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10-04 投稿


moniliform 發(fā)音


英:  美:

moniliform 中文意思翻譯



moniliform 詞性/詞形變化,moniliform變形

副詞: moniliformly |

moniliform 短語詞組

1、moniliform thread ─── 單形線

2、moniliform hair ─── [醫(yī)] 念珠狀發(fā)

3、moniliform antenna ─── 念珠形觸角

moniliform 相似詞語短語

1、penciliform ─── 鉛筆

2、coniform ─── adj.圓錐形的

3、mytiliform ─── 貝形

4、monadiform ─── 單體型

5、coliform ─── adj.大腸桿菌的;n.大腸桿菌

6、morbilliform ─── adj.麻疹樣的

7、conchiform ─── adj.蝸牛狀的

8、forniciform ─── adj.彎曲狀的(等于fornicate)

9、mamilliform ─── 乳突狀

moniliform 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Fruit moniliform, stipitate, with 2-4 cylindric-ellipsoid articles ca. 2 1 cm. ─── 念珠狀的果,具柄,具節(jié)2-4圓筒狀橢圓形約厘米。

2、Methods 80 out-patients of moniliform bacterial colpitis were treated with pessary and mycostatin respectively. ─── 方法:門診確診為念珠菌性陰道炎的80例患者分別用咪康唑陰道栓劑和制霉菌素兩種藥物進(jìn)行治療。

3、moniliform distribution ─── 串珠狀分布

4、Roots fusiform, solitary or caespitose, rarely each node of rhizome globose or clavate, forming a moniliform chain. ─── 紡錘形的根,單生或叢生的,很少每節(jié)的根狀莖球狀或棍棒狀,形成一念珠狀鏈子的。(48

5、Fumonisin is kind of fungus toxin which fusauium moniliform sheld produces, it can pollute maize and their products, also can pollute grain such as the wheat, rice and products. ─── 伏馬菌素是串珠鐮刀菌產(chǎn)生一類酶菌毒素,它能污染玉米及其制品,也可污染小麥、稻米等糧食及其制品;

6、Rhizome usually tuberous terete, very rarely moniliform, 7--15 mm thick. ─── 根狀莖通常塊莖狀圓柱狀,極少念珠狀,--15毫米厚。

7、Rhizome horizontally creeping, often branched, moniliform, fleshy. ─── 根狀莖水平爬去,通常分枝,念珠狀,肉質(zhì)。

8、Moniliform 2(mf-2) ─── 第2數(shù)珠蠶(mf-2)

9、Clinical Observation of Imidazole Pessary on Treating of Moniliform Bacterial Colpitis ─── 咪康唑陰道栓劑治療念珠菌性陰道炎的臨床研究

10、Rootstock moniliform; leaflets obovate-elliptic to elliptic, not pinnatifid. ─── 根莖念珠狀;小葉倒卵狀橢圓形的到橢圓形,不羽狀半裂。

11、Conclusion Imidazole pessary is a effective and safe drug to moniliform bacterial colpitis. ─── 結(jié)論:咪康唑陰道栓劑是治療念珠菌性陰道炎安全、有效的藥物。

12、Clinical Analysis on Infection of Moniliform Coccobacteria in Respiratory Tract of Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease ─── 慢性肺源性心臟病呼吸道深部念珠菌感染臨床分析

13、Conclusion Imidazole pessary is a effective and safe drug to moniliform bacterial colpitis. ─── 結(jié)論:咪康唑陰道栓劑是治療念珠菌性陰道炎安全、有效的藥物。

14、Rhizome horizontally creeping, terete or moniliform, fleshy. ─── 根狀莖水平匍匐,圓柱狀的或念珠狀,肉質(zhì)。

15、The first-class reservoir exhibits moniliform and banded anomalies of the amplitude ... ─── 提高了塔河油田及其周緣的鉆井成功率。

16、Inflorescences solitary;male glomerules in moniliform racemes, 2-5 cm, thinly pedunculate; ─── 雄性團(tuán)傘花序在念珠狀總狀花序里,2-5厘米,細(xì)花序梗;

17、Objective:To explore the pathogenic factor,treatment and prevention of infection of moniliform coccobacteria in respiratory tract of chronic pulmionary heart disease. ─── 目的:探討慢性肺源性心臟病(以下簡稱肺心病)患者合并呼吸道深部念珠菌感染的病因、診治及預(yù)防。

18、moniliform thread ─── 念珠狀色質(zhì)線

19、Keywords Chronic pulmonary heart disease;Moniliform coccobacteria;Infection; ─── 肺心病;念珠菌;感染;

20、moniliform antenna ─── 念珠形觸角

21、Keywords snaking stream;anastomosed stream;moniliform distribution;lateral accretion;vertical accretion;lateral accretion body;semi - connected body; ─── 曲流河;網(wǎng)狀河;串珠狀分布;側(cè)向加積;垂向加積;側(cè)積體;半連通體;

22、Follicles moniliform, with widely separated swellings, pendulous, elongated. ─── 念珠狀的蓇葖果,具寬分開腫起部分,下垂,拉長。

23、Rhizome horizontally creeping, terete or moniliform, fleshy. ─── 根狀莖水平匍匐,圓柱狀的或念珠狀,肉質(zhì)。

24、moniliform hair ─── 念珠狀發(fā)

25、Methods:To review and analyse clinical data of 87 cases with infection of moniliform coccobacteria in respiratory tract of chronic pulmonary heart disease. ─── 方法:對1996年12月至2001年12月住院87例肺心病合并呼吸道深部念珠菌感染患者的病因、臨床表現(xiàn)、治療及預(yù)防作回顧性分析。

26、The male had sensilla moniliform and the female had sensilla cavity,these two sensilla had less amounts. ─── 另外,雄蟲觸角上還分布有念珠形感器,而腔形感器在雌蟲觸角上有分布,這2種感器數(shù)量相對較少。

27、Use Species - specific PCR Technology Identify Fusarium moniliform ─── 應(yīng)用PCR技術(shù)檢測串珠鐮刀菌

28、Male inflorescences dichotomously cymose, cymose-paniculate, or moniliform spicate, but not capitate. ─── 雄花序二歧聚傘狀,聚傘狀圓錐狀,或念珠狀,但不是頭狀。(22

29、1 Inflorescence of compound and simple umbels, compound umbels terminal, simple umbels axillary, opposite or successively verticillate forming crowded moniliform racemes. ─── 花序頂生的復(fù)合和單傘形花序,復(fù)合傘形花序,單傘形花序,對生或連續(xù)形成的密集念珠狀總狀花序。(2

30、Keywords cavern model;filling;seismic physical modeling;diffraction;moniliform; ─── 孔洞模型;填充物;地震物理模擬;繞射;串珠狀;

31、moniliform","moniliformis, is,e"," ─── 念珠狀的"

32、Fruit usually paired, moniliform, transversely constricted into 1-5 drupelike articles, or not jointed. ─── 果通常配對,橫向,念珠狀縊縮進(jìn)核果狀節(jié),或不具關(guān)節(jié)。

33、Therefore,Infection of Moniliform Coccobacteria in Re... ─── 白色念珠菌是念珠菌中致病力最強的真菌。

34、moniliform dendrobium herb ─── 環(huán)草

35、Rootstock horizontal, flagellate or moniliform. ─── 根莖水平,具鞭狀匍匐枝的或念珠狀。

36、Fruit usually paired, moniliform, transversely constricted into 1-5 drupelike articles, or not jointed. ─── 果通常配對,橫向,念珠狀縊縮進(jìn)核果狀節(jié),或不具關(guān)節(jié)。

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