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10-04 投稿


magnetization 發(fā)音


英:  美:

magnetization 中文意思翻譯



magnetization 短語詞組

1、line of magnetization ─── [電] 磁化線

2、normal magnetization curve ─── [計] 正常磁化曲線

3、permanent magnetization ─── [計] 永久磁化

4、magnetization (intensity) ─── [化] 磁化強度

5、longitudinal magnetization ─── [電] 縱磁化

6、flash magnetization ─── [電] 閃光磁化

7、magnetization current ─── [化] 磁化電流

8、perpendicular magnetization ─── [計] 垂向磁化

9、residual magnetization ─── [化] 剩余磁化強度

10、remanent magnetization ─── [化] 剩余磁化強度; 剩磁

11、intensity of magnetization ─── [化] 磁感應強度

12、cross magnetization field ─── [電] 正交磁化場

13、continuous magnetization method ─── [化] 連續(xù)磁化法

14、cross magnetization ─── [電] 正交磁化

15、magnetization intensity ─── [電] 磁化強度

16、curve of magnetization ─── [電] 巖化曲線

17、armature magnetization curve ─── [電] 電樞磁化曲線

18、cross magnetization effect ─── [電] 正交磁化效應

19、magnetization curve ─── [化] 磁化曲線

magnetization 詞性/詞形變化,magnetization變形


magnetization 相似詞語短語

1、demagnetisation ─── n.去磁,退磁,消磁

2、phonetization ─── 音位化

3、demagnetization ─── n.[電][礦業(yè)]退磁;[電]去磁

4、magnification ─── n.放大;放大率;放大的復制品

5、palletization ─── n.托盤化;托盤化運輸

6、monetization ─── n.[金融]貨幣化;定為貨幣;貨幣鑄造

7、magnetisation ─── n.磁化強度(等于magnetization)

8、marketization ─── n.市場化;自由市場經(jīng)濟化;向自由市場經(jīng)濟轉化

9、magnetizations ─── n.磁化

magnetization 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、In addition, the magnet acts as a seal keeping its contents fresh. ─── 吸附的同時還起到了密封的作用,讓放在瓶里的東西保持新鮮。

2、On the contrary, it will block the magnetization of that direction. ─── 反之,應力場將會阻礙該方向的磁化。

3、It is possible to perform accurate magnetization analysis by considering the magnetic state of an incomplete magnetic region. ─── 能夠考慮不完全磁化區(qū)域的磁化狀態(tài)而進行高精度的磁化分析。

4、In strong fields the magnetization usually changes by rotation of the direction of magnetization. ─── 在強磁場中,磁化往往由于磁化方向轉向而改變。

5、Fast installation,no magnet switch. ─── 安裝方便、快捷、不再需要磁開關。

6、A piece of glass is laid on top of the magnet. ─── 一塊玻璃被擱在那磁鐵的上面。

7、In addition, SQUID has been used to investigate the magnetization versus temperature and coercivity in low temperature. ─── 并使用SQUID進行磁化量-溫度之量測,觀察薄膜在低溫下其磁化量和矯頑場的改變情形。

8、The scarf worked like a magnet. ─── 圍巾就像一塊磁石。

9、Over 4000 years ago, the laboring people of ancient China noticed the attracting property of the natural magnet. ─── 四千多年前,中國古代的勞動人民就注意到了天然磁石的吸引性質。

10、He picked all the pins up with a magnet. ─── 他用磁鐵撿起了所有的大頭針。

11、The principle and method of Faraday relative are given with which magnet. ─── 介紹一種測量物質磁化率的實驗原理和方法。

12、The earth behaves as a large and somewhat irregular magnet. ─── 地球象一個稍不規(guī)則的大磁鐵在轉動。

13、It should constantly keep clean and smooth of the holding surface of the permanent magnet hoisting machine. ─── 應始終保持永磁起重器吸持面的清潔與平整。

