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10-04 投稿


morphosis 發(fā)音

英:[m??r?fo?s?s]  美:[m???f??s?s]

英:  美:

morphosis 中文意思翻譯



morphosis 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. [動] 形態(tài)形成

morphosis 詞性/詞形變化,morphosis變形


morphosis 短語詞組

1、morphosis games ─── 變形小游戲

2、rigor morphosis ─── 僵硬形態(tài)

3、morphosis cells ─── 形態(tài)細胞

4、meta morphosis n. ─── 變形; ─── 變質(zhì)

morphosis 相似詞語短語

1、diorthosis ─── n.矯正術(shù)

2、morphoses ─── n.形態(tài)形成(morphosis的變形)

3、anamorphosis ─── n.[光]歪像;畸形;[電子]失真圖像

4、epimorphosis ─── n.表變態(tài);變形再生

5、orthosis ─── n.整直法,矯正法

6、gomphosis ─── n.[解剖]嵌合;[解剖]釘狀關(guān)節(jié)

7、morphotic ─── 形態(tài)的

8、morpholines ─── n.[有化]嗎啉(用于溶劑和乳化劑等的吸濕性液體)

9、morpholinos ─── 嗎啉

morphosis 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Experimental study on changes of serum TNF content and brain morphosis and ultrastructure in rats with focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury treated with Aspirin ─── 阿司匹林對大鼠局灶性腦缺血再灌注損傷TNF含量及腦組織形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)的影響

2、Videomicroscope,SIAscope and photoacoustic probe can detect the morphosis of dilated blood capillary. ─── 觀察PWS形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)的技術(shù)有體視顯微鏡、分光光度計皮內(nèi)分析、光聲探測技術(shù)等。

3、Left ventricular morphosis and function of dog model with volume overload ─── 犬容量負荷模型左心室形態(tài)與功能變化規(guī)律

4、Keywords foundational discipline in materials science;AFM;glutathione;WO3;molecular morphosis; ─── 材料科學基礎(chǔ)學科;原子力顯微鏡;谷胱甘肽;三氧化鎢;分子結(jié)構(gòu)形態(tài);

5、Media ecology theory projects the characteristics of media morphosis and their constructive impacts on people and society. ─── 摘要媒介環(huán)境學彰顯媒介形態(tài)的特性及其對人和社會的結(jié)構(gòu)性影響。

6、Effects of Sports Loads on the Morphosis and Function of the Left Ventricle of Male Speed Skiers ─── 運動負荷對男子速滑運動員左心室形態(tài)和功能的影響

7、Progress in the study on biological behaviour of fibroblasts effected by surface morphosis of titanium materials ─── 鈦材料表面形態(tài)對成纖維細胞生物學行為影響的研究進展

8、Objective To compare the contents of Ferulic Acid and Polysaccharide in Angelica Sinensis oliv. with Lotiform Angelica sinensis because of the morphosis related to lateral bud of Angelica Sinensis. ─── 目的探討當歸側(cè)芽發(fā)育發(fā)生形態(tài)變異后是否引起多糖及阿魏酸含量顯著的變化。

9、Influence of weight and height on peak bone mass and lumbar morphosis ─── 體重、身高對峰值骨量及腰椎形態(tài)的影響

10、CONCLUSION: Verapamil and NGF have obvious synergistic effect on promoting the recovery of both the morphosis and the function of the peripheral nerve. ─── 結(jié)論:維拉帕米與神經(jīng)生長因子對促進周圍神經(jīng)形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)和功能的恢復均具有明顯的協(xié)同作用。

11、Morphosis study on the permeability of the mesothelium of parietal pleura in rat ─── 大鼠壁胸膜通透性的電鏡觀察

12、In the aspects of morphosis, physiological functions and characters, as well as psychology, the constitution of female is mainly deficient in Yin and blood, and depressed in Qi. ─── 在形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)、生理功能以及性格、心理方面,女性以陰虛、血虛、氣郁為主。

13、It has better morphosis and function of cartilage tissues which come from chondrocyte cultured in dynamic pressure and composited with macromolecu-lar materials. ─── 在動態(tài)壓力下培養(yǎng)軟骨細胞,與高分子支架材料復合培養(yǎng)形成的軟骨組織具有更好的形態(tài)和功能。

14、Relationship between change of morphosis and function of left ventricl e and pathologic changes of myocardium after mitral valve replacement with rheum atic heart disease ─── 風濕性心臟病二尖瓣置換術(shù)后左室形態(tài)及功能改變與心肌病變的關(guān)系

