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10-03 投稿


exotica 發(fā)音

[?g'z?t?k?; eg-]

英:  美:

exotica 中文意思翻譯



exotica 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 新奇事物,異族事物

exotica 短語詞組

1、exotica travel ─── 異域旅行

2、Murraya exotica L. ─── [醫(yī)] 九里香草

3、exotica musicians ─── 異域音樂家

4、exotica 1994 exotica 1994 ─── 年

5、exotica movie 1994 1994 ─── 年異域電影

6、exotica by martin denny ─── 馬丁·丹尼的《異國情調(diào)》

7、murraya exotica ─── 外來墨累

exotica 相似詞語短語

1、exonic ─── 外顯子的

2、erotica ─── n.色情作品;色情書籍

3、exoterica ─── n.大眾化的觀念;大眾化的作品;大眾化的理論

4、erotics ─── adj.色情的;性愛的;性欲的;n.好色之徒

5、exodic ─── adj.離心的;傳出的;輸出的

6、exotics ─── n.外來植物;超級跑車

7、erotic ─── adj.色情的;性愛的;性欲的;n.好色之徒

8、exotic ─── adj.異國的;外來的;異國情調(diào)的

9、erotical ─── adj.性愛的;色情的;n.好色之徒

exotica 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Hi everyone , the mid-autumn festival is coming soon , there will be some programme held at Exotica. ─── 趁著中秋節(jié)的來臨,外語角將舉辦2項活動,讓智星們一起歡慶佳節(jié)?。?/p>

2、Some funds that exposed themselves to mortgage-linked exotica, albeit indirectly, have had to be bailed out by their managers. ─── 有些基金持有大量奇異抵押衍生品頭寸,盡管是間接的風(fēng)險關(guān)系,基金經(jīng)理必須將這些風(fēng)險平補掉。

3、I was most pleased Shier is gathering flowers, and a dainty pink roses, noble and elegant tulips, as well as the rare summer bloom, etc., these exotica perianth into my personal florist. ─── 最令我高興的事兒便是采花了,有粉色嬌艷的玫瑰,高貴典雅的郁金香,還有稀有的夏臘梅等等,這些珍奇異花被送入我的私人花店。

4、Yesterday, the denuded hillsides now become a "treasure bowl", which are plants that and exotica tree, precious medicinal herbs. ─── 昨日,光禿禿的山坡如今成了一個“聚寶盆”,里面有奇花異草、珍奇異樹、珍貴藥材。

5、Callopistria exotica ─── n. 客散紋夜蛾

6、everything is not easy but I am getting used for thoes things and no longer take them as a exotica. ─── 我發(fā)現(xiàn)記住每件事是不容易的,但是我正在逐漸習(xí)慣這些事情,并不再覺得他們是那樣奇怪

7、Such expeditions brought exotica back to China; witness the giraffe once presented at the Ming court. ─── 一系列探險給中國帶來了異域奇珍,有人目睹長頸鹿出現(xiàn)在明朝廷上。

8、The hybrid costumes were all flash and bright colors.Sports Jerseys coexisted with corsets, bangled belly dance sashes, and other exotica. ─── 花卷還因為是20世紀初的童話作家宮澤賢治的誕生地而聞名遐邇。

9、Murraya exotica ─── 九里香

10、Its a joke; it was the investment banks that created this mess with their putrid mortgage-backed securities and other debt-exotica. ─── 開個玩笑;它是投資銀行們用他們唬爛的按揭擔(dān)保證券和其他異域風(fēng)情貸煮得這一鍋粥。

11、The Western nations have always regarded the Chinese culture as a curiosity and an exotica, as it is so totally different from theirs. ─── 西方國家一向?qū)χ腥A文化感到好奇,總覺得它是充滿令人興奮的一種文化,因為中華文化跟他們自己的文化大不相同。

12、MSCI is in the process of launching a benchmark for such exotica called the “frontier market” index. ─── MSCI正在醞釀設(shè)立一個覆蓋這些異域國家的標桿指數(shù),稱作“未開拓市場”指數(shù)。

13、P. Reade: Suite from the Victorian Garden~ Prelude, Spring, Exotica, Summer. ─── 瑞德:維多利亞花園組曲~~前奏曲,春天,異國風(fēng)情,夏天。

14、Murraya exotica L. ─── [醫(yī)] 九里香草

15、I hear you're looking all over town for a magician to bring a little exotica into your life? ─── 我聽說你正找遍全城,想找個魔術(shù)師來給你的生活添上點兒活力?

