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10-03 投稿


maximization 發(fā)音

英:[?m?ks?m??ze??n]  美:[?m?ks?ma??ze??n]

英:  美:

maximization 中文意思翻譯

常見釋義: 極大化


maximization 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. [數(shù)] 極大化,最大化

maximization 反義詞


maximization 短語詞組

1、profit maximization ─── [經(jīng)] 最高利潤點(diǎn), 利潤極大化

2、sales revenue maximization ─── 銷售收入最大化

3、sequential maximization ─── 順序最大化

4、expectation maximization ─── 期望最大化

5、double maximization ─── 雙重最大化

maximization 同義詞

growth | enlargement | maximation | maximisation | intensification |expansion | extension | boosting

maximization 常用詞組

profit maximization ─── 利潤極大化;最高利潤

utility maximization ─── 效用極大化,效用最大值;極大化

maximization 相似詞語短語

1、labilization ─── n.不穩(wěn)定

2、maximation ─── 極大化

3、Latinization ─── n.拉丁化;譯成拉丁語;羅馬天主教化

4、atomization ─── n.霧化,[分化]原子化

5、acidization ─── n.酸蝕作用;酸化過程

6、maximisation ─── 最大化

7、maderization ─── (白酒保存過久或貯藏不妥后的)呈現(xiàn)褐色

8、minimization ─── n.減到最小限度;估到最低額;輕視

9、laicization ─── 俗化

maximization 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim. ─── 大字杜鵑

2、It allows for resource maximization; how we do more with less. ─── 它有利于資源最大化,使我們用較少的資源做更多的事。

3、A utility maximization game model is formulated assuming both the supplier and the distributor are risk aversion. ─── 在假定供應(yīng)商和零售商都是風(fēng)險(xiǎn)規(guī)避類型的條件下,建立博弈模型并分別求解出供應(yīng)商和零售商的最優(yōu)策略。

4、Brittany Modica- Please vote for me on Maxim. ─── com 的檔案文件已設(shè)置為“不公開”。

5、Elephant's built-in linear-phase oversampling is a new standard in peak limiting and loudness maximization. ─── 其功能有:音質(zhì)透明限制處理;5種限制模式;適用于各類音樂的7種速度;

6、"Look before you leap" is a maxim . ─── “三思而后行”是一句格言。

7、Corydalis ambigua Cham.et Schlecht.var.amurensis Maxim. ─── 東北延胡索

8、However, System Flow Method has no method to distinguish the relative important degree which can insure the output ratio maximization. ─── 但系統(tǒng)流程法無法區(qū)分EMC設(shè)計(jì)各階段的相對重要程度,確保投入產(chǎn)出比的最大化。

9、The Dynamic Study on the Total Alkaloids of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim. ─── 平貝母總堿積累動(dòng)態(tài)研究。

10、Aster ageratoides Turcz.var.heterophyllus Maxim. ─── 異葉紫菀

11、Our Business Principle: Minimization of cost and maximization of profit. ─── 公司的經(jīng)營原則:運(yùn)作成本最小化,利潤最大化。

12、Phytochemical evidence related to the phylogeny of Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim. ─── 關(guān)于露蕊烏頭系統(tǒng)位置的植化資料.

13、Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad: The objective is to evaluate factors for yield maximization in rice-groundnut cropping system. ─── 安德拉邦農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)(海德拉巴):試驗(yàn)?zāi)繕?biāo)是評價(jià)稻-花生耕作制下達(dá)到最高產(chǎn)量的因素。

14、Title: The Uses,Cultivation and Pest Prevention of Eutrema wasabi Maxim. ─── 關(guān)鍵詞:山葵;利用;栽培;有害生物

15、"Benevolence and good-neighbourliness"were all along regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors. ─── "親仁善鄰",一直為我們的先人們奉為國之寶箴。

16、As a maxim in Russia goes, “God makes us neighbors. ─── 俄羅斯有句諺語:“上帝讓我們?yōu)猷彙薄?/p>

17、Only by pondering this question can we grasp the essence of the famous maxim and completely understand Zhang's thought. ─── 只有考察了這一命題,我們才能在把握“六經(jīng)皆史”本質(zhì)含義的基礎(chǔ)上全面理解實(shí)齋的儒學(xué)思想。

18、Lysionotus pauciflorus Maxim. ─── 吊石苣苔

19、Polygonatum involucratum Maxim. ─── 小玉竹

20、When I got back to Manderley, Maxim's hat and gloves were lying on the table. ─── 當(dāng)我回到曼德利時(shí),馬西姆的帽子和手套都已放在桌上了。

21、Aesop's fables illustrate moral maxim. ─── 伊索寓言闡明了道德準(zhǔn)則。

22、The goal of the firm is maximization of shareholder wealth. ─── 企業(yè)的目標(biāo)是使股東財(cái)富最大化。