15、Observation under electron microscope in effects of fluorine on morphosis in culture bone and osteoblast in vitro ─── 氟對體外培養(yǎng)長骨及成骨細胞影響的電鏡觀察

16、Changes of cholinergic nerve morphosis and density in the left ventricle of rats after acute ischemic injury induced by myocardial infarction ─── 大鼠心肌缺血性損傷后膽堿能神經(jīng)形態(tài)及密度觀察

17、Flos daturae to influence rat's electrostimulus-induced cerebral cortex convulsant threshold and its hippocampal neuron morphosis ─── 洋金花對電刺激大鼠皮層驚厥閾值及海馬神經(jīng)元形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)的影響

18、Relative investigation between anaerobic power and morphosis index in ordinary male college students ─── 普通男大學生的無氧功與某些形態(tài)指標的相關(guān)調(diào)查

19、Objective To explain the routes of absorbing particulates in the pleural cavity by observing the morphosis structure of the mesothelial stomata. ─── 目的觀察鼠壁胸膜間皮孔的形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu),闡明胸膜腔內(nèi)物質(zhì)的吸收途徑。

20、Morphosis study on the permeability of the mesothelium of parietal pleura in rat ─── 大鼠壁胸膜通透性的電鏡觀察

21、Taking MS as basic media, we studied the effect of two combination of hormones on morphosis of kiwifruit tube-seedling. ─── 以MS為基本培養(yǎng)基,試驗探討了兩種不同的激素組合對獼猴桃試管苗形態(tài)發(fā)生的影響,對組織培養(yǎng)中試管苗形態(tài)發(fā)生的激素效應(yīng)作了初步研究。

22、The changes of morphosis of nucleus, mitochondrion and Golgi body in cortical cells were earlier than in pericycle cells. ─── 根的皮層細胞中細胞核、線粒體和高爾基體的形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)變化時間均早于中柱細胞,且細胞核變形、染色質(zhì)凝聚并邊緣化、線粒體與高爾基體外膜結(jié)構(gòu)變化程度也明顯大于中柱細胞。

23、Objective:To display the disposition of human fascia concentration by 3D reconstruction,and to ex plore the morphosis of Jin-Muo by comparing 3-D models with images of Jin-Muo. ─── 目的:利用三維重建的方法顯示人體筋膜聚集區(qū)分布,與經(jīng)絡(luò)圖對比研究經(jīng)絡(luò)形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)。

24、Observation under electron microscope in effects of fluorine on morphosis in culture bone and osteoblast in vitro ─── 氟對體外培養(yǎng)長骨及成骨細胞影響的電鏡觀察

25、Influence of weight and height on peak bone mass and lumbar morphosis ─── 體重、身高對峰值骨量及腰椎形態(tài)的影響

26、Abstract : Objective To observe the characteristics of morphosis parameter of the optic disc of physiologic large cup. ─── 摘要 : 目的 觀察生理性大視杯視盤的結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)特征。

27、Experimental Study on Effect of Shexiangbaoxin Pills on Morphosis and Function of Left Ventricle after Myocardial Infarction in Rat ─── 麝香保心丸對心肌梗塞后左室形態(tài)和功能影響的實驗研究

28、After 6-month scanning electron microscope showed that surrounding tissue cells and stent valve fibrous are normal in morphosis. ─── 電鏡觀察示周圍組織細胞形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)正常,支架內(nèi)瓣膜纖維組織形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)正常。

29、Conclusion: SSD and MPR have special advantages in image displaying and can demonstrate lesions stereoscopically in any plane, which is helpful to the understanding of the morphosis of the lesion. ─── 結(jié)論:SSD和MPR在影像顯示上有獨特的優(yōu)勢,可立體或任意平面觀察病變,改變了影像思維方式,有助于影像與實際解剖相結(jié)合。

30、It may be that morphosis is more of a PvP skill, but what PvP ality it has gutting too, with the duration of stun and snare duration being removed. ─── 當你愛上一個女子的時候,一定要大聲的告訴她。女孩很矜持,同時容易沒有安全感。如果你愛她,就告訴她,多說幾遍也沒有關(guān)系的。"我愛你"三個字,女孩是永遠都不會聽厭的。

31、[2]Zhang JB,Wang YW,Liu WY,et al.Left ventricular morphosis and function of dog model with volume overload[J].J Fourth Mil Med Univ,2002,23(14):1277-1280. ─── 張近寶,王一葦,劉維勇,等.犬容量負荷模型左心室形態(tài)與功能變化規(guī)律[J].第四軍醫(yī)大學學報,2002,23 (14):1277-1280.