14、I was drawn to these letters like a magnet. ─── 如磁鐵一般我被這些信件吸引住了。

15、A clean (and dry) set of BDU's is a magnet for mud and rain. ─── 乾凈的野戰(zhàn)制服是招引泥漿與雨水的磁石。

16、In these researches, the magnetization, the signal extraction method and the structural design of probes are mainly discussed. ─── 在這些研究中,重點研究了檢測探頭的磁化方式、信號提取方法、探頭的結構設計等問題。

17、Beijing is a magnet for tourists. ─── 北京是吸引游客的地方。

18、The magnetization switch in the center of AMR element first started, and ended in the edge. ─── 在磁化反轉過程中,磁化反轉先從中心開始,逐漸擴展到邊緣。

19、One of the reverse magnetization signal detection circuit and B are the focus. ─── 其中磁化反向磁化電路和B信號檢測是重點。

20、and the direct-current magnetization of the magneto-elastic transducer with the transformer steel have been studied experimentally. ─── 實驗研究了取向硅鋼片壓磁式測力器的交流工作特性和直流磁化規(guī)律。

21、If the bar magnet is simply held stationary near the coil, no current is indicated. ─── 如果磁棒單純靜止在線圈附近,就檢測不到電流。

22、The quality issue appears to be with the plastic portion holding the magnet. ─── 似乎質量問題是在于固定磁鐵的塑膠部分.

23、We have many kinds of divot, visor clip and marker with magnet. ─── 信息介紹:The metal and plastic divot, visor clip, marker are available.

24、Some problems that exist in the application of the impulse magnetization are analyzed, and the methods to solve the problems are discussed as well. ─── 定性地分析了在脈沖充磁技術應用中存在的一些問題,并對解決這些問題的方法進行了探討。

25、The component dependence of crystal lattice constant,saturated magnetization and Curie temperature has been analyzed. ─── 對晶格常數(shù)、飽和磁化強度、居里溫度與磷含量的關系進行了詳細的分析。

26、The microstructure and electrochemical corrosion properties of the cast iron ball before and after magnetization have been tested and compared. ─── 對鑄鐵球磁化處理前后的組織、結構及電化學腐蝕等性能進行了觀察與測試,并對其耐磨性提高的原因進行了研究。

27、You can't play trumpet or sax inside the giant magnet that is an MRI machine. ─── 在MRI機器的大型磁場中無法吹奏小號或薩克斯管。

28、As to NdMn2O5, the magnetization curve exhibited an antiferromagnetic transition at about 7 K. ─── NdMn2O5的磁性與文獻報道的一致,化合物在低溫下約7K處經(jīng)歷一個反鐵磁的相轉變。

29、Having the properties of a magnet. ─── 具磁性德具有磁體的特性的

30、A positive attitude is like a magnet for positive results. ─── 樂觀的態(tài)度就像是吸引好結果的磁石。

31、It is the key problem for studying the exciting current in the transformer under DC bias magnetization. ─── 在直流偏磁條件下變壓器勵磁電流是研究變壓器直流偏磁特性的關鍵。

32、The earth pulls things to it just as a magnet pulls needles . ─── 地球吸引物體就像磁鐵吸引針一樣。

33、Based on the test of the performances of the mortar specimen,certain optimum magnetization parameters are got. ─── 在對膠砂試件性能測試的基礎上,得到了一定的最佳磁化參數(shù)。

34、When the inner spiritual force is raised to the "third eye" (the pituitary gland) the individual becomes a magnet. ─── 當內在精神力量提升至“第三只眼”(腦垂體)時,個人就會成為一塊磁鐵。

35、What happens if you hit a magnet with a hammer? ─── 當你將磁鐵與鐵錘碰在一起將會發(fā)生什么?

