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10-03 投稿


munch 發(fā)音

英:[m?nt?]  美:[m?nt?]

英:  美:

munch 中文意思翻譯






munch 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

vt. 用力咀嚼;大聲咀嚼vi. 用力咀嚼;大聲咀嚼n. 用力的咀嚼n. (Munch)人名;(挪、丹、瑞典)蒙克;(西)蒙奇;(法)曼什;(英)芒奇

munch 短語(yǔ)詞組

1、edvard munch the scream ─── 愛(ài)德華蒙奇的尖叫

2、Edvard Munch n. ─── 愛(ài)德華·蒙克(挪威畫(huà)家)

3、munch on ─── 津 ─── 津有味地咀嚼

4、to munch ─── 咀嚼

5、munch away ─── 用力咀嚼吃掉(如生意上的利潤(rùn))

6、hearty munch ─── 豐盛的咀嚼

munch 詞性/詞形變化,munch變形


munch 相似詞語(yǔ)短語(yǔ)

1、maunch ─── 馬恩奇

2、much ─── adv.非常,很;adj.大量的;n.許多,大量;pron.許多,大量;n.(Much)人名;(德)穆赫;(英)馬奇

3、Munch ─── vt.用力咀嚼;大聲咀嚼;vi.用力咀嚼;大聲咀嚼;n.用力的咀嚼;n.(Munch)人名;(挪、丹、瑞典)蒙克;(西)蒙奇;(法)曼什;(英)芒奇

4、bunch ─── n.群;串;突出物;vi.隆起;打褶;形成一串;vt.使成一串;使打褶;n.(Bunch)人名;(英)邦奇

5、hunch ─── n.預(yù)感;大塊;肉峰;vt.聳肩;預(yù)感到;彎腰駝背;vi.隆起;向前移動(dòng)

6、munchy ─── 大口的

7、lunch ─── n.午餐;vt.吃午餐;供給午餐;vi.吃午餐;供給午餐

8、Punch ─── n.沖壓機(jī);打洞器;鉆孔機(jī);vt.開(kāi)洞;以拳重?fù)簦籿i.用拳猛擊;n.(Punch)人名;(馬來(lái))蓬芝;(英)龐奇

9、dunch ─── n.輕推,輕擊;vt.用肘輕推,輕打

munch 常見(jiàn)例句(雙語(yǔ)使用場(chǎng)景)

1、It can also be said that his art has ever been of Paul Cezanne, Edvard Munch, Alberto Giacometti, Giorgio Morandi and Mark Rothko. ─── 或者講,他的藝術(shù)經(jīng)歷了塞尚,蒙克,賈科梅地,莫蘭迪和羅斯科,這在同一代藝術(shù)家中是絕無(wú)僅有的。

2、Hopefully I will find out some enlightenment in modern painting Edward Munch first won his great fame in Germany. ─── 對(duì)蒙克藝術(shù)的研究應(yīng)當(dāng)成為當(dāng)代藝術(shù)工作者對(duì)經(jīng)典藝術(shù)資源的學(xué)習(xí)與傳承所不可或缺的一部分。

3、Boston Symphony Orchestra CHarles Munch, conductor ─── 孟許指揮波士頓交響樂(lè)團(tuán)

4、Born in 1863, Munch was raised by his father as his mother died when she was relatively young. ─── 孟克出生于1863年,母親年紀(jì)輕輕便過(guò)世,所以他由父親一手帶大。

5、Here, I munch on the trees, I answer to no one. ─── 這里,老子在樹(shù)上啃蘋(píng)果,不需要搭理任何人。

6、Visitors to Nutrilite's Lakeview facility always enjoy seeing the sheep munch their way through the alfalfa. ─── 來(lái)到健爾力湖景鎮(zhèn)參觀的訪客,一向都很喜歡看到羊群在紫花苜蓿農(nóng)田上放牧的場(chǎng)面。

7、Avoid bi g meals but munch high-carbon,low-fat acks every few hours. ─── 避免大吃大喝,但每隔幾小時(shí)吃一些高碳水化合物低脂肪的食品。

8、Munch's painting has a strong emotion of subjectivity sorrows and depressed feelings. ─── 蒙克的繪畫(huà)帶有強(qiáng)烈的主觀性和悲傷壓抑的情調(diào)。

9、He felt munch happier upon seeing the autumn water, and vast sky. ─── 看著這一片秋水長(zhǎng)天,他覺(jué)得舒暢多了。

