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10-03 投稿


harboring 發(fā)音

英:[?hɑ?b?r??]  美:[?hɑrb?r??]

英:  美:

harboring 中文意思翻譯



harboring 短語詞組

1、harboring ill feelings ─── 懷有惡感

harboring 相似詞語短語

1、herborizing ─── vi.采集藥草;采集植物(等于botanize)

2、herborising ─── 除草

3、hardworking ─── adj.努力工作的;不辭辛勞的,苦干的;v.努力工作(hardwork的現(xiàn)在分詞形式)

4、laboring ─── adj.勞動的;n.勞動;操勞

5、harbouring ─── n.隱匿;包庇

6、armoring ─── n.裝甲;武器;v.穿盔甲;提供防御(armor的ing形式)

7、barbering ─── n.剃毛;手工修飾工序;v.為…理發(fā);修整(barber的ing形式)

8、harrowing ─── adj.痛心的;悲慘的;vt.耙地;使苦惱(harrow的ing形式);vi.被耙松(harrow的ing形式);n.(Harrowing)(英)哈羅因(人名)

9、unharbouring ─── 脫碳

harboring 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、I want to go to the harbor, have you a guide map? ─── 我想去碼頭,你有觀光地圖嗎?

2、They poled the boat across the crowded harbor. ─── 他們用篙把船撐出擠滿船的港灣。

3、As an important military harbor in north China. ─── 也是我國北方重要的軍港。

4、She would be coming along to Pearl Harbor in due course. ─── 她不久就要到珍珠港來。

5、Read the parable on forgiveness below, author unknown, and see if it inspires you to forgive someone you've been harboring a grudge against. ─── 閱讀下面這篇關(guān)于寬容的寓言,作者不詳,然后看一下這篇寓言是否能鼓勵你寬恕曾經(jīng)讓你很反感的人。

6、You're still harboring indecent thoughts about me. ─── 你還在對我打壞主意。

7、He could not help harboring these bad feelings deep down inside. ─── 他不得不先把這些壞感覺埋在心底。

8、At that time, our ship was tied up at this harbor. ─── 當(dāng)時我們的船??吭谶@個港口。

9、Morrel accompanied the count to the harbor. ─── “立刻就走,汽船已經(jīng)在那兒等著了,一個鐘頭以后,我就離開你很遠(yuǎn)啦。

10、"My message would be stop fooling around with the Iranians and stop harboring terrorists, " he said. ─── 他說:“我要說的是,敘利亞不應(yīng)該再和伊朗混在一起,不能再庇護(hù)恐怖分子?!?/p>

11、Eg: We could see the ship lying off the harbor. ─── 我們能看見那只船停泊在離港口不遠(yuǎn)的地方。

12、We are not surprised that Iraq is harboring Zarqawi and his subordinates. ─── 對于伊拉克收容扎卡威和他的手下我們并不奇怪。

13、They were in harbor for two weeks. ─── 他們在港中兩個禮拜了。

14、I made my way towards the harbor. ─── 我朝港口的方向走。

15、He guided the ship safely into harbor. ─── 他駕駛輪船安全入港。

16、Dalian is a great natural harbor. ─── 大連是一個天然的良港。

17、We could see the ship lying off the harbor. ─── 我們能看到那艘輪船停泊在離港口不遠(yuǎn)的地方。

18、Around the harbor is the road for bikes. ─── 吐露港周圍的一圈是自行車道。

19、A boat in the harbor will eventually rot out. ─── 不離開港灣的船將最終會腐爛的。


21、Go Cisian Rd. towards Kaohsiung Harbor by car. ─── 開車往七賢三路高雄港方向即可到達(dá)。

22、During the gale the ships stayed in the harbor. ─── 刮大風(fēng)時船只停泊在港內(nèi)。

23、they are everywhere in the Middle East, harboring the archaeological record of thousands of years of human history. ─── 他們到處都是在內(nèi)中東,窩藏人的歷史數(shù)千年的考古學(xué)的記錄。

24、The tugs left the steamer as soon as they were free of the harbor. ─── 一離開港口,拖船就離開輪船。

25、People harboring this mindset have a precious diamond heart! ─── 人都有一顆鉆石般的心。

26、They took up a berth near the harbor. ─── 他們在港口附近找了個位置下錨。

27、Pearl Harbor, a Titanic Success? ─── 《珍珠港》,今年的《泰坦尼克號》?

