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10-03 投稿


nominates 發(fā)音

英:[?n?m?ne?ts]  美:[?nɑ?m?ne?ts]

英:  美:

nominates 中文意思翻譯



nominates 同義詞

instate | election | delegate | ordain | put forward | submit | inaugurate | assign | select | suggest | for | constitute |name | choose | elect | denominate | recommend | appoint | designate | induct | propose | place | install | pick | commission | offer | make | put up

nominates 反義詞


nominates 詞性/詞形變化,nominates變形

動詞過去式: nominated |動詞過去分詞: nominated |動詞第三人稱單數(shù): nominates |動詞現(xiàn)在分詞: nominating |名詞: nominator |

nominates 相似詞語短語

1、brominates ─── v.用溴處理,溴化

2、bombinates ─── vi.發(fā)嗡嗡聲

3、denominates ─── vt.為…命名;把…稱作…;adj.有特定名稱的

4、nominated ─── adj.被提名的;被任命的;v.提名;任命(nominate的過去分詞)

5、abominates ─── vt.痛恨;憎惡

6、nominate ─── vt.推薦;提名;任命;指定

7、nominatives ─── adj.主格的;記名的;被提名的;n.主格

8、dominates ─── 控制;支配;高出;統(tǒng)治;占據(jù)支配地位

9、renominates ─── vt.再任命;再提名

nominates 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Bush Nominates General Hayden as CIA Chief ─── 布什提名海登將軍任中情局長

2、Under a legal process closely monitored by Beijing, a 300-member committee of the city's elite nominates and then elects Macau's leader, known as the chief executive. ─── 根據(jù)受到中國政府密切監(jiān)督的法律程序,由澳門300名精英代表組成的選舉委員會提名然后選舉澳門的行政長官。

3、President Obama has accepted responsibility for problems involve the nominates involving his nominees for two 2 important positions. ─── 奧巴馬總統(tǒng)就其在兩個重要職位的人選提名問題上承擔了責任。

4、The news public figure disclosed that the Austria Pama plans nominates him in Harvard Law school's schoolmate, present to campaign for Consultant julius genachowski to take the post of this position. ─── 消息人士透露,奧巴馬計劃提名他在哈佛法學院的同學、目前的競選顧問juliusgenachowski出任這一職位。

5、PMO nominates members to fill the vacant ratified seats, which in practice means that new ratified seats are the choice of the company holding the permanent seat. ─── PMO會任命一些成員填補上空缺的批準席位,這實際上意味著新的批準席位是擁有固定席位的公司的選擇。

6、The experiment results show that the labeling of word category has an accuracy of 81.640 5%,and the labeling of the relation within compound nomin... ─── 實驗效果表明,對詞的類別進行標注取得了在把維度降到363時的精確率為81.6406%的結果;對復合結構語義關系之間的標注也取得了比以往工作有所改進的成果。

7、Technology scholar Douglas Rushkoff nominates the concept that technologies have an “embedded bias” rather than being blank slates from which any outcome can arise. ─── 技術專家道格拉斯·洛西科夫的提名是:技術存在一種“固有的偏見”,而不是一張可以留下任何痕跡的白紙。

8、If the buyer nominates a person other than a carrier to receive the goods, the seller is deemed to have fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods wen they are delivered to that person. ─── 如果買受人指定非承運人的其他人接受貨物,則自貨物交付給該人時起,視為出賣人已經(jīng)履行了交付貨物的義務。

9、As a result, KAL nominates the following approved laboratories who are able to conduct Option 3 “Sample / Document Verification and Screen Test”. ─── 因此,翠豐亞洲提議您向下列由我們認可的實驗室尋求幫助來施行選擇3“樣品/認證材料以及篩選測試”。

10、9. If you company nominates more than one individual to participate in this delegation, please identify their names and titles. ─── 如果貴公司提名一位一上人員參加此次代表團,請列出其姓名其職位。

11、This years only breathe easier, seniors won't need to fear losing their doctors, and pregnant woman will nomin women with limited means won't have to worry about the health of their babies. ─── 有哮喘的孩子將能呼吸順暢,老年人不必害怕不能看醫(yī)生,預算有限的孕婦也不必擔心他們孩子的健康。

12、It is reported that this year the 15th typhoon “the wild rose” is nominates by Thailand. ─── 據(jù)悉,今年第十五號臺風“薔薇”是由泰國提名。

13、Achieves nominates the determination village committee member candidate directly by the villagers, guarantees the villagers direct nomination. ─── 做到由村民直接提名確定村委會成員候選人,保證村民直接提名權。

14、Under the terms of the TNK-BP shareholder agreement, BP nominates candidates for CEO, subject to approval by both partners.Mr. ─── 根據(jù)TNK-BP股東協(xié)議的規(guī)定,英國石油負責提名首席執(zhí)行長,但提名必須得到雙方的同意。

15、President Bush Nominates Margaret Spellings as Secretary of Education . ─── 布什總統(tǒng)提名瑪格麗特·斯佩林斯為美國新任教育部長。

16、Who nominates judges for the Supreme Court? ─── 問:誰提名最高法院的法官?