16、The Idom's Exotica, Chocotasy and Loveberry brands come with CD compilations of chillout , acid jazz and dance music. ─── 今年情人節(jié)還送巧克力和玫瑰嗎?改送“音樂安全套”吧!這個禮物一定更有情調(diào)。

17、Some funds that exposed themselves to mortgage-linked exotica, albeit indirectly, have had to be bailed out by their managers. ─── 有些基金持有大量奇異抵押衍生品頭寸,盡管是間接的風(fēng)險關(guān)系,基金經(jīng)理必須將這些風(fēng)險平補掉。

18、Sports Jerseys coexisted with corsets, bangled belly dance sashes, and other exotica. ─── 對于高端人群來說是一個完整的國際金融決策平臺。)

19、From Asian and African exotica to street scenes and even lingerie our novelty wallpaper border designs are created to pique anyone interest! ─── 從亞洲和非洲的新奇事物到街頭風(fēng)景,甚至是內(nèi)衣,我們的新穎的墻紙邊界設(shè)計引起了每個人的熱切關(guān)注。

20、These results have profoundly changed astronomers' views of BHs: More than just exotica needed to explain rare AGNs, BHs are becoming an integral part of our understanding of galaxy formation. ─── 這些結(jié)果深深地改變了天文學(xué)家對黑洞的認識:比解釋活動星系核更吸引人的是,黑洞正成為解釋星系形成必需的一部分。

21、Yesterday, the denuded hillsides now become a "treasure bowl" , which are plants that and exotica tree, precious medicinal herbs. ─── 昨日,光禿禿的山坡如今成了一個“聚寶盆”,里面有奇花異草、珍奇異樹、珍貴藥材。

22、A flair for the exotica. ─── 對新異事物的鑒別力

23、such gustatory exotica as killer bee honey and fresh catnip sauce. ─── 象非洲蜜蜂的蜂蜜和鮮樟腦草醬這樣給人帶來新奇味覺的事物

24、That knowledge could in turn open the door to exotica such as extra dimensions and low-energy superstring phenomena. ─── 這些知識可能敲開一扇門,通往一個嶄新未知世界,例如超高維空間和低能超弦現(xiàn)象。

25、Such gustatory exotica as killer bee honey and fresh catnip sauce. ─── 象非洲蜜蜂的蜂蜜和鮮樟腦草醬這樣給人帶來新奇味覺的事物。

26、a sale of antiques and exotica ─── 古玩和具有異國情調(diào)的物品的銷售

27、and Toronto’s Mia Kirshner, who had a role in Exotica. ─── 說巴金講真話,自己在講蠢話、講瞎話,這頗有點反諷的味道。

28、Americana Exotica! ─── |美洲新蝶!

29、Chinese pavilions and other exotica were inspired by engravings of Chinese gardens in travel books by such travelers as the architect Sir William Chambers. ─── 出現(xiàn)在像錢伯斯爵士(SirWilliamChambers)這樣的旅行家的游記中的中國園林的版畫使得中國式的亭和其他異國風(fēng)景也出現(xiàn)在英國園林之中。

30、Guests can attend to each of their various food and drink needs under one roof at Fortune Select Exotica. ─── 客人可以參加他們的各種食品和飲料的需求在一個屋檐下財富選擇新奇。

31、here is like country life, undeveloped with exotica, people from here are kind of curious that is hard to express, make me mad and amused. ─── 在這里的日子就像在鄉(xiāng)下一樣,落后中又帶有新奇,這里的人民有中說不出來的莫名奇妙,好氣又好笑。

32、"I hear you're looking all over town for a magician to bring a little exotica into your life? ─── "“我聽說你正找遍全城,想找個魔術(shù)師來給你的生活添上點兒活力?

33、What follows is a lot like those albums as well, a pan-global excursion centered on Middle Eastern themes and instruments cast into a dramatic exotica. ─── 接下來的部分也與以往的專輯頗為相似:跨越全球的旅行,突出了中東主題,樂器的應(yīng)用也鑄就了戲劇般的新奇;

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