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10-04 投稿


mechanized 發(fā)音

英:[?mek?na?zd]  美:[?mek?na?zd]

英:  美:

mechanized 中文意思翻譯




mechanized 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 機械化的;呆板的v. 使機械化;用機械操作(mechanize的過去式和過去分詞)

mechanized 短語詞組

1、mechanized farm ─── 機械化農(nóng)場

2、mechanized cavalry ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 機械化騎兵

3、Mechanized Desert Operation ─── 機械化沙漠行動

4、mechanized data processing system ─── [計] 機械數(shù)據(jù)處理系統(tǒng)

5、Airmobile-Mechanized Task Force ─── 流動機械工作隊

6、non-mechanized a. ─── 非機械化的

7、mechanized construction ─── 機械化施工

8、Mechanized Flame Thrower ─── 機械化火焰投擲器

9、mechanized packing lot ─── [經(jīng)] 機械操作的包裝物

10、mechanized assembly ─── [電] 機械化裝配

11、mechanized dictionary ─── [計] 機器詞典, 自動化詞典

12、mechanized accounting ─── [經(jīng)] 機械化會計

13、mechanized lorry ─── 機械化貨車,具有裝卸設(shè)備的載重汽車

14、mechanized operation ─── [計] 機械操作

15、Aldermaston Mechanized Cataloguing and Ordering System ─── 奧爾德馬斯頓機械化編目和訂購系統(tǒng)

16、mechanized movement ─── 機械化運動

17、mechanized housekeeping ─── [計] 機械化事務(wù)處理

18、mechanized farming ─── 機械化耕作

19、mechanized and power file ─── [經(jīng)] 機動歸檔器

mechanized 詞性/詞形變化,mechanized變形

動詞過去分詞: mechanized |動詞過去式: mechanized |名詞: mechanization |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): mechanizes |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: mechanizing |

mechanized 相似詞語短語

1、mechanizer ─── 機械化

2、mechaniser ─── 機械化器

3、unmechanized ─── adj.非機械化的

4、mechanise ─── v.使機械化(等于mechanize)

5、mechanises ─── v.使機械化(等于mechanize)

6、mechanised ─── adj.機械化的,用機械裝置的;v.使機械化,使……用機械裝置(mechanise的過去式和過去分詞)

7、mechanizes ─── vt.使機械化;機動化;用機械裝置

8、merchandized ─── 商品化

9、mechanize ─── vt.使機械化;機動化;用機械裝置

mechanized 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、China's light industry has developed into a modern, mechanized industry. ─── 中國的輕工業(yè)已經(jīng)屬于現(xiàn)代化、機械化的產(chǎn)業(yè)了。

2、Production of corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and wheat has been largely mechanized, but many high-value, labor-intensive crops, such as strawberries, need labor. ─── 玉米、棉花、水稻、大豆和小麥的生產(chǎn)已在很大程度上實現(xiàn)了機械化,但許多高價值、勞動密集型的作物,如草莓,都需要勞動力。

3、The rattan industry has become more mechanized, but skilled labor is still an important ingredient. ─── 做藤雖然已半機械化,不過技巧嫻熟的人工仍然很重要。

4、GUO Dong-ming,KANG Ren-ke,SU Jian-xiu,et al.Future development on wafer planarization technology in ULSI fabrication[J].Chinese J Mechan Eng,2003,39(10):100-105 (in Chinese). ─── [3]郭東明,康仁科,蘇建修,等.超大規(guī)模集成電路制造中硅片平坦化技術(shù)的未來發(fā)展[J].機械工程學(xué)報,2003,39(10):100-105.

5、Is the Sand Plant manual or mechanized? ─── 手工造型還是自動造型?

6、This new and improved version of the popular Mechanized Arachnid comes fully equipped with poisoned blades. ─── {這種廣受歡迎的“機械蜘蛛”新型改良版本裝備了大量淬毒的刀刃。

7、Since the 'factory' work we did is now being mechanized, outsourced or eliminated, it's hard to pay extra for it. ─── 由于我們曾從事的“工廠”作業(yè)正在被機械化、外包,或者淘汰,很難再為這些工作支付更多錢。

8、At ESAB we develop and manufacture a wide range of mechanized and automated welding applications to meet any need for a special solution you might have. ─── 在伊薩,我們研發(fā)和生產(chǎn)了各種機械化及自動化的焊接產(chǎn)品,能夠滿足您的各種可能的需求.

