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10-03 投稿


mongoloid 發(fā)音

[ 'mɑ?g?,l??d]

英:  美:

mongoloid 中文意思翻譯




mongoloid 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 蒙古人種的;[人類] 象蒙古人的;先天愚型的n. 屬于蒙古人種的人;先天愚型樣者

mongoloid 短語詞組

1、mongoloid people ─── 蒙古族

2、Mongoloid race ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 蒙古人種;黃種人

3、mongoloid fold ─── 蒙古褶

4、mongoloid haisan mongol ─── 蒙古鯊類

mongoloid 詞性/詞形變化,mongoloid變形


mongoloid 相似詞語短語

1、Mongolia ─── n.蒙古

2、condyloid ─── adj.髁狀的

3、Mongoloid ─── adj.蒙古人種的;[人類]象蒙古人的;先天愚型的;n.屬于蒙古人種的人;先天愚型樣者

4、noncolloid ─── 非膠體

5、mongoloids ─── adj.蒙古人種的;[人類]象蒙古人的;先天愚型的;n.屬于蒙古人種的人;先天愚型樣者

6、mangold ─── n.一種飼牛用的甜菜;n.(Mangold)人名;(德、英、西、塞)曼戈?duì)柕?/p>

7、Mongolic ─── 蒙古人

8、bungaloid ─── adj.平房式的

9、monoploid ─── adj.(細(xì)胞)單倍體的;n.單倍體

mongoloid 常見例句(雙語使用場(chǎng)景)

1、mongoloid idiocy ─── 先天愚型

2、A member of the Mongoloid racial division. No longer in scientific use. ─── 蒙古人蒙古人種的一員??茖W(xué)用語中已不再使用

3、There appear to be two d istinct subgroups of Mongoloid,Northern and Southern Mongoloid. ─── 不同人種間的差異,大于同一人種內(nèi)不同群體間的差異。

4、This in essence is the karmic cause of retardation and a mongoloid human in earth's estimation; ─── 在地球的估計(jì)中,大體上這是遲鈍和蒙古癥人類的業(yè)力致因;

5、Conclusion: The results indicates that the an-cient Niya inhabitants are closely related to Europeans and also had some Mongoloid characters. ─── 結(jié)論:其特征顯示出具有歐羅巴人種的大部分特征,也有大蒙古人種的許多特征。

6、mongoloid race ─── 蒙古人種, 黃色人種

7、The racial type of the Zhenpiyan neolithic series of skulls is Mongoloid andmore closed to the Southern Asiatic Mongoloid. ─── 頭骨特征表明,甑皮巖新石器時(shí)代居民屬蒙古人種,與現(xiàn)代分布于華南、印度支那和印度尼西亞等地的南亞種族較接近;

8、After research, upper cave man is regarded as a Mongoloid representative of north that is coming into being. ─── 經(jīng)研究被看作是正在形成中的蒙古人種的北方型的代表。

9、On Succession Law of Mongoloid of Qing Dynasty ─── 淺論清代蒙古族的繼承法律

10、On Succession Law of Mongoloid of Qing Dynasty ─── 淺論清代蒙古族的繼承法律

11、Frequencies of HLA alleles of Caucasoid origin (A3, B8 and others) decrease eastwards and southwards, and those of HLA alleles of Southeast Asia Mongoloid origin (B46 and others) decrease northwards. ─── 高加索人種起源的HLA抗原基因頻率(A3、B8等)由西向東又由北向南遞減。 東南亞蒙古人種起源的HLA抗原基因頻率(B46等)由南向北遞減。

12、Drung people are a little shorter than A-Long people averagely.The shared features between two populations are all general physical characters of the Southwest Mongoloid Group. ─── 獨(dú)龍族較怒族身長(zhǎng)略短,兩者均具有西南人群蒙古人種的一般體質(zhì)特征。

13、CCC:you see, bollywood and cricket and all other indian panorama do not represent the Mongoloid race... ─── 我明白,寶萊塢和什么以及所有的印度傳媒都不會(huì)描述黃種人的。

14、The ancient Xia are believed to be a non-Mongoloid western people from Iran, speculated to be the black Chinese . ─── 古代夏朝人被認(rèn)為可能是非蒙古人種,他們來自于西方的伊朗,可能是皮膚較黑.