10、The next time you take a juicy bite of the fresh produce from California, munch with appreciation for the industrious Latino workers toiling under the bright hot sun. ─── 大部份的時(shí)間,這些拉丁裔工人都在幸運(yùn)農(nóng)場(chǎng)摘剪蔬菜,這里的蔬菜全年性生產(chǎn)。而因農(nóng)場(chǎng)給了他們一份穩(wěn)定的工作,有許多農(nóng)工們?cè)谶@里已待了十多年。

11、You can see work by famous Norwegian artists such as Edvard Munch, Christian Krohg and J.C.Dahl as well as international names like Picasso, El Greco, Matisse and Van Gogh. ─── 市政府廳所在地位于海港碼頭后面,是一座類(lèi)似古代城堡的建筑,廳內(nèi)有現(xiàn)代挪威藝術(shù)家以挪威歷史為題材繪制的巨型壁畫(huà),被人們稱為“挪威歷史教科書(shū)”。

12、Munch usually gets the critters to move at least a little bit, and he comes back with a triumphant smile. ─── 麥奇通常能把這些家畜趕動(dòng)一丁點(diǎn)兒,然后帶著得意洋洋的笑容回到我身邊。

13、From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity."- Edvard Munch" ─── 從我正在腐爛的身體里,鮮花可以生長(zhǎng),我就身在其在,這就是永生。"-埃德沃德·芒奇"

14、When we were relaxing at home after a year together Steve produced a Monster Munch crisp as a ring. ─── 當(dāng)我們?cè)诩依锓潘闪艘荒曛?,斯蒂夫居然用MonsterMunch的脆卷當(dāng)做戒指向我求婚。

15、Getting them to munch on vegetable dishes was more difficult. ─── 使他們吃素菜就比較困難了。

16、If the cause of disease and death is the root of fear of Munch, his mother and sister passed away this fear is the root cause. ─── 如果說(shuō)疾病和死亡是造成蒙克恐懼的根源,那么他母親與姐姐的相繼去世則是造成這種恐懼的根源。

17、third, keep health snacks around to munch on. ─── 最后,在周?chē)劈c(diǎn)可以隨時(shí)咀嚼的健康點(diǎn)心。

18、A dubbed version of'Dallas'blares from televisions in Brazil and China,Spanish sefioritas munch McDonald's in Madrid,and Thai taxis travel to the rhythms of Madonna. ─── 翻譯過(guò)來(lái)的《達(dá)拉斯》在巴西和中 國(guó)的電視熒屏上閃爍,西班牙小姐們?cè)隈R德里吃著麥當(dāng)勞,泰國(guó)的出租車(chē)司機(jī)伴著麥當(dāng)娜的節(jié)奏開(kāi)車(chē)。

19、The Interpretation behind the Image in The Scream of Edvard·Munch ─── 蒙克《吶喊》形象表現(xiàn)性背后的語(yǔ)境闡釋

20、The threat of being eaten could drive the march of Mormon crickets as they munch their way across millions of acres in the arid West, new research suggests. ─── 新調(diào)查顯示:因受到自相殘殺,被互相吃掉的威脅,摩門(mén)蟋蟀的行進(jìn)隊(duì)伍浩浩蕩蕩,啃吃完美國(guó)西部旱地上幾百萬(wàn)英畝的植物。

21、Solution: Stash single-serving packages of nuts and dried fruit in your desk and plan to munch a few hours after lunch--when you feel moderate hunger. ─── 解決方法:存放一個(gè)專(zhuān)用于裝果仁和水果干的袋子在你的桌子里,當(dāng)吃完午餐幾小時(shí)之后你感到饑餓時(shí)拿出來(lái)嚼。

22、Puffins in the coffin munch muffins. ─── 棺木里的海鸚大嚼松餅。

23、While most jerboas munch on seeds and plant material, scientists think the long-eared jerboa eats mostly insects. ─── 而大多數(shù)跳鼠靠食用種子和植物為生,科學(xué)家認(rèn)為長(zhǎng)耳跳鼠多數(shù)食用昆蟲(chóng)。

24、Much of Munch's life was covered by a gloomy shadow of sickness and misery due to his parents' and siblings' deaths. ─── 孟克的大半人生都在父母與手足之死造成的疾病與悲慘陰影下度過(guò)。

25、May munch the occasional cucumber slice or lettuce leaf ─── 偶爾吃黃瓜片或者生菜葉子

26、Chimpanzees munch on leeks at Tokyo's Tama Zoo on February 16,2009. ─── 2月16日,日本東京多摩動(dòng)物園的黑猩猩正在吃大蔥。