9、Georgiy Zhukov's successful use of mechanized formations in his defeat of the Japanese Kwangtung Army at Khalkin Gol in 1939 further reinforced the advocates of armored warfare. ─── 1939年朱可夫在哈拉欣河成功使用機械化集群打敗了日本關(guān)東軍進一步增強了裝甲戰(zhàn)倡導(dǎo)者的信心。

10、By 2005, all the main motorways in the urban area will be cleaned and water-sprayed through mechanized equipment. ─── 到2005年,市區(qū)主要車行道機械化清掃和灑水率達到100%。

11、Cotton-picking and weeding machines, which had received little attention before the war, were improved and the farm work was mechanized. ─── 戰(zhàn)前不受人重視的摘棉機、中耕機得到了改進,農(nóng)場的工作機械化了。

12、China's light industry has developed into a modern mechanized industry. ─── 中國的輕工業(yè)己經(jīng)屬于現(xiàn)代化、機械化的產(chǎn)業(yè)了。

13、One is highly mechanized upon the earth plane. ─── 因為你在地球?qū)用嫔鲜歉叨葯C械化的。

14、Life is extremely limited and mechanized at 2 strands of DNA. ─── 2股DNA的生命是極其受限和機械化的。

15、With even more armor and power than the Mechanized Arachnid, this bipedal behemoth is the ultimate destructive force! ─── 擁有甚至超過機械蜘蛛的護甲和力量,這種雙足的龐然大物才是終極的破壞力!

16、Warfare is mechanized. ─── 戰(zhàn)爭機械化了。

17、They are highly mechanized farms, with machinery to do all the work. ─── 它們是高度機械化的農(nóng)場,所有工作都由機器進行。

18、Parallelly traveling core setter (XZZ416II) can do online synchronous mechanized core setting fast and accurately. ─── 平移式下芯機(XZZ416II)可快速準(zhǔn)確地完成在線同步機械下芯。

19、But, in fact, one often finds production techniques in both agriculture and industry to be heavily mechanized and capital intensive. ─── 但是事實上,人們通常發(fā)現(xiàn)不管在農(nóng)業(yè)還是工業(yè)中,生產(chǎn)技術(shù)都是重型機械化的和資本密集型的。

20、They are highly mechanized farms , with machinery to do all the work . ─── 它們是高度機械化的農(nóng)場,所有工作都由機器進行。

21、For the original filming of Star Wars, the dewback was a mechanized lifesize puppet featuring limited articulation. ─── 在原始的星際大戰(zhàn)影片里,濕背獸是一只實際尺寸的機械道具,只有少數(shù)的關(guān)節(jié)。

22、As soul was withdrawn from the human dance through a loss of consciousness and in a stripping by the false intervention, the human field and genetics became increasingly mechanized. ─── 當(dāng)靈魂透過意識丟失并被虛假干涉所剝離而撤離人類舞蹈,人類的能量場與遺傳變得日益機械化。

23、I like this new styling direction a lot, just as I've liked all the latest Audi models for their mechanized and overtly masculine lines. ─── 我非常喜歡這種新的風(fēng)格,就像奧迪所有新款汽車一樣,尤其是那些極具機械感與陽剛氣質(zhì)的線條。

24、A number of mechanized pits have been put into operation. ─── 已有許多機械化礦井投入生產(chǎn)。

25、This paper also holds that in order to strengthen the anti-te r rorism action, it's important to deepen the understanding in the aspect of terro rism-proof coordination mechan... ─── 提出在軟課題方面進行深化研究,在協(xié)調(diào)體制上展開充分探討,以完善軌道交通防恐體系。