23、"Waste not, want not" is her favourite maxim. ─── “不浪費(fèi)則不匱乏”是她喜愛的格言。

24、Gtycyrrhiza pallidiflora Maxim. ─── 刺果甘草

25、The Uses, Cultivation and Pest Prevention of Eutrema wasabi Maxim. ─── 山葵的利用、栽培及病蟲害防治現(xiàn)狀。

26、"Par in parem imperium non habet" is an indisputable legal maxim in the world. ─── 平等者之間無統(tǒng)治權(quán), 這是國際上不容爭辯的一項(xiàng)法律格言。

27、A maxim adopted as a guide to one's conduct. ─── 座右銘能夠作為指導(dǎo)人的行為的格言

28、Fritillaria Przewalskii Maxim. ─── [醫(yī)] 甘肅貝母

29、Indeed, those with extreme maximization ratings had depression scores that placed them in the borderline clinical range. ─── 事實(shí)上,那些極大化分?jǐn)?shù)最高的人,其抑郁癥的評分就位于患病的邊緣。

30、Divide et imperia was a maxim well understood by Turloch. ─── “分而治之”是特洛克心領(lǐng)神會(huì)的格言。

31、Establish equipment maintenance process and system to ensure maximization of equipment up-time. ─── 建立設(shè)備的維護(hù)計(jì)劃和體系,以確保設(shè)備正常運(yùn)行時(shí)間最大化。

32、Elatostema umbellatum var.majus Maxim. ─── 大傘花樓梯草

33、Corydalis remota Fisch.ex Maxim.var.rotundiloba Maxim. ─── 圓齒瓣延胡索

34、It 's a maxim of wise man never to return by the same road he comes . ─── 不走回頭路,乃智者的座右銘。

35、Q10: What is your most favourite maxim? ─── 你最喜愛的格言是?

36、But, next problem that the brand is confronted with after value centralization is brand value maximization. ─── 但品牌價(jià)值集中化之后面臨的下一個(gè)問題就是品牌價(jià)值的最大化。

37、Caryopteris tangutica Maxim. ─── 唐古特蕕

38、Prunus armeniaca L.var.ansu Maxim. ─── 山杏

39、Peucedanum declursivum Maxim. ─── [醫(yī)] 前胡

40、As the price tends to be fixed, cutting down the cost is the only way for coal enterprises to pursue the maximization of economic benefits. ─── 在價(jià)格趨于一定的情況下,降低成本是煤炭企業(yè)追求經(jīng)濟(jì)效益最大化的唯一出路。

41、Fritillaria uss urie nsis Maxim. ─── 平貝母

42、Syneilesis aconitifolia (Bunge) Maxim. ─── 兔兒傘

43、"Waste not, want not" is her favorite maxim. ─── “不浪費(fèi)則不匱乏”是她特別喜愛的格言。

44、The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyer saw green. ─── 俗話說,夫妻吵得臉紅耳赤之日,正是律師招財(cái)進(jìn)寶之時(shí)。

45、Cimicifuga dahurica(Turcz.)Maxim. ─── 興安升麻

46、The concept of Intelligent Building and Building Management is the outcome of the maximization of various facilities in this field. ─── 智能化大廈和建筑管理的概念就是一個(gè)這方面各種設(shè)備最大值化的一個(gè)結(jié)果。

47、Its realization necessarily violates certain maxim(s) of the Cooperative Principle proposed by Grice in certain sense. ─── 反語會(huì)話含義的實(shí)現(xiàn)必然違反格賴斯合作原則中的某條準(zhǔn)則。

48、Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim. ─── [醫(yī)] 山杏

49、Title: STUDY ON THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS FROM SALVIA PRZEWALSKII MAXIM. ─── 關(guān)鍵詞:甘西鼠尾草;化學(xué)成分;分離提純;結(jié)構(gòu)鑒定

50、Reduce and develop and support the complexity of the application program of database, has realized the maximization of IT productivity. ─── 降低開發(fā)和支持?jǐn)?shù)據(jù)庫應(yīng)用程序的復(fù)雜性,實(shí)現(xiàn)了IT生產(chǎn)力的最大化。

51、Oh, should the maxim be modified a little? ─── 哦,莎翁的這句箴言是不是應(yīng)當(dāng)修改?

52、Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. ─── 將自己的行為置于某種法則之下,而你相信這一法則放之四海而皆準(zhǔn)。

53、Thus it makes the implementary efficiency and configurable degree of SAP software be able to achieve the maximization. ─── 從而使SAP軟件在高度標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化的基礎(chǔ)上,達(dá)到實(shí)施效率和可配置程度的最大化。

54、Profit Maximization and the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. ─── 利潤最大化和將來社區(qū)試驗(yàn)范例。

55、Develop furnace maintenance plan and spare parts stock plan to ensure maximization of furnace up-time. ─── 制定爐子維護(hù)計(jì)劃和備用件儲(chǔ)存計(jì)劃以確保爐子正常工作時(shí)間的最大化。

56、Seven compounds were isolated from Ajuga lupulina Maxim. ─── 從忽布筋骨草(Ajuga lupulina Maxim.)

