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10-03 投稿


maleficence 發(fā)音

英:[m??lef?s?ns]  美:[m??lef?s(?)ns]

英:  美:

maleficence 中文意思翻譯



maleficence 反義詞


maleficence 同義詞

mischief | balefulness

maleficence 短語詞組

1、beneficence and non-maleficence ─── 善惡

maleficence 相似詞語短語

1、magnificence ─── n.壯麗;宏偉;富麗堂皇

2、malevolence ─── n.惡意,怨恨;狠毒

3、calescence ─── n.漸增溫

4、maleficent ─── adj.有害的;犯罪的;做壞事的

5、beneficence ─── n.慈善;善行;捐款

6、malefice ─── 邪惡的

7、maledicent ─── 馬列迪森特

8、munificence ─── n.慷慨給與;寬宏大量

9、malefices ─── 惡意

maleficence 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、When a naturally malefic Planet is inbad Zodiacal or Terrestrial state, the harmful effects of its malefic aspectsare magnified. On the other hand, its good Zodiacal state will mitigate theseeffects. ─── 如果煞星落在不好的星座或?qū)m位將放大其不好相位的影響反言之如果在好的星座或?qū)m位則減少其不好相位的影響.

2、Now the Alliance and Horde have come to confront the malefic Lich King and put an end to the Scourge. ─── 現(xiàn)在聯(lián)盟和部落開始面對邪惡的巫妖王并一勞永逸的消滅天災。

3、He got caught for being guilty of one maleficence. ─── 他因犯下一樁罪行而被捕了。

4、Why can you have maleficence mentality? ─── 為什么會有害怕的心理?

5、Study on the esterification between thylene glycol and malefic anhydride ─── 乙二醇與馬來酸酐酯化反應的研究

6、38.A malefic by nature and zodiacal state and in a fortunate house, will not effect the advantages signified by the house, but will rather hinder them so that they are not achieved; ─── 處于得勢宮位的煞星,不會影響該宮位預示事件的好壞,但是會阻礙其發(fā)生;

7、We will not remind you of the maleficence related to him. ─── 我們不會提醒你有關(guān)他的許多罪惡的。

8、Because of the transcendent urges of the eleventh house, the malefic aspects (representing frustrations and difficulties) can manifest as deep hatreds, fears, and conflicts. ─── 由于第十一宮的行運的促使、那有害的相位(代表挫折和困難)可以代表深仇大恨、害怕,和沖突。

9、38.A malefic by nature and zodiacal state and in a fortunate house, will noteffect the advantages signified by the house, but will rather hinder them sothat they are not achieved; ─── 黃道狀態(tài)不佳的兇星落在良好的宮位時,無法導致該宮所徵象的吉福好處,反而還會給該宮所徵象的事務事件帶來阻礙,讓這些事務事件無法順利發(fā)展。

10、Ethylene-propylene-hexene Copolymer Melt Grafted Malefic Anhydride And Its Application ─── 乙烯-丙烯-己烯共聚物熔融接枝馬來酸酐及其應用

11、Numerical simulation of spontaneous combustion and maleficence gas drainage in goaf with Y-Type ventilation fashion ─── Y形通風采空區(qū)自燃與有害氣體排放的數(shù)值模擬

12、Why does the person have maleficence mentality? ─── 為什么人都有害怕的心理?

13、Like their magical counterparts, these include both intentionally malefic and malfunctioning items that directly or indirectly harm a user. ─── 類似它們的魔法對應物,這些東西可能非常危險也可能只是有故障,并且會直接或間接地傷害使用者。

14、When away on some errand of hellish nature, they often appear in malefic human guise. ─── 雖然會因此損失一些天資出眾的成員,但是由此獲得的安全感還是值得的。

15、But the texture of the lastics chopsticks compare frailty, after being subjected to caloric easily transform, melt, generate vs the matter of body maleficence. ─── 但塑料筷子的質(zhì)感比較脆,受熱之后容易變形,融化,產(chǎn)生對身體有害的物質(zhì)。