26、Holst directed that it be played slightly faster than a regular march, giving it a mechanized and inhuman character. ─── 關(guān)于這一點,霍爾斯特在 1920年全曲公演時曾這樣對記者說:"這些曲子的創(chuàng)作曾經(jīng)受到諸行星的占星學(xué)意義的啟發(fā)。

27、Tube-making, powder-loading, preparation of wooden or bamboo sticks and plastic ancillary devices are all mechanized and the management of working staff has been computerized on the whole. ─── 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施齊全,扯筒、壓藥、竹木扦桿、塑料附件等生產(chǎn)全部機械化、員工管理實現(xiàn)電腦化。

28、Harvesting should be further mechanized. ─── 在收獲環(huán)節(jié),推廣機械化收割;

29、We'll try to build our army into a mechanized unit. ─── 我們將試圖把我們的軍隊建成一支機械化部隊。

30、Industrial Revolution didn't go so well for Luddites whose jobs were displaced by mechanized looms, but it eventually raised living standards and created more jobs than it destroyed. ─── 工業(yè)革命對盧德分子來說并不那么有利,因為他們的工作被機械化的織布機取代了,而工業(yè)革命最終提高了生活水平,它創(chuàng)造了比它取代的更多的崗位。

31、It is no wonder therefore that humans build computers or computerized forms of entertainment or transportation, which mirror the mechanized state of being within. ─── 因此毫不足怪的是人類構(gòu)建了計算機、或計算機化的娛樂或運輸,這反映了內(nèi)在的機械狀態(tài)。

32、In order to study the dip strata displacement and side abutment phenomenon law in incline fully mechanized coal face we observed phenomenon of underground pressure in co. ─── 為了研究傾斜綜放采場傾向巖層運動與側(cè)向支承壓力顯現(xiàn)規(guī)律,布置了覆巖破壞測區(qū)和側(cè)向支承壓力測區(qū)。

33、Cities could help rural areas set up mechanized poultry or pig farms. On the one hand, this would help raise the income of the peasants; on the other it would improve the supply of non-grain foods to the cities. ─── 城市可以幫助農(nóng)村搞一些機械化的養(yǎng)雞嘗養(yǎng)豬場,這一方面能增加農(nóng)民的收入,另一方面能改善城市的副食品供應(yīng)。

34、Bibble, like the rest of the Naboo citizenry, was taken captive by the mechanized armies of the Trade Federation. ─── 比布爾跟其他納布公民一樣,被貿(mào)易聯(lián)盟的機器人部隊俘虜。

35、Earth scraping was minimal, and what little was undertaken was carried out by draft animals, not by mechanized earth movers deployed on a large scale. ─── 土方工程都是極少的,即便少量的土方也是由草圖和畜力來完成的,不像今天的機械用細致的圖紙來搬用土方。

36、If your work becomes too mechanized, change jobs! ─── 如果你的工作太機械化改變一下工作。

37、A fast-withdraw technology and relative safety processes of fully mechanized caving face in steeply-inclined coal seam are introduced. ─── 介紹了急傾斜特厚煤層綜放工作面回撤工藝及相關(guān)安全技術(shù)措施。

38、A high-pitched whirring sound begins, and a mechanized double-pronged probe pushes itself into his nose. ─── 一陣高頻的呼呼聲開始響起,一個機械的雙分叉頭的探針被推進了他的鼻子。

39、Based on prototypes stolen from his nemesis MR.FANTASTIC,Doctor.Doom builds a series of mechanized war-suits for the use of the world's worst Super Villains. ─── 在從他的克星神奇先生那里偷來原型的基礎(chǔ)上,末日博士建立了一系列的機械化戰(zhàn)斗裝甲,供世界上最壞的超級惡棍使用。

40、By 6000, one is less than 20% mechanized, and remaining machines are radioactive rather than electrical in vibration. ─── 到6000股,你的機械性不到20%,剩余的機器在振動上更是核輻射而不是電性的。

41、It owns advanced mechanized production line, first class spray-painting technological process and paint baking equipment in line with the world environmental protection standard. ─── 擁有先進的機械化生產(chǎn)線,一流的噴漆工藝技術(shù),符合世界環(huán)保標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的焗漆設(shè)備;