27、hristie Atkins Munch Petersen ─── 克-阿-芒現(xiàn)象

28、We watched her munch through two packets of peanuts. ─── 我們看她津津有味地嚼了兩包花生米。

29、A street market thrives at Temple Street, where each evening shoppers can look for bargains on clothing and munch on shrimp just off the brazier at the Night Market. ─── 在廟街,有個(gè)繁榮興旺的街頭市場(chǎng),每天晚間購(gòu)物者可以在那里尋購(gòu)廉價(jià)服裝,嘴里嚼著剛從夜市火盆里烤出的蝦。

30、Other than that, this Lexus is being kept hungry to one day munch on public roads. ─── 除此之外,這個(gè)雷克薩斯正在不斷渴望一天蒙克在公用道路上。

31、Munch used thick brushstrokes and deep colors to depict his state of mind. ─── 孟克以渾厚的筆觸和深沉的顏色來(lái)描繪他的心理狀態(tài)。

32、I love to buy popcorn at the concession stand, so I have something to munch on while I watch a flick. ─── 我喜歡在電影院的小賣(mài)部里買(mǎi)爆米花,這樣我在看電影的時(shí)候就有東西嚼了。

33、Munch discovered himself by his art, feeling himself and found out the sorrows of the whole society. ─── 蒙克是通過(guò)其藝術(shù)來(lái)發(fā)掘自我、感受自我并發(fā)現(xiàn)整個(gè)社會(huì)的刺痛之處。

34、But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them(ms mesos ), where will Cairo's giant piles of leftovers go? ─── 但是有個(gè)問(wèn)題似乎沒(méi)人問(wèn),假如豬不再繼續(xù)咀嚼了,那么埃及成堆的剩菜怎么辦?

35、The fungus produces chemicals that poison plant-eaters trying to munch its home. ─── 這種菌類(lèi)產(chǎn)生的化學(xué)物質(zhì)使得草食動(dòng)物中毒,啃噬草莖。

36、J W Munch,EPA Method525.2,Determination of organic compounds in drinking water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(revision 2.0)[S]. ─── 劉曉茹,周懷東,劉玲花,等.固相萃取技術(shù)在水源地特定項(xiàng)目監(jiān)測(cè)中的應(yīng)用[J].中國(guó)環(huán)境監(jiān)測(cè),2005,21(2):57-61.

37、A severe man, Munch's father instilled in his son a strong fear of going to hell. ─── 孟克的父親很?chē)?yán)厲,把對(duì)下地獄的強(qiáng)烈恐懼灌輸給自己的兒子。

38、Women can munch their way into a bigger dress size in weeks by "auto-eating" the calorie equivalent of a Big Mac a day. ─── 如果每天機(jī)械地吃進(jìn)去相當(dāng)于一個(gè)巨無(wú)霸漢堡那麼多的熱量,女人們的身材可以在幾周內(nèi)就加大一號(hào)。

39、munch an apple ─── 津津有味地吃蘋(píng)果

40、That's too bad for the caterpillars, but it sounds like good news for the plant since the caterpillar doesn't munch on so many of its leaves if there's a bee nearby. ─── 那些毛蟲(chóng)太可憐了。但是對(duì)那些植物來(lái)說(shuō)倒是件好事,附近有只蜜蜂的話,毛蟲(chóng)就不會(huì)吃那么多樹(shù)葉了。

41、Dried-fish woman is an impeccably dressed model employee, but after work she just wants to lounge on the sofa in a track suit, watch television and munch on dried squid. ─── 魚(yú)干女是衣著無(wú)可挑剔的模范員工,但下班后她們只想穿著運(yùn)動(dòng)服躺在沙發(fā)上,一邊看電視一邊嚼魷魚(yú)干。

42、Some cats munch on grass or other plants, but most biologists agree that such roughage serves only as a digestive aid and provides limited if any nutritional value. ─── 雖然一些貓咀嚼草或其它植物,但是生物學(xué)家認(rèn)為這些粗纖維僅是用來(lái)助消化并且提供很有限的營(yíng)養(yǎng)。

43、Munch, Peter Andreas ─── 蒙克

44、Munch on pumpkin seeds and/or chocolate. ─── 嚼南瓜子或巧克力。

45、Crazy Painful "'Crying out": at the Latent Rule of Expressionism--On the Comparison of Painter of Munch and Writer of Luxun ─── 狂痛"吶喊":在表現(xiàn)主義的潛法則下--畫(huà)家蒙克與作家魯迅比較論

46、We eat while watching TV, we munch on something at our desk at work, we crunch on something while driving and drink something while reading or waiting. ─── 看電視時(shí)吃點(diǎn)小零食,工作時(shí)嘴里嚼嚼東西,開(kāi)車(chē)時(shí)吃點(diǎn)東西,閱讀或者等候時(shí)也會(huì)來(lái)點(diǎn)喝的。