36、Human beings have learned out how to make magnet from cast iron. ─── 人類已經(jīng)學會如何從生鐵制出磁鐵。

37、The girl was drawn to the cartoon as by a magnet. ─── 動畫片強烈地吸引著那個小姑娘。

38、In wax (fact), the prince called himself a “bullet magnet”. ─── 實際上,王子稱自己是“吸引子彈的磁鐵”。

39、Most of the time display is likely to be led by magnetization. ─── 大多數(shù)時候很可能是顯示器被磁化導致。

40、The ancient Chinese knew that a magnet will point north and south . ─── 古代中國人就知道磁石會指南北。

41、Your laid-back tude will be a major friend magnet. ─── 你柔和的態(tài)度是交朋友的一塊吸鐵石(吸引朋友的主要因素)。

42、Return-to-reference recording in which the reference condition is the absenceof magnetization. ─── 基準狀態(tài)是無磁化的回歸基準制記錄法。

43、A new 'do and wardrobe will turn you into a guy magnet. ─── 一種新打扮、新衣著就會把你變成一塊男人的吸鐵石。

44、Like a magnet attracted nails, make-up attracted her. ─── 像磁鐵吸引釘子一樣,化妝品吸引著她。

45、Key technologies in making permanent magnet motor were introduced. ─── 介紹了永磁電機制造中的關鍵工藝。

46、All kinds of metal stamping parts, zinc alloy castings, NdFeB strong magnet. ─── 各種五金沖壓件,鋅合金鑄件,釹鐵硼強磁鐵。

47、The room temperature easy magnetization direction changes to the [040] direction with the increase of Nd content. ─── 室溫易磁化方向隨Nd含量的增加變?yōu)閇040]方向。

48、Slowly move the permanent magnet in a circle above the compass. ─── 在指南針上方,繞著圓圈慢慢地移動永久磁鐵。

49、Tongfu Fluid Magnetization Equip Co. ─── 北京同福流體磁化設備公司。

50、As if there was a giant magnet sucking them together. ─── 好像兩手掌間有一個巨大的磁鐵。

51、Venice's unique setting and character make it a magnet for hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. ─── 威尼斯獨特的景觀和特色每年都吸引了成千上萬的游客。

52、The angular dependence of coercivity is interpreted in terms of magnetization reversal mechanism. ─── 從反磁化機制的角度對矯頑力隨角度的變化規(guī)律進行了解釋。

53、The earth pulls thing to it just as a magnet pulls needle. ─── 地球吸引物體就好像磁鐵石吸引針一樣

54、Han sätter en magnet påkylskåpet. ─── 他放一個磁鐵在冰箱上。

55、Fredo: [Laughing]Okay, girl magnet. ─── 佛瑞多:(笑)好,少女殺手。

56、After zero-field-cooling (ZFC), the magnetization at low temperature and in a weak applied field shows a ‘diamagnetic’ response. ─── 低溫磁性分析結果表明它們在低溫弱場條件下呈現(xiàn)特殊的抗磁性。

57、and a second magnetic layer disposed on the thin film layer and having a substantially fixed magnetization direction. ─── 以及設置于所述薄膜層上、具有基本上固定的磁化方向的第二磁性層。

58、Above the Curie temperature there is no spontaneous magnetization. ─── 居里溫度以上,沒有自發(fā)的磁化。

59、Dalian is a magnet for tourists. ─── 大連是吸引游客的地方。

60、The Curie temperature and saturation magnetization increase with the Fe content. ─── 居里溫度和飽和磁化強度都隨著Fe含量的增加而增高。

61、Does it really matter between the two different types of magnet? ─── 兩者不同的磁鐵真的關系大嗎?