42、In early application of fully mechanized top coal mining,Spontaneous fire took place when the backout of fully mechanized top coal caving face was stopped mining. ─── 在應(yīng)用綜放開采的初期,每當(dāng)綜放工作面停采回撤時,就會發(fā)生自燃發(fā)火。

43、Removing hydraulic support in the fully mechanized face have already been introduced in this article,the removal chunnel of form,method,order are explained. ─── 介紹了綜采工作面液壓支架回撤通道的形成、方法、順序。

44、A good deal of housework can be mechanized. ─── 大量家務(wù)活可用機械化操作。

45、Panzerkampfwagen III's development began with a conflict between Waffenamt (the Ordnance Department) and the Inspector for Mechanized Troops about the main armament. ─── 三號裝甲坦克的發(fā)展在武器裝備部隊和機械化部隊有關(guān)的主要武器裝備的督察員之間,發(fā)生了沖突。

46、This paper describes the joining problem of mechanized paving in bituminous concrete and expounds the construction technology of the covered bevel joining methed. ─── 提出了機械鋪筑瀝青混凝土中的接縫問題,論述了壓茬接縫法施工工藝。

47、The examples should be chosen from every locality and every trade and should include good and bad, big and small, concentrated and scattered, as well as semi-mechanized and mechanized co-operatives. ─── 各地區(qū)、各行各業(yè)都要有; 好的、壞的,大的、小的,集中的、分散的,半機械化的、機械化的都要有。

48、Local newspapers have reported new high-tech SWAT teams (mechanized, oddly, on a fleet of Segway scooters). ─── 當(dāng)?shù)氐膱蠹垐蟮肋^高科技特警部隊(機械化,古怪,賽格威單腳滑行車隊列)。

49、Using test-simulating method, the paper observes and studies law of dust diffusing in mechanized face. ─── 利用相似模擬實驗方法,對綜采工作面采煤機工作時粉塵在工作面中的擴散規(guī)律進行了考察;

50、Kang T H, Jin Z M.Laws of Coal-Rock Movement and the Technical Parameters on the Fully Mechanized Sub-Level Caving Face of the Gently Inclined Seam [J]. the Ming Engineer, 1995. ─── 康天合,宋選民.煤層條件對頂煤可放性的影響研究[J].巖土工程學(xué)報,1996(9).靳鐘銘.開天窗支架放頂煤工藝在硬煤層中的應(yīng)用[J].煤炭科學(xué)技術(shù),1991(2).

51、This paper introduces the application of equi-block indexation method in geological condition evaluation of comprehensive mechanized coal mining. ─── 介紹了等性塊段指數(shù)法在礦井綜采地質(zhì)條件評價中的應(yīng)用。

52、The humanization of a mechanized world, through our identification with it, is what takes place in Tony the Tow Truck. ─── 機械化世界的人格化,我們確認后這樣認為,這是《拖車托尼》的特點。

53、The variant languages that emerged upon earth due to the intermarrying of humans of variant star systems produced energy systems that were mechanized. ─── 因不同星系人類的通婚而出現(xiàn)在地球的語言變種,制造了機械化的能量系統(tǒng)。

54、With advanced testing and measuring instruments, the company has mechanized mining, mineral processing and transportation.The annual output of fluorspar products totals more than 200,000 tons. ─── 技術(shù)力量雄厚,檢測手段先進,采掘、選礦、運輸機械化,年產(chǎn)各類螢石產(chǎn)品20多萬噸。

55、The turret and turret ring were still capable of mounting heavier gun as it was selected by the Inspector for Mechanized Troops. ─── 機械化部隊的督察員選擇了可以安裝更重火炮的炮塔和炮塔環(huán)。

56、A mechanized corps consisted of two brigades, each with three battalions. ─── 一個機械化軍由二個三營制的旅組成。

57、Two models for output of mechanized coal face are constructed with Markovian theory. ─── 利用馬爾可夫理論,構(gòu)造了兩個機采工作面產(chǎn)量的模擬模型。