47、Munch's needle holder ─── 芒奇(氏)持針鉗

48、After a special welcoming ceremony, a steady stream of mainly Chinese tourists crowded around the 2-year-old cubs' enclosure and took photos with their phone cameras, as the pandas munch ed on bamboo. ─── 在一個(gè)特殊的歡迎儀式之后,一批批中國(guó)游客們相繼到來(lái),聚集在這些2歲大的熊貓的圍欄旁邊,用相機(jī)撲捉著他們?cè)诔灾褡訒r(shí)的儀態(tài)舉止。

49、But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them, where will Cairo's giant piles of leftovers go? ─── 但還有一個(gè)似乎每人提的問(wèn)題是,假如那些豬不再那兒咀嚼剩余的垃圾,那么開(kāi)羅成堆的剩余垃圾何去何從呢?

50、But munch on the carrots rather than the chips to balance it out. ─── 但是,為了達(dá)到平衡,就應(yīng)該嚼胡蘿卜而不是炸土豆條。

51、Munch, munch, yum, yum, yum! ─── 嚼,嚼,好吃,好吃,好吃!

52、In the series, all the student wizards and even the teachers munch the disgusting fare. ─── 在這個(gè)系列里,所有的巫師學(xué)生甚至老師們都在大嚼這個(gè)惡心的食物。

53、The most classic example was The Scream created by the Swiss artist Munch. ─── 我問(wèn)于洋是否失戀了好幾次,他以苦笑回答了我這個(gè)問(wèn)題。

54、But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them, where will Cairo’s giant piles of leftovers go? ─── 但是有個(gè)問(wèn)題似乎沒(méi)有人問(wèn),假如豬不再繼續(xù)咀嚼了,那么埃及成堆的剩菜怎么辦?

55、The animal threatens to munch through thousands of Viking vessels and other historic shipwrecks, scientists warn. ─── 科學(xué)家警告,這種動(dòng)物正在吞噬掉數(shù)以千計(jì)的海盜沉船和其它歷史時(shí)期的沉船。

56、I think Munch wasn't surprised. ─── 我想孟許并不驚訝。

57、Oh Mister Subbalubble, please don't eat me up for lunch, I'll bring a yummy plant instead, for you to sit and munch. ─── 哦,親愛(ài)的薩波先生,請(qǐng)您不要吃我,我給您帶來(lái)美味的植物做午餐如何?這樣您就能夠坐下來(lái)細(xì)細(xì)品嘗了。

58、Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers , butterflies , and delicious fruit , but many of us spent munch time looking for happiness around the next corner . ─── 生活宛如一條蜿蜒曲折的小徑,周?chē)r花綻放,彩蝶飛舞,美果壓枝。

59、Crafty Sea Lion Befuddles Fish Biologists by Continuing to Munch on Migrating Salmon. ─── 狡猾的海獅不斷吞吃回游的三文魚(yú),讓魚(yú)類(lèi)生物學(xué)家十分困惑。

60、picture: edvard munch: the frieze of life. ─── 圖片: 愛(ài)德華蒙克:生命的飾帶。

61、Children can easily pick up their parents' eating habits. Therefore if parents constantly munch on snacks or eat improperly, their children may feel that it's acceptable to do the same. ─── 父母的飲食習(xí)慣和方法,通常是孩子最快學(xué)會(huì)的,如果父母常吃零食或不按時(shí)吃三餐,孩子會(huì)認(rèn)為他們那樣做也沒(méi)關(guān)系。

62、A dubbed version of 'Dallas' blares from televisions in Brazil and China,Spanish sefioritas munch McDonald's in Madrid, and Thai taxis travel to the rhythms of Madonna. ─── 翻譯過(guò)來(lái)的《達(dá)拉斯》在巴西和中國(guó)的電視熒屏上閃爍,西班牙小姐們?cè)隈R德里吃著麥當(dāng)勞,泰國(guó)的出租車(chē)司機(jī)伴著麥當(dāng)娜的節(jié)奏開(kāi)車(chē)。

63、The leading figures of the expressionist movement were Van Gogh of the Netherlands, Munch of Norway, Paul Gauguin of France, and James Ensor of Belgium. ─── 表現(xiàn)主義運(yùn)動(dòng)的主要人物有荷蘭的梵谷,挪威的孟克,法國(guó)的高更及比利時(shí)的恩索爾。

64、Meals nibble eat have bite between lunch nosh eat munch out eat to a ─── 一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)地吃,加餐,偷吃

65、to chew; to masticate; to munch ─── 嚼

66、Motorists need not fear running down the animals: they will only be allowed to munch the grass in roadside areas fenced off from traffic. ─── 各位司機(jī)不必?fù)?dān)心在馬路上撞上這些驢子:它們被用柵欄隔開(kāi),只能割路旁的草.