62、Above the Curie temperature there is no spontaneous magnetization. ─── 在居里溫度以上,沒有自發(fā)的磁化。

63、A smile is a magnet which draws people. ─── 微笑是吸引人的磁鐵。

64、Their creativity seems to act like a sexual magnet. ─── 創(chuàng)造力的高低看似就象性磁力的強度。

65、So precise description of ferromagnetic elements" magnetization characteristic is the base of setting up accurate inrush current model of transformer. ─── 因此,對鐵心材料磁化特性的準確描述,是建立精確的變壓器勵磁涌流模型的基礎。

66、In an experiment a pupil uses several paper clips and a magnet. ─── 在一個實驗中,某學生使用了幾枚回形針和一塊磁鐵。

67、In this ground state. system energy can be lowered considerably, and a small staggered magnetization can be retained. ─── 在此基態(tài)中,系統(tǒng)的能量可以得到明顯的降低,而且有小的交錯磁序存在。

68、The results forms are similar to those in the linear polarized magnet wiggler. ─── 上述結果與平面磁搖擺器有類似的形式。

69、The angle is multiplied by the intensity of magnetization of the surface. ─── 與該角相乘的是表面的磁化強度。

70、However, the magnetic effect is not in proportion with the intensity of magnetization, it has an optimum condition. ─── 磁化效果與磁感應強度不成比例,具有一個最佳值。

71、When love awakes, the Lord, like a magnet, draws to Him the soul. ─── 一旦愛被喚醒,神會像磁鐵一樣,把靈魂吸引到身邊。

72、Is likely to be the magnetization. ─── 很可能是被磁化了。

73、You are the most powerful magnet in the universe! ─── 你是宇宙中最強有力的磁鐵!

74、Magnet design and shimming of cyclotrons based on virtual prototyping[J]. ─── 引用該論文 秦斌,樊明武,陳德智.

75、The phenomenon of direct current components of flux and exciting current arising in a power transformer is called DC bias magnetization. ─── 造成振動的直接原因就是變壓器的直流偏磁現(xiàn)象。

76、Johnnie: Yeah, but with these good looks, what can I do? I'm a girl magnet. ─── 強尼:是呀,但是生來一付好面孔,我又能怎么辦?我是個少女殺手。

77、If the magnet ends up at the same location and in the same orientation as it started out, no work is done. ─── 如果這根磁棒在運動結束時和運動開始時具有相同的位置和相同的取向,則沒有做功。

78、In the world of existence there is no more powerful magnet than the magnet of love. ─── 在現(xiàn)實世界中沒有什么東西比愛更具有魔力。

79、With a strong magnet close by, a compass can no longer tell direction. ─── 在近處有一塊強力磁鐵的指南針是不能辨別方向的。

80、Experiment shows that manual grinding causes thevolume content of the martensite to increase and thespecific magnetization to intensify. ─── 實驗表明,手工研磨,導致馬氏體體積分數(shù)和比磁化強度顯著增大。

81、In fact, the Prince called himself "a bullet magnet". ─── 事實上,王子稱自己是“一個吸子彈的磁鐵”。

82、A piano keyboard acts like a magnet to him, he says. ─── 他說,鋼琴鍵盤猶如磁鐵一般吸引著他。

83、As a normal material magnet can make force with iron. ─── 一種常態(tài)的磁體可以和鐵產(chǎn)生力量。

84、For smaller width, the edge demagnetizing field is stronger, which makes the magnetization switch more difficult. ─── 寬度越小,元件中的邊緣退磁場越大,在外磁場下的磁化反轉也越困難。

85、The hypothesis of hydrogen bond magnetization resonance theory is firstly proposed for analyzing the magnetization mechanism. ─── 并對磁化機理進行了探討,提出了氫鍵磁化共振理論假說。

86、The earth pull thing to it just as a magnet pull needle. ─── 地球吸引物體就好像磁鐵石吸引針一樣。

87、In this experiment, we will use a compass to study the rate at which a temporary magnet relaxes. ─── 在本實驗中,我們將用指南針來研究暫時磁鐵的馳豫率。

88、MRI magnet technology marches steadily forward, improving year after year. ─── MRI核磁技術一直在前進中發(fā)展。

89、Figure displays the full process of the XFM magnet demagnetization. ─── 圖4顯示了XFM鐵氧體磁體的退磁的全過程。

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