15、Some people think they are the descendants of Mongoloid. ─── 有人認(rèn)為他們是蒙古人種的后代。

16、Region Differences of Mongoloid Kinsfolk Names Originated from Language Contact ─── 語言接觸所產(chǎn)生的蒙古族直系血親親屬稱謂詞地區(qū)差異

17、you see, bollywood and cricket and all other indian panorama do not represent the Mongoloid race. ─── 我明白,寶萊塢和什么以及所有的印度傳媒都不會(huì)描述黃種人的。

18、I do not like Caucasian women. . . they are sick people. . . In india the whole North Eastern parts have all Mongoloid people. ─── 我不喜歡白種女人,她們不好,在印度整個(gè)東北部都是黃種人。

19、A great deal of materials indicates that, in the distant past, not only was this a region where Caucasoid peoples moved about, it was also a paradise where Mongoloid peoples dwelled and made a living. ─── 不少資料說明,在遙遠(yuǎn)的過去,這里既曾有過高加索人種的活動(dòng),也曾是蒙古人種居住、生活的樂園。

20、Keywords Mongoloid;race;Child;Dominance;cerebral;Visual fields;Language tests;Neuropsychology; ─── 蒙古人種;兒童;半球優(yōu)勢(shì);大腦;視野;語言試驗(yàn);神經(jīng)心理學(xué);

21、The genetic data supported Yao ethnic group was close to Mongoloid ethnic groups. ─── 群體遺傳學(xué)數(shù)據(jù)提示瑤族與蒙古人種有較近的親緣關(guān)系。

22、These Khazars, these pagans, these Asiatics, these Turko-Finns, were a Mongoloid race who were forced out of Asia into eastern Europe. ─── 這些卡扎爾人,這些異教徒,這些亞洲人,這些土爾考-芬人,是被趕出亞洲來到東歐的一支蒙古人種。

23、Chinese and Native Americans are both mongoloid peoples sharing DNA and more obviously the similar cranial shape, colouring and eye shape etc. ─── 中國人和美洲土著人都是蒙古人種,有共同的DNA,以及在頭部輪廓、膚色、眼睛形狀等等方面都有很明顯的相似。

24、... trying to catch a pass two seconds before some 2000-pound mongoloid...|... ─── 就為了在那些2000磅的蒙古人把你撞傻之前...

25、of or relating to the Mongoloid racial division; no longer in scientific use ─── 蒙古人種的或與之相關(guān)的;科學(xué)用語中已不再使用

26、Region Differences of Mongoloid Kinsfolk Names Originated from Language Contact ─── 語言接觸所產(chǎn)生的蒙古族直系血親親屬稱謂詞地區(qū)差異

27、Frequencies of HLA alleles of Caucasoid origin (A3, B8 and others) decrease eastwards and south wards, and those of HLA alleles of Southeast Asia Mongoloid origin(B46 and other s)decrease north wards. ─── 高加索人種起源的HLA抗原基因頻率(A3、B8等)由西向東又由北向南遞減。東南亞蒙古人種 起源的HLA抗原基因頻率(B46 等)由南向北遞減。

28、10.A decidedly different dynamic began to unfold over the next century as the first of many Mongoloid invaders, the Hsiang-nu, began to invade China. ─── 當(dāng)最早的蒙古人種入侵者,也就是匈奴,開始入侵中國時(shí),一種完全不同的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)面貌在此后的一個(gè)世紀(jì)揭開了面紗。

29、In addition, some people think they are the descendants of Mongoloid. ─── 再者,也有人認(rèn)為他們是蒙古人種的后代。

30、2) the percentage of the mongoloid fold is 53.9% and 53.2% for males and females respectively; ─── 蒙古褶出現(xiàn)率,男為53.9%,女為53.2%。

31、" Published in 1908, just before the fall of the Ching dynasty, the novel portrays a series of colossal battles between the Mongoloid and Caucasian races beginning in Eastern Europe in 1999. ─── 這一小說在清朝崩潰前夕的1908年發(fā)表。小說描寫了清軍同高加索軍隊(duì)1999年在東歐進(jìn)行的一系列大戰(zhàn)。

32、mongoloid fold ─── 蒙古皺襞

33、CCC:I do not like Caucasian women... they are sick people... In india the whole North Eastern parts have all Mongoloid people... ─── 我不喜歡白種女人,她們不好,在印度整個(gè)東北部都是黃種人。

34、a member of the Mongoloid racial division ─── 蒙古人種的一員

35、extreme Mongoloid local race ─── 典型蒙古地域性人種

36、The allele frequencies in the three populations are consistent with that of the Mongoloid. ─── 他們的基因頻率與蒙古人種其他人群是一致的。

37、The Kazakhs, Turkmenians and Uzbeks are Turks by race, but many of the latter group have an admixture of Mongoloid and Tadjik blood ... ─── 哈薩克人、土庫曼人和烏茲別克人都是突厥種群,但是后者族群(指土庫曼人和烏茲別克人)大多是蒙古人種和塔吉克人的混血...

38、Of or relating to the Mongoloid racial division. No longer in scientific use. ─── 蒙古人種的或與之相關(guān)的??茖W(xué)用語中已不再使用

39、genetic data supported Yao ethnic group was close to Mongoloid ethnic groups. ─── 群體遺傳學(xué)數(shù)據(jù)提示瑤族與蒙古人種有較近的親緣關(guān)系。

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