28、Your job is to pilot the ship into the harbor. ─── 你的工作是引導(dǎo)該船入港。

29、U-zany harbor is build up in Feb 14, 2003. ─── 它在于2003年2月14號西洋情人節(jié)落成。

30、CSH Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. U.S.A. ─── 冷泉港研究室,美國。

31、In November and December, police in Yanji, Jilin province, turned up the heat by raiding more homes suspected of harboring North Koreans. ─── 11月和12月,吉林省延吉市警方加大力度,突襲了更多涉嫌為朝鮮人提供住宿的家庭。

32、The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity. ─── 偷襲珍珠港(對美軍來說)是一場毀滅性的災(zāi)難。

33、A boat floats in Al Aqabah (Akaba) Harbor, Jordan. ─── 一艘船漂浮在約旦的阿卡巴港。

34、Why, it seems that I can see the harbor now. ─── 哎呀,我好像看見海港了。

35、At Pearl Harbor, US response to raid is acclaimed. ─── 在珍珠港,美國的對襲擊的反應(yīng)被贊揚.

36、They reconstructed their harbor quayage. ─── 他們重建了一組港囗碼頭。

37、Consider how harboring vindictive thoughts, even though so compelling at times, is nothing but violence to oneself. ─── 想想如此深含報復(fù)性的觀點,就算是有時相當(dāng)?shù)贸眩€僅僅是自我暴力而已。

38、Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7. ─── 1941年12月7日,日本偷襲珍珠港。

39、I'm going to bust in on that damned harbor master. ─── 我要去找那該死的港務(wù)長算賬。

40、We mustn't harbor hard thoughts. ─── 我們千萬不能存什么狠心腸。

41、The tugboat tugged the freighter into the harbor. ─── 拖輪把貨船拖進(jìn)海港了。

42、Some wild rodents in Africa also harbor the virus. ─── 在非洲,有些野生嚙齒動物也是儲毒者。

43、Trucks speed over the city to Keelung Harbor. ─── 基隆港貨運擁擠,圖為新近完成工程偉大之港灣陸橋。

44、They lay at anchor outside the harbor. ─── 他們在港外拋錨停泊。

45、To leave, as a port or harbor; depart. ─── 出航離開,如口岸或港口;出發(fā)

46、"Harboring criminals is an offence in law! " Jacob said to his wife. ─── “窩藏罪犯是犯法的!”他對妻子說。

47、The attack on Pearl Harbor aroused the whole country . ─── 對珍珠港的突襲激勵了全國人民。

48、Would you like a seat with a harbor view? ─── 您喜歡能看到海港景色的座位嗎?

49、The tug will lead the liner into the harbor. ─── 拖船將把那艘客輪引入港口。

50、We all harbor fears about the future. ─── 我們大家都對未來懷有恐懼。

51、The enemy fighters surprised the harbor at dawn. ─── 敵人戰(zhàn)斗機在黎明時偷襲港囗。

52、The Sydney Opera House and the Harbor Bridge. ─── 悉尼歌劇院和海港橋。

53、There were many vessels in the harbor today. ─── 今天港口有許多船只。

54、They're building a goddam yacht harbor. ─── 他們要修建一座巨大的游艇碼頭。

55、A customs officer who boards incoming ships at a harbor. ─── 在港口登上進(jìn)港的船的海關(guān)官員

56、almost as if the Lady were in some way harboring her own demons. ─── 小姐幾乎就好像在某種程度心懷魔鬼。