58、Therefore we invite our human brothers and sisters to examine if they are becoming increasingly mechanized in their ascension, or if more and more soul is being anchored and the machines dismantled. ─── 因此我們邀請我們的人類兄弟姊妹來檢測自己是否在自己的提升中變得越來越機械化,或是否變得讓靈魂被更多地被錨定而機械被移除。

59、Based on the rheological properties of the magne tic rheological fluid,this paper carries out analysis on its transmission mechan ism. ─── 介紹磁流變液傳動現(xiàn)象,分析了磁流變液的流變特性和傳力特性,建立了磁流變液的動態(tài)屈服應(yīng)力及傳力的計算模型。

60、Utilizing mechanized design method to obtain optindzahon desgn method of oscillating mechanism for raceway superfinishing rnachine is introduced. ─── 介紹了利用機械優(yōu)化設(shè)計方法對溝道超精研機振蕩機構(gòu)的優(yōu)化設(shè)計方法。附圖2幅,表2個。

61、This article introduced applications,observation and research's actuality and developing trend of fully mechanized top coal caving mining under water. ─── 介紹放頂煤開采技術(shù)在水體下采煤領(lǐng)域中的應(yīng)用情況、觀測研究現(xiàn)狀及其發(fā)展趨勢。

62、Cotton-picking and weeding machines, which had received little attention before the war, were improved and the farm work was mechanized. ─── 戰(zhàn)前不受人重視的摘棉機、中耕機得到了改進,農(nóng)場的工作機械化了。

63、These just is not enough room to grow food for all these people even though British agriculture is the most mechanized in the world. ─── 盡管在世界上英國農(nóng)業(yè)機械化程度最高,但是它沒有足夠的土地種植莊稼來養(yǎng)活那么多的人。

64、The ascent to 1800 is more or less mechanized, and requires not transmutation or alteration of thought-form upon a conscious level. ─── 提升到1800股的過程多少是機械化的,并不需要在有意識的水平上轉(zhuǎn)化或改變思想形態(tài)。

65、Promote scientific raising technology and expedite application of mechanized milking enhance building of forage grass production basis; improve the unit yield and product quality. ─── 大力推廣科學(xué)飼養(yǎng)技術(shù),加快普及機械化擠奶,加強飼草料基地建設(shè),努力提高奶牛單產(chǎn)和原料奶質(zhì)量。

66、The step by which a new axiom is added cannot itself be mechanized. ─── 一個新公理得以產(chǎn)生,但產(chǎn)生公理的這個步驟自身卻非機械的。

67、For instance, if we employ two, three or four mechanized divisions against one mechanized enemy division, we can be all the more certain of destroying it. ─── 例如我用兩個或三個或四個機械化的師對敵一個機械化的師,更能確定地消滅這個師。

68、They move like mechanized doom. ─── 它們象機械化的死神在行動。

69、Communication programme has been designed by Modbus fieldbus based on HT6L1-400Z/1140 intelligent switchgear. The remote monitoring and control for large equipments has been carried out in fully mechanized face. ─── 在HT6L1-400Z/1140智能型組合電器的基礎(chǔ)上采用Modbus現(xiàn)場總線,編制了通訊程序,實現(xiàn)了綜采工作面大型設(shè)備的遠程監(jiān)測監(jiān)控。

70、The production process is now highly mechanized. ─── 現(xiàn)在的生產(chǎn)過程高度機械化。

71、Goku knows the location of the seventh Dragon Ball.It's in the possession of the greedy Emperor Pilaf and secured by his mechanized arsenal! ─── 小悟空終于知道了第七顆龍珠的下落,原來是在貪得無厭的皮拉夫大王手里,而且是在他的機甲戰(zhàn)隊的嚴密守衛(wèi)之下。

72、During the preparative and mining process of fully mechanized coal mining face, meeting small fold is a premonitor that there may be concealed fault around the face. ─── 在綜采工作面的準(zhǔn)備和回采過程中,小褶曲是可能存在隱伏斷層的征兆。

