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10-04 投稿


mullah 發(fā)音

['m?l?; 'm?l?]

英:  美:

mullah 中文意思翻譯



mullah 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

n. 毛拉(伊斯蘭教神學(xué)家)

mullah 短語詞組

1、mullah faizullah ─── 毛拉·法祖拉

2、mullah abdul ghani baradar ─── 西部深淵的開始

3、mullah dadullah ─── 從那開始。

4、mullah baradar ─── 開始向西

5、mullah hassan akhund ─── 毛拉·哈?!ぐ⒖系?/p>

6、mullah was a great man ─── 毛拉是個偉人

7、mullah nasruddin ─── 啟動nasruddin

8、mullah abdul ghani ─── 從加尼·阿卜杜勒開始

9、Mullah Mohammed Omar ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 塔利班領(lǐng)袖奧馬爾;最高領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人奧馬爾;毛拉·穆罕默德·奧馬爾

10、Mullah Omar ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 奧馬爾;塔利班領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人奧馬爾;歐瑪

mullah 詞性/詞形變化,mullah變形


mullah 相似詞語短語

1、mulla ─── n.毛拉(伊斯蘭國家的敬稱);n.(Mulla)人名;(阿拉伯、哈薩、塔吉、吉爾、烏茲)穆拉

2、mollahs ─── 摩拉

3、nullahs ─── n.峽谷;水道;流水

4、nullah ─── n.峽谷;水道;流水

5、mullahs ─── n.毛拉(伊斯蘭教神學(xué)家)

6、mullas ─── n.毛拉(伊斯蘭國家的敬稱);n.(Mulla)人名;(阿拉伯、哈薩、塔吉、吉爾、烏茲)穆拉

7、Gullah ─── n.嘎勒語(格勒人說的,帶有西非語法和詞匯的英語);嘎勒人(居住在佐治亞州和南卡羅來納州的黑人)

8、Gullahs ─── 古拉。

9、mollah ─── 莫拉

mullah 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、I was joking!" said the Mullah. ─── 我剛才是說著玩的!”毛拉說。

2、No one had any idea why the Mullah should want a piece of rope. ─── 誰都不知道毛拉要繩子干什么。

3、"It is true, I'll sell my donkey for a dollar," said the Mullah. ─── “的確,我將以一塊錢出售驢子,”毛拉說。

4、The man in front of me is Zabiullah Mujahid -- one of two spokesmen for the Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar. ─── 在我面前的男人是穆賈希德,阿富汗塔利班領(lǐng)袖毛拉-穆罕默德-奧馬爾的兩個發(fā)言人之一。

5、The most senior Taliban commander Mullah Omar on the same day issued a statement calling on the US-led international troops from Afghanistan. ─── 塔利班的最高級指揮官奧馬爾同日發(fā)表聲明,要求美國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的國際部隊撤出阿富汗。

6、They identified the dead commander as Mullah Kabir. ─── 他們證實這名被打死的指揮官名叫穆拉.卡比爾。

7、Pakistan denies the allegation, and Mr. Bashir said the country does not know if Mullah Omar and other Taliban leaders are in Pakistan. ─── 巴基斯坦否認(rèn)美國這一說法。巴希爾說,巴基斯坦并不知道奧馬爾和其他塔利班領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人是否藏在巴基斯坦。

8、Mr Karzai has often said he is willing to sit down with the Taliban's supremo, Mullah Mohammad Omar. ─── 卡爾扎伊一再表示他愿意和塔利班的精神領(lǐng)袖奧馬爾坐下來談判。

9、British forces said they killed Mullah Mansur and other Taliban leaders in the Helmand province. ─── 此舉被視為是奧巴馬政府新政的一部分,旨在與伊朗政府舉行對話。

10、This may or may not placate the militants' leader, Mullah Fazalullah. ─── 形勢雖然如此,但這不能主要怪罪于扎爾達(dá)里。

11、Better his finger on Pakistan's nuclear button, the thinking went, than a flaky, venal civilian, perhaps followed in short order by a mad mullah. ─── 按照這種思維,穆沙拉夫的留任要比他褪化成一個古怪貪腐的平民(或許身后還會迅速地跟上一位狂熱的毛拉)要好的多。

12、To get married, a couple goes to a mullah who marries them for a stipulated period of time -- from a few hours to a few years. ─── 想結(jié)婚的男女只要找位穆拉證婚,就能在雙方約定的期間內(nèi)-從幾個小時到幾年都可以-維持夫妻關(guān)系。

13、Suddenly, the Mullah looked to one side and saw one of his friends holding up a dollar. On the other side he saw another with a dollar. ─── 突然,毛拉側(cè)過臉,看見他的一位朋友伸出握著一塊錢的手;朝另一側(cè)一看,又有一人遞過來一塊錢。

14、They found a cat tied with a piece of rope to the tail of the Mullah's donkey! ─── 星期六,村里的男人和男孩都來到驢市場。人們發(fā)現(xiàn),有一只貓被用繩子拴在毛拉的驢子的尾巴上!