67、We "Scream" with painter Edvard Munch before heading south to the glorious vistas of Telemark country. ─── 我們跟艾德華·蒙奇“吶喊”,去看南部泰勒馬克省的美麗風(fēng)光。

68、One of the real pleasure of life for me is to sit and munch on hot buttered popcorn while I watch a good movie. ─── 一面看一部好電影,一面吃著加黃油的爆米花,這對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)才真是生活里的一大樂(lè)趣。

69、munch out ─── vi. 狼吞虎咽

70、I could munch your good dry oats. ─── 您要是有好的干麥稈,也可以給咱大嚼一頓。

71、Munch a Power Pellet to momentarily turn the ghosts blue! ─── 吃下一個(gè)能量豆豆可以暫時(shí)的把妖怪變成藍(lán)色!

72、Munch and Santiago Salinas were intrigued by a major difference in the lifespans of two populations of pearl mussels. ─── 蒙克和圣地亞哥·薩利納斯,都被壽命中不同的兩個(gè)珍珠貽貝所吸引。

73、At the end of the rehearsal, Slava leaned over and kissed Munch's hand. ─── 在排演結(jié)束后,斯拉伐屈身吻了孟許的手。

74、“Munch succeeded in giving in this theme a new portrayal of the link between dedication and violability, desire and fear. ─── ” 女人的發(fā)抑或是鮮血,愛(ài)和恐懼,在黑暗中是溫暖的擁抱,還是冰冷的傷害。

75、munch (at/on) an apple ─── 用力嚼蘋(píng)果.

76、"One of the real pleasure of life for me is to sit and munch on hot buttered popcorn while I watch a good movie." ─── 這句話的意思是:“一面看一部好電影,一面吃著加黃油的爆米花,這對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)才真是生活里的一大樂(lè)趣。”

77、Without grabbing a handful of pretzels to munch on, I place my pretzel crust into the oven. ─── 把椒鹽脆餅粒放進(jìn)烤爐,切忌不要先抓把嘗嘗口味。

78、Here's good-food news: The more you munch on healthy eats, the less you need to worry about Friday night's fat burger and fries. ─── 下面報(bào)告好食品消息:你咀嚼健康的東西越多你就可以越少擔(dān)心星期五晚上的高熱量漢堡和薯?xiàng)l。

79、A gang of robbers is sitting on a version of Edvard Munch's The Scream - valued at between $60m and $75m - after bundling it out of a Norwegian museum. But what can they do with it - and would anyone buy it? ─── 一伙強(qiáng)盜從挪威博物館匆匆卷走了愛(ài)德華·蒙克的名畫(huà)《吶喊》后,并不急于將畫(huà)脫手。這幅畫(huà)的價(jià)值在6000到7500萬(wàn)美元之間。他們會(huì)如何處置這幅畫(huà)呢?會(huì)有人買(mǎi)這副畫(huà)嗎?

80、Workers gathered to munch, gossip, kibitz, laugh. ─── 員工們聚攏來(lái),大嚼,閑話,搶話,大笑。

81、There's opera to watch, offerings to munch on, and even roulette to play at. It's great to have everybody together! ─── 有戲看,有拜拜吃,還有射鏢推車(chē)玩,親朋好友齊來(lái)玩耍,真好!

82、Stop smoking and munch right to help your body stay at a healthy weight. ─── 戒煙和慢慢咀嚼可以幫助你保持健康體重。

83、His work was so dark that some even question whether Munch himself suffered from serious mental illness. ─── 他的作品如此灰暗,有些人甚至懷疑孟克自己是不是有嚴(yán)重的精神疾病。

84、chew up; munch up ─── 切開(kāi);打碎;砍碎;咬碎;碎

85、What utter(絕對(duì)的) torture(折磨,拷打) it is always watching others tucking into(塞入) piles of mouth-watering food while you munch a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice! ─── 這絕對(duì)是一種折磨,看著別人塞入大量讓人流口水的食物,而你只能嚼著水餅干吸一些不加糖的檸檬汁。

86、Munch's retractor ─── 芒奇(氏)拉鉤

87、Also, it's a good idea to portion out a serving size beforehand, so you don't absentmindedly munch a thousand or so calories from a big bag. ─── 所以,最好預(yù)先分配好量度,要不在你精神不集中的時(shí)候從一個(gè)大袋子里攝入過(guò)多的卡路里。

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