73、Too tiny to cause much damage to the massive Devastator and his fellow killer ‘bots, the humans do an awful lot of running as the mechanized warriors smash each other to bits. ─── 人類太過渺小以至于不能對這些大型破壞者或者他的殺手機器人同伴們造成什么傷害,他們只能在這些機械戰(zhàn)士們彼此激戰(zhàn)時糟糕的抱頭鼠竄。

74、The "Blitzkrieg method called for a young, highly skilled mechanized army. ─── “閃擊戰(zhàn)”戰(zhàn)法用來稱呼一個年輕的、高度熟練的、機械化軍隊。

75、Huiyang Sanhe Group Company Cement Plant highly mechanized, and boasts its large size, scientific techniques, advanced equipments and the powerful technological strength. ─── 惠陽三和集團公司水泥制品廠機械化程度高,規(guī)模大,工藝科學(xué),設(shè)備先進,技術(shù)力量雄厚。

76、In addition, Anstar alfalfa and Kitawakaba et al. were lodging resistant and had good orthotropism, which were suitable for mechanized harvesting. ─── 另外,安斯塔、北若葉等苜蓿品種直立性較好,適宜機械收割。

77、The paper can be the technical support for the application of the domestic mechanized shortwall mining technology. ─── 為國產(chǎn)短壁機械化開采成套技術(shù)推廣應(yīng)用提供技術(shù)支撐。

78、We also offer custom welding wire with the largest inventory of spare parts in the mechanized pipe welding industry. ─── 在機械化管道焊接工廠中我們也提供用戶定制的焊絲和備件清單。

79、The application of elevated fully mechanized caving mining technology is an economical and efficient means for an old coal mine with an exploitation history of 38 years. ─── 應(yīng)用高位綜放工藝回采煤柱資源對于已有38年開采歷史的老礦來說是一種經(jīng)濟、高效的手段。

80、This designation code is unique and in a form that is acceptable to both manual and mechanized procedures. ─── 所設(shè)計的這種代碼是獨一無二的,采用了手動和機械程序都能接受的形式。

81、Therefore, it was advised that choosing a new mining plan with respect to all mechanized panels should not be necessary to the macro-horizontal jamb in the future. ─── 已經(jīng)屈服的水平礦柱對上盤圍巖中巷道工程的抵頂作用將衰減,不會成為未來巷道破壞的主要影響因素,故沒有必要調(diào)整水平礦柱上各盤區(qū)的既定采礦方案。

82、With GVS, channels are mechanized in software and are as a result far easier to modify and use for complex applications such as binocular stereo or wide angle views which use more than one channel. ─── 在GVS中,通道在軟件中被機械化,作為更簡單的修改和用于例如雙眼立體或者寬視角瀏覽的采用多個通道復(fù)雜程序的結(jié)果。

83、You are on your way to being the mechanized savage. ─── 你就會成為一個會使用機器的野蠻人.

84、Simultaneously, the gas control in roof caving and fully mechanized mining is the unsubstantial aspect of prevention measures for gas disasters in all over the world. ─── 同時,放頂煤綜采工作面的瓦斯治理也是世界各國煤礦瓦斯災(zāi)害防治技術(shù)的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)。

85、Move your body out of any mechanized system of dance and mechanized music. . . LIVE YOUR OWN DANCE AND MUSIC ! ─── 運動你的身體,走出任何機械化的舞蹈體系和機械化的音樂……活在你自己的舞蹈和音樂當(dāng)中!

86、In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, for example, mechanized boats and trawlers are banned from fishing for 45 days in coastal waters every year. ─── 以印度泰米爾納德邦為例,機動漁船和拖網(wǎng)魚船每年禁止在近海捕魚45天。

87、This paper analyses the reasons for the gob fire of the face with fully mechanized mining caving method in free burning seam and gives the gob fire eradication means. ─── 分析了王營礦極易自燃煤層綜放工作面采空區(qū)自燃發(fā)火的原因,提出了防治措施。

88、The cultivation of potatoes is also mechanized. ─── 土豆也是機械化耕作的。

89、Of critical importance to the viability of large mechanized formation, the issue of command and control went unaddressed. ─── 對大規(guī)模機械化部隊的生存能力最重要的指揮和控制問題一直沒有被提及。

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