15、The Mullah contained himself for a week and then went back to the shop. ─── 穆拉強(qiáng)壓歡喜等了一星期后,又去裁縫店。

16、"Surely," said the Mullah, "the promises of Allah are true, and the man who trusts in Him will not be deceived. ─── 這位毛拉想:“無疑,安拉的許諾是不騙人的,相信他的人一定不會上當(dāng)。

17、The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired . He sat down to rest at his gate . A few friends came to join him. ─── 毛拉四面八方尋找了一通,直到太累才歇息。他坐在門口休息。幾位朋友也過來和他坐在一起。

18、We ask about the man in the corner, a mullah, and are stunned by the reply: "He is a son of a bitch, and I do not like him. " ─── 我們向同桌的伊朗人問起房間角落的那個男人,一個毛拉,但是得到了令人吃驚的回答:“這個婊子養(yǎng)的,我不喜歡他?!?/p>

19、Everybody was kind to animals in the village. So the Mullah thought out a plan. He wanted to keep his word and also to keep his d. ─── 村子里人人對動物都很仁慈。因此毛拉想出一個計謀,他既要守信,又要守住自己的驢子。

20、A local mullah here, who served as a foreman for several of the villagers he helped recruit, says the leader was probably Mr. ─── 當(dāng)?shù)氐囊晃幻鴰椭心紟孜淮迕瘢⒊洚?dāng)他們的工頭。

21、Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey's feet. He looked around. There was his .... ─── “那頭不中用的懶驢!”他說。“要是我重新見到她,愿一塊錢將她賣掉!”一塊錢賣掉他的驢,僅是說來玩的。

22、Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey's feet. ─── “那頭不中用的懶驢!”

23、The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired. ─── 毛拉四面八方尋找了一通,直到太累才歇息。

24、Taleban spokesmen told several news agencies that Mullah Dadullah was killed Saturday in southern Afghanistan. ─── 塔利班發(fā)言人對幾家通訊社說,毛拉.達(dá)杜拉星期六在阿富汗南部被打死。

25、The Mullah couldn't break his word. ─── 毛拉不能食言。

26、To her the Mullah made obeisance, and, kneeling before her, told his tale. ─── 毛拉深鞠一躬,跪在她面前,講述了自己的故事。

27、Afghan President Gime Kaza offered on Sunday to provide security for Taliban reclusive leader Mullah Omar if Omar agree to enter peace talks. ─── 阿富汗總統(tǒng)哥瑪卡在星期一主動提出為隱藏的塔利班毛利奧馬爾提供安全保障。如果他愿意加入和平談判。

28、Suddenly, the Mullah looked to one side and saw one of his friends holding up a dollar. ─── 突然,毛拉側(cè)過臉,看見他的一位朋友伸出握著一塊錢的手;

29、Where did you find her?" asked the Mullah. ─── 你在哪里找到她的?”毛拉問。

30、In this photo, taken shortly after the storming of the American embassy, a mullah tests one of the former ruler's golden phones. ─── 此照片中,美國駐德黑蘭大使館風(fēng)暴事件發(fā)生后不久,一個毛拉正在試著前統(tǒng)治者的金色電話。

31、President Hamid Karzai to the Taliban leader Mullah Omar called his brother. ─── 卡爾扎伊總統(tǒng)把塔利班首領(lǐng)奧馬爾稱為他的兄弟。

32、As the epicurean mullah said when urged to eat some wholesome jelly, “If it is so fortifying, why does it wobble so much? ─── 正如貪圖享樂的毛拉說的,當(dāng)有人讓你吃下有益身心健康的果凍的時候,“如果真的有那么牢固的話,為什么還要那么搖擺不定呢?”

33、They found a cat tied with a piece of rope to the tail of the Mullah's donkey! Beside them stood the Mullah, who looked happy. ─── “的確,我將以一塊錢出售驢子,”毛拉說?!叭欢糜幸淮粭l件。我的驢和我的貓是好朋友,他們不得分離。哪位仁慈心腸的人要買我的驢,也必須買我的貓?!?/p>

34、On the night before the donkey fair, the Mullah bought a piece of rope. ─── 在驢市場舉行前夕,毛拉買了一根繩子。

35、No doubt Taliban and its leader Mullah Omar will be morphed by the US media machine into a bin Laden stand-ins. ─── 毫無疑問,美國媒體機(jī)器會把塔利班及其領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人奧馬爾,描繪成本拉登的繼承人。

36、Beside them stood the Mullah, who looked happy. ─── 站在他們邊上的是毛拉,他看起來很高興。

37、Mr. Obama has promised in his words to "finish the job in Afghanistan." But Taliban leader Mullah Omar says the United States and its allies will fail. ─── 奧巴馬總統(tǒng)在講話中承諾"完成在阿富汗的任務(wù)",但是塔利班領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人毛拉奧馬爾表示美國及其盟友們只會失敗。

38、On the night before the d fair, the Mullah bought a piece of rope. No one had any idea why the Mullah should want a piece of rope. ─── 在驢市場舉行前夕,毛拉買了一根繩子。沒人知道毛拉要繩子干什么。

39、I was studying to be a mullah. ─── 我學(xué)做阿訇。

40、Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey's feet. He looked around. There was his donkey. On her back rode a boy. ─── 就在那時,毛拉聽到驢子的蹄聲。他的驢子出現(xiàn)了,由一個男孩騎著過來。

41、"I was joking!" said the Mullah. ─── “我剛才是說著玩的!”毛拉說。

42、One day the Mullah, an important man in the village, found his donkey was gone when he wanted to go visit a friend. ─── 一天,村里的頭面人物毛拉,發(fā)現(xiàn)他的驢子丟失了。他本想騎驢去拜訪朋友。

43、"A couple of weeks ago I called Mullah Muhamadi again.I wanted to go down and meet Qomendan Hemmet again. ─── 還有一張照片是這個美國人和一個阿富汗翻譯的合照。

44、"We killed him and captured his computer," the mullah told me."He had served in Iraq. ─── “我們殺了他,搶來了他的電腦,”學(xué)者告訴我,“他曾經(jīng)在伊拉克服役。”

45、The mosque was polluted in the same way, and the Mullah and his assistants were cleaning it out. ─── 清真寺被污染一樣,阿訇和他的助手被清理出來。

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