17、The defense department choose Defense Department chooses more than 100 countries every year and envites invites them to nominates nominate students to the academies. ─── 防衛(wèi)部門每年從100多個國家中選擇和邀請他們偷選舉學生進學校。

18、Bush Nominates Paulson to Lead Treasury ─── 布什任命鮑爾森為財政部長

19、This is where a committee nominates candidates to stay the state governor for appointment. ─── 這里是一個委員會提名候選人讓州長任命。

20、In the meatime British tabloid the Daily Express once again nominates Jose Mourinho as the next Milan coach. ─── 同時英格蘭小報每日快訊再次提到了何塞穆里尼奧接近米蘭主帥的位置.

21、This is where a committee nominates candidates to the state governor for appointment. ─── 這就是,一個委員會提名候選人給州長任命的出發(fā)點.

22、It is reported that this year the 15th typhoon "the wild rose" is nominates by Thailand. ─── 據(jù)悉,今年第十五號臺風“薔薇”是由泰國提名。

23、These candidates are considered by the Executive Board (EB), which nominates one person by secret ballot. ─── 這些候選人由執(zhí)行委員會進行審議,它通過無記名投票提名一名人選。

24、He nominates bob for membership in the club. ─── 他任命鮑勃為俱樂部會員。

25、You will have to work in the company which develops dynamically and nominates an objective to become a part of inhabitants' lifestyle of your city. ─── 你將在這樣的公司中工作。你的公司充滿活力,其目標是成為你的城市中人民生活模式中的一部分。

26、Economics Report: President Bush Nominates Henry Paulson to Lead the Treasury Department ─── 經(jīng)濟新聞:布什總統(tǒng)任命亨利·博爾松為新財政部長

27、I am very glad to deliver a speech here as the representitive of this BBS, though no one nominates me for it. ─── 我非常高興能在這里代表bbs講話,雖然沒有人提名我來作講演。

28、Whoever the Democratic nominates for president this year, he will have this record to run upon. ─── 今年無論誰成為民主黨總統(tǒng)候選人提名都將發(fā)揚光大之。

29、President Bush Nominates Margaret Spellings as Secretary of Education. ─── 布什總統(tǒng)提名瑪格麗特·斯佩林斯為美國新任教育部長。

30、The user nominates objects that are to be shared between JVMs and Terracotta transparently makes them accessible to all. ─── 用戶透明地指定JVM和Terracotta之間共享的對象,使它們都能獲取這些對象。

31、They will be favoured for selection as CJP and DJ for competitions where the FIG selects or nominates the CJPs and DJs. ─── 在國際體聯(lián)的比賽中推薦為項目裁判長和難度裁判員,后指派為裁判長和難度裁判員。

32、"Where a company elects, nominates or appoints any director or supervisor or employs a manager contrary to the provisions of the preceding clause, such election, appointment or employment is ineffective." ─── 公司違反前款規(guī)定選舉、委派董事、監(jiān)事或者聘任經(jīng)理的,該選舉、委派或者聘任無效。

33、If the buyer nominates a person other than a carrier to receive the goods, the seller is deemed to have fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods when they me delivered to that person. ─── 若買方指定承運人以外的人領取貨物,則當賣方將貨物交給此人時,即視為已履行了交貨義務。

34、Malone - michelia alba 8 Oscar nominates, 2 prizes; ─── 馬龍-白蘭度8次奧斯卡提名,2次獲獎;

35、From Algeria to Zambia, Lonely Planet nominates the... 0 ─── 從阿爾及利亞到贊比亞,孤單行星網(wǎng)向...

36、This is where a committee nominates candidates to the state government governor for appointment. ─── 這正是委員會向州長提名候選人的意義所在。

37、31 year-old Edward - Norton 2 Oscar nominates. ─── 31歲的愛德華-諾頓2次奧斯卡提名。

38、Business condition of the company A which is something which nominates approach to this document not being processed by the application of Oracle to summarize, satisfying each condition. ─── 這一文件總結了業(yè)務需求的公司是沒有問題,由甲骨文公司的申請,并建議一種方法,以滿足每一個要求。

39、Each department nominates someone to have lunch with the CEO. ─── 每個部門都提交一份參與該計劃的職員名單。

40、Good choice. I hope no one nominates Lee. I feel he doesn't understand the meaning of team sport. ─── 選得好。我希望不會有人提名小李。我覺得他不懂團隊運動的意義何在。

41、Good choice. I hope no one nominates Lee. I feel he doesn't understand the meaning of team sport. ─── 選得好。我希望不會有人提名小李。我覺得他不懂團隊運動的意義何在。

42、This is where a committees committee nominates candidates to the state governor for appointment. ─── 這個協(xié)會提名的候選者由州長任命。

43、16. As a result, KAL nominates the following approved laboratories who are able to conduct Option3“ Sample/ Document Verification and Screen Test”. ─── 因此,翠豐亞洲提議您向下列由我們認可的實驗室尋求幫助來施行選擇3“樣品/證材料以及篩選測試”。

44、The nominates (nominees) for both major parties will be confirmed at party conventions later then (in) the year. ─── 兩大黨的提名人將在明年晚些時候的黨會中被確定。

45、Bush Nominates Wolfowitz to be President of World Bank ─── 布什推薦沃爾福威茨擔任國際銀行行長

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