57、For disposition of resources of right, legitim is in a position to realize maximization of effectiveness. ─── 在權(quán)利資源的配置上,特留份能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)效用的最大化。

58、Typically, each maximization has a trade-off with at least one of the other areas. ─── 通常,每一種最大化都會(huì)要在至少一個(gè)其他方面做出權(quán)衡。

59、The maximization of influence has been a focus in academia in recent years since it was introduced in the field of social network analysis. ─── 影響力最大化問題被引入社會(huì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)研究領(lǐng)域后,成為近年來學(xué)術(shù)界的一大研究熱點(diǎn)。

60、The two maxim of any great man at court be- always to keep his countenance and never to keep his word. ─── 在朝大人物的兩項(xiàng)處事原則是??始終喜怒不形于色。

61、Under the postulate of constrained maximization, the choice of the form of competition is always a result of constrained transaction cost minimization. ─── 在局限下極大化的假設(shè)下,競爭形式的選擇一定是基于交易費(fèi)用的局限下極小化的。

62、"Waste not, want not" is a popular maxim. ─── "勤儉節(jié)約,吃穿不缺"是一條盛行的座右銘。

63、Stem Segment Culture in Vitro of Idesia polycarpa Maxim. ─── 山桐子莖段離體培養(yǎng)技術(shù)研究。

64、The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green. ─── 俗話說,夫婦吵得面紅耳赤之時(shí),便是律師招財(cái)進(jìn)寶之日。

65、Mazus stachydifolius (Turcz.) Maxim. ─── 彈刀子菜

66、Gueldenstaedtia diversifolia Maxim. ─── 異葉米口袋

67、Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim. ─── [醫(yī)] 平貝母

68、But sola fide is a good maxim for the conduct of life. ─── 但是,“唯有信仰”也是一句適用于人生行為的好格言。

69、You told the maxim go to the heaven. ─── 你說過這格言可帶去天堂。

70、STUDY OF CUTTING PROPAGATION OF Tetraena mongolica Maxim. ─── 四合木扦插繁殖的研究。

71、Benevolence and good-neighbourliness” were all along regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors. ─── 親仁善鄰”,一直為我們的先人們奉為國之寶箴。

72、Maximization of power and cooling resources. ─── 充分利用電力和冷卻資源。

73、Maxim: Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. ─── 只有人,生下時(shí)啼哭,活著時(shí)抱怨,去世時(shí)失望。

74、It is: Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. ─── 它就是:只按照你能夠同時(shí)愿意使其成為普遍規(guī)律的準(zhǔn)則去行動(dòng)。

75、Maximization of available resources throughout the project. ─── 在項(xiàng)目中最大化可用的資源。

76、On the supply side, individuals are assumed to operate on the principle of utility maximization. ─── 從供給方面來看,假定個(gè)人行為是遵循效用最大化原則。

77、Selaginella pulvinata (Hook.et Grev.) Maxim. ─── 墊狀卷柏

78、Valuation optimization vs maximization - what is the real goal? ─── 估值的最優(yōu)化和最大化,哪個(gè)才是真正的目標(biāo)?

79、They are Quality Maxim, Quantity Maxim, Relevance Maxim, and Manner Maxim. ─── 包括了質(zhì)量準(zhǔn)則、數(shù)量準(zhǔn)則、關(guān)系準(zhǔn)則、方式準(zhǔn)則。

80、Waste not , want not " is her favourite maxim. ─── 不浪費(fèi)則不匱乏"是她最喜愛的格言。

81、"No pain, no gain" is a maxim. ─── "沒有付出就沒有收獲"是句格言。

82、Posner's purpose is to elucidate wealth maximization's superiority over utilitarianism. ─── 他竭力論證財(cái)富最大化是一種和功利主義不同的、更好的規(guī)范理論。

83、It's a maxim in software development circles that large, complex programs contain bugs. ─── 在軟件發(fā)展的過程當(dāng)中,很多大型、雜的程序包含漏洞。

84、Par in parem imperium non habet is an indisputable legal maxim in the world. ─── 平等者之間無統(tǒng)治權(quán), 這是國際上不容爭辯的一項(xiàng)法律格言。

85、Pursuing profit maximization is one of the major subjects setting by every firm in the supply chain. ─── 中文摘要追求最大利潤是供應(yīng)鏈中,每家公司所設(shè)定的主要目標(biāo)之一。

86、Swertia vacillans (Hance) Maxim. ─── 華南當(dāng)藥

87、Preliminary Study on Shoot-tip Culture of Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim. ─── 南果梨莖尖培養(yǎng)的初步研究。

88、Actinostemma paniculatum Maxim. ─── [醫(yī)] 假貝母

89、Dispensing granule of Iristectorum Maxim. ─── 川射干顆粒

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