32、Morphosis of dental pulp cells were observed under phase-contrast microscope and electron one. ─── 倒置相差顯微鏡、透射電鏡觀察人牙髓細胞的形態(tài)與結(jié)構(gòu)。

33、The result has shown that the cellular nuclear and nucleolar morphosis and numbers of cancer can clearly herevealed by the fast cellular staining solution. ─── 結(jié)果表明,細胞快速染液能清晰地顯示癌細胞核和核仁的形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)及數(shù)目。

34、According to a lot of observative results, the nucleolar numbers and morphosis are the windows which conjecture benign and malgnant tumor cells and definite index which ascertain cancer cell . ─── 根據(jù)大量的觀察結(jié)果作者提出:核仁的數(shù)目和結(jié)構(gòu)形態(tài)是推測細胞“良”“惡”的窗口,是確定癌細胞的肯定指標之一。

35、Effect of traditional Chinese medicine and exercise on the blood vessel morphosis and antiatherosclerosis in rats ─── 運動和中藥對大鼠血管形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)及抗動脈粥樣硬化的影響

36、In the aspects of morphosis,physiological functions and characters,as well as psychology,the constitution of female is mainly deficient in Yin and blood,and depressed in Qi. ─── 在形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)、生理功能以及性格、心理方面,女性以陰虛、血虛、氣郁為主。

37、The study summarized the recent advances of acupuncture on the treatment of experimental ischemic cerebral in the changes of brain morphosis, blood rheology, brain microcirculation and so on. ─── 本文從針刺對實驗性腦缺血在腦組織形態(tài)學改變、血液流變學、腦微循環(huán)等方面的研究進展作一綜述。

38、Objective: To display the disposition of human fascia concentration by 3D reconstruction, and to explore the morphosis of Jin-Muo by comparing 3-D models with images of Jin-Muo. ─── 摘要目的:利用三維重建的方法顯示人體筋膜聚集區(qū)分布,與經(jīng)絡(luò)圖對比研究經(jīng)絡(luò)形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)。

39、Regional morphosis and quantitative distribution of the index of PCNA in benign prostatic hyperplasia ─── 前列腺增生的組織形態(tài)及其PCNA表達的定量研究

40、Growth and morphosis of particle chains during fly ash loading on a single fiber ─── 飛灰在單纖維上形成顆粒鏈的生長和形貌

41、Keywords microscope;single fiber;filtration;particle-chain;electrostatics;morphosis; ─── 顯微鏡;單纖維;過濾;顆粒鏈;靜電;形貌;

42、Methods The morphosis of the mesothelium of the parietal pleura in rat were investigated by intrapleura injection with tracers and observed by scanning electron microscope. ─── 方法向大鼠胸膜腔內(nèi)注射示蹤劑,應(yīng)用掃描電鏡方法觀察壁胸膜間皮的形態(tài)變化。

43、morphosis of left coronary artery is similar to that of human. ─── 豬心臟左冠狀動脈的形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)與人相似。

44、Morphosis of dental pulp cells were observed under phase-contrast microscope and electron one. ─── 應(yīng)用倒置相差顯微鏡、透射電鏡觀察人牙髓細胞的形態(tài)與結(jié)構(gòu)。

45、Wang Wei,Wan Xiao.Distribution,morphosis and formation of heavy metal in fly ash from MSW incineration system[J].Urban Environment &Urban Ecology,2003,16(suppl.):7-9. ─── [2]王偉,萬曉.垃圾焚燒飛灰中重金屬的存在方式及形成機理[J].城市環(huán)境與城市生態(tài),2003,16(增刊):7-9.

46、No complications, such as infection, dys-morphosis of lid-margin, entropion, ectropion, trichiasis , exposure keratitis, were found. ─── 未見感染、瞼緣畸形、瞼內(nèi)(外)翻、倒睫、暴露性角膜炎等并發(fā)癥。

47、Keywords Blood salvage;Stored red cells;Erythrocyte morphosis;Membrane protein secondary structure ; ─── 輸血/自體血回收;紅細胞;庫存;紅細胞形態(tài);二級結(jié)構(gòu);膜蛋白;

48、Keywords pyrroloquinoline quinone;hippocampus;morphosis; ─── 吡咯喹啉醌;海馬;形態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu);

49、Reading the Formal Language of Morphosis ─── 墨菲西斯的形態(tài)藝術(shù)解讀

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