57、He steered his boat into the harbor. ─── 他將船駛進(jìn)港內(nèi)。

58、All admire his boldness in sailing into an enemy harbor to attack their ships. ─── 他駕船駛進(jìn)敵人港口攻擊敵艦,大家對他的勇敢都很欽佩。

59、If this frost lasts the ships in the harbor will be frozen in. ─── 如果這種嚴(yán)寒的天氣持續(xù)下去,港內(nèi)的船只將被封凍。

60、We left the harbor and sailed seaward. ─── 我們離開港口,朝海上航行。

61、For Americans Pearl Harbor was the curtain raiser for World War II. ─── 對美國人而言,珍珠港事件是第二次世界大戰(zhàn)的序幕。

62、The enemy's ships blockaded the harbor. ─── 敵人的軍艦封鎖了港口。

63、Can you steer the boat into the harbor? ─── 你可以把船駛進(jìn)港嗎?

64、He wasn't good navigator, so it is necessary that the coastline remain in sight as he moved from one harbor to the next. ─── 他不擅航海,所以當(dāng)他從一碼頭駛到另一碼頭時,得一直沿海岸線航行。

65、It is not right to harbor vindictive feelings. ─── 懷有報復(fù)的念頭是不對的。

66、I harbor no malice toward him for what he has done. ─── 對于他所做的事,我并沒有心懷惡意。

67、The taxi stand is right outside the harbor. ─── 出租車站就在海港外邊。

68、Harris stared over the tin roofs toward the harbor. ─── 哈里斯越過鐵皮屋頂凝望著大海。

69、I'm to pick up the ship's papers at once from the harbor master. ─── 我馬上要到港務(wù)長那兒去拿這船的證件。

70、He is accused of harboring an escaped convict. ─── 他被指控窩藏逃犯。

71、Kaohsiung Harbor is on your left. ─── 司機先生:高雄港就在您的左邊。

72、Inis exhausted, you are the harbor which I anchors? ─── 在疲憊的時候,你是我??康母蹫硢幔?/p>

73、He was convicted of harboring a wanted man. ─── 他因窩藏被通緝犯而被判有罪。


75、I can see two ships in the harbor. ─── 我可以看見港口有兩艘船。

76、Nima captain invited Aaron Jonas Harbor for travel. ─── 尼摩船長邀請阿龍納斯作海底旅行。

77、I now know how Tojo felt when he was planning Pearl Harbor. ─── 我現(xiàn)在知道東條(英機)在策劃珍珠港事件時是什么樣的心情了。

78、A blockade of all the harbor of that country will require thousands of war-ships. ─── 封鎖那個國家的所有港口需要成千上萬艘戰(zhàn)艦。

79、The gale screamed through the harbor. ─── 強風(fēng)呼嘯著吹過港口。

80、Small motorboats chug out of the harbor. ─── 小摩托艇軋軋地駛出海港。

81、Then what exactly I’m talking about deadly is the possibility of harboring a disease. ─── 之后,我所說的致命,是一個染上致命疾病的可能性!

82、The tug boat cut across the harbor. ─── 拖船穿過港口。

83、All the battleships can refresh in this harbor. ─── 所有戰(zhàn)艦都能在這個港口裝上補充供應(yīng)品。

84、We can overlook the whole of the harbor on the hillside. ─── 我們在山腰上可以俯視整個港口。

85、The enemy's Achilles heel is his harbor defences. ─── 敵人的弱點在其海港防御。

86、"For that, you need White Harbor. ─── "為了這個,您需要白港。

87、My brother worked at a harbor as a porter. ─── 我大哥在碼頭上工作,是個扛大個兒的。

88、They threw the tea into Boston harbor. ─── 他們將茶葉傾倒到波士頓港口內(nèi)。

89、You would get into trouble for harboring her. ─── 你包庇她會惹下麻煩的。

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