果我今年再不坐一次飛機,以后可能再了沒機會了?!?/p>

77、Marge starts to harass Harry while he plays along to attending St.Brutus's. ─── 瑪姬使哈利很惱火,因為他得假裝自己是圣布魯斯的。

78、Soon Marge arrives with Vernon, hugging Dudley while planting a twenty-pound note in his hand. ─── 很快,瑪姬跟著弗農(nóng)來了,擁抱了達力并把一張二十英磅塞到他手里。

79、Vernon seizes one of Marge's feet when Ripper appears and attacks Vernon's leg. ─── 弗農(nóng)抓住了瑪姬的一只腳,利皮在這時沖了出來,咬住了弗農(nóng)的腿。

80、Marge Mitchell also introduced me to two young people who had just started teaching in Hot Springs, Danny Thomason and Jan Biggers. ─── 瑪琪.米切爾還介紹我認識了另兩位年輕人,丹尼.托馬森和簡.比格斯。他們剛剛開始在溫泉城教書。

81、Pam Ferris' Aunt Marge is really easy for us to hate, and everyone loves it as we see her flying away high over Little Whinging. ─── 這既給影片增加了一層詼諧,也為格蘭芬多學員增多了一個層次,還顯示出看門的畫像所負的責任是多么危險而惱人。

82、Jeff Sr. and Marge thanked me, but I was the grateful one. ─── 老杰弗和瑪吉感謝我,倒是我要向他們感恩才是。

83、The main CT findings were as follow:heterogeneous ascites (n=8),scalloping of the liver and spleen marg... ─── 結論典型的CT表現(xiàn)可以診斷腹膜假性黏液瘤,CT檢查可為臨床治療的選擇和改善預后提供有價值的信息。

84、Marg : Georgia, you must know Mr. Kimbrough. He's the butcher. ─── 喬治亞,你認識金布羅先生的吧。他是咱這兒賣肉的師傅。

85、Peterse Marg Helgenberge... ─── 主演: William L.

86、“Hey Marge! Isn't it great being married to someone who's impulsive?” ─── 嘿,你覺不覺著嫁給一個沖動的男人很好?。?/p>

87、In the film, Fiona Shaw portrays this very well by cringing as the dog jumps on her and impusively clenching and unclenching her fist during Marge's speeches against Harry and by extension against Petunia's family. ─── 在電影里,費歐娜?蕭完美地表現(xiàn)了這一點:狗跳向她的時候她畏縮了一下;瑪姬指責哈利,牽扯到了她的家庭時她不斷地握緊拳頭。

88、Many marge old house have now is convert into flat ─── 許多舊的大房子都己改建成了單元房

89、Tasks:Analyzes market statistics to develop sales campaigns and market strategies that result in revenue and profit marg...... ... ─── 公司名稱:上海伯格人力資源有限公司工作地點:上海市發(fā)布時間:2009-7-28

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