16、We will not remind you of the maleficence related to him. ─── 我們不會提醒你有關(guān)他的許多罪惡的。

17、Maleficence --- Behavior that harms others. Avoidance of maleficence is one of the cardinal principles of ethics. See beneficence. ─── 傷害他人的行為。避免行惡是道德倫理的準則之一。參見慈善。

18、Then we probed into a base line of ethnics on medical hairdressing, basic concept and meaning of principle of non maleficence. ─── 探討美容醫(yī)學倫理學底線以及無傷害原則的基本概念及內(nèi)涵。

19、On the other hand, any planet in unfavorablezodiacal state, in whatever house, acts as a malefic. this latter circumstanceaccentuates further the harmful power of planets which are naturally malefic. ─── 任何黃道狀態(tài)不好的星體不論落在哪個宮位乃以兇論,尤其是天生為兇的火土。

20、Within Deepholm, the domain of the earth elementals, the malefic Dragon Aspect Deathwing is on the verge of executing a catastrophic act: to burst forth from the Elemental Plane into Azeroth. ─── 在地深之源,也就是地元素所在的異界,邪惡的守護巨龍死亡之翼正準備采取一個將會引起地裂天崩的舉動:沖破元素位面與艾澤拉斯之間的禁制。

21、and they repay thy beneficence with secret maleficence. ─── 他們以秘密的惡害來報答你的善行。

22、Why does the person have maleficence mentality? ─── 為什么人都有害怕的心理?

23、This supplement for the D&D game presents the definitive treatise on devils and their malefic home. ─── 這本 D&D 游戲的擴充集呈現(xiàn)了關(guān)于惡魔的專門論述與它們邪惡的居所。

24、Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state hasan influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic. ─── 任何黃道狀態(tài)中庸的星體,其效用介于吉星與兇星之間。

25、The Malefic - First warlock on the realm to achieve level 80. ─── 邪惡化身-伺服器第一個80級術(shù)士。

26、The malefic influences, of this snobbery are rapidly spreading all over the world. ─── 這種勢利的有害影響正迅速擴散到全世界。

27、Bankruptcy trustee is both warranted and amenable to the claim of the rescission when maleficence caused by Debtor and relevant party still exists during the execution of Right of Rescission. ─── 債務人和相關(guān)人實施的有損于破產(chǎn)財產(chǎn)為標的的行為,所造成的有害性于撤銷權(quán)行使時依然存在,破產(chǎn)管理人有權(quán)利也有義務主張撤銷。

28、The aspirant makes a detailed study of his twelfth house conditions from the standpoint of malefic conjunctions, squares and oppositions. ─── 星盤主制造他的一個詳細的、根據(jù)有害的的連接、即刑和對位的觀點的、對于第十二宮位情況的研究。

29、He got caught for being guilty of one maleficence. ─── 他因犯下一樁罪行而被捕了。

30、It is commonly reported that the High King of Narnia (whom may the gods utterly reject) is supported by a demon of hideous aspect and irresistible maleficence who appears in the shape of a Lion. ─── 通常的報告都說,納尼亞的至尊王(愿眾神都拋棄他)是由一個惡魔給他撐腰的。那惡魔外貌丑陋,其罪惡行徑不可抗拒,出現(xiàn)時化身為一頭獅子。

31、Basic values, such as respect, non-maleficence and justice are shared by western and eastern cultures alike. ─── 西方文化和東方文化都有一些基本的價值,例如尊重人、不傷害原則和公正對待人。

32、But if not benefic but malefic planets are in aspect, the natives will be in subordinate, laborious jobs and spend more than they earn. ─── 若是兇星,那么命主的就屬于從屬地位,做勞力活動,生活中容易花費超過自己所得的。

33、There was a touch of spring in the sir, a poisonous, malefic spring that seemed to burst from the manholes. ─── 天氣已有點春天的意思了,一個有毒有害的春天似乎就要從街上的下水道出入孔溢出。

34、ll gather some documents that will show you all the maleficence of this organization. ─── 我會搜集一些能揭露這個組織罪行的文獻給您。

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