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10-03 投稿


medallic 發(fā)音


英:  美:

medallic 中文意思翻譯



medallic 短語詞組

1、medallic art co medallic ─── 藝術(shù)公司

medallic 相似詞語短語

1、medallion ─── n.大獎?wù)拢粓A形浮雕

2、medallions ─── 大獎?wù)?;大勛章(medallion的復(fù)數(shù))

3、bimetallic ─── adj.[材]雙金屬的;復(fù)本位制的

4、medalled ─── 梅德爾

5、medallists ─── n.獎?wù)芦@得者

6、medaillon ─── 梅代倫

7、medallist ─── n.獎?wù)芦@得者

8、metallic ─── adj.金屬的,含金屬的

9、medalling ─── 獎?wù)?/p>

medallic 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、He gained the medal through his painful travail. ─── 他通過艱辛的努力獲得了獎牌。

2、Winning the gold medal was a feather in his cap. ─── 奪得金牌是他值得自豪的成就。

3、A medal was awarded to him for his good conduct. ─── 一枚獎?wù)掠捎谒己玫男袨榕e止而被頒予了他。

4、He was given a medal as a reward for his service. ─── 他因為有功而獲頒一枚獎?wù)隆?/p>

5、The Party calls on us to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games. ─── 黨號召我們奪取奧運會冠軍。

6、He was honoured with a medal for his bravery. ─── 他因他的英勇受到勛章。

7、He won a silver medal in the long-distance race. ─── 他在長跑比賽中獲得了銀牌。

8、She won China's first trampoline medal. ─── 她為中國贏得了首枚蹦床金牌。

9、Games the winner will get a gold medal. ─── 在奧運會上優(yōu)勝者得到一枚金牌。

10、He won the gold medal in the marathon. ─── 他贏得過馬拉松比賽金牌。

11、They won the silver medal at the Barcelona Olympic Games. ─── 她們曾在巴塞羅那奧運會上獲得過銀牌。

12、He got a medal for his gallantry. ─── 他因勇敢而贏得一枚勛章。

13、Cram ran a fine race to take the gold medal. ─── 克拉姆在賽跑中成績突出奪得金牌。

14、Department of Defense Superior Service Medal. ─── 國防部高級服役勛章。

15、He won the gold medal in the clean and jerk event. ─── 他在挺舉項目中獲得了金牌。

16、He won the Gold Medal in skating; Our home team won; Win the game. ─── 他在滑雪比賽中贏得金牌;我們主隊贏得比賽。

17、An emblem of honor, such as a medal or badge. ─── 勛章,獎?wù)乱环N榮譽的象征,如獎?wù)?/p>

18、His dream of winning a gold medal has come true. ─── 他贏得金牌的夢想終于實現(xiàn)了。

19、Achieve a gold medal in every Arcade Race. ─── 參加所有過關(guān)挑戰(zhàn)賽,并全都獲得金牌。

20、He got a medal for bravery. ─── 他因勇敢而獲得一枚獎?wù)隆?/p>

21、He overcame injury to win the gold medal. ─── 他戰(zhàn)勝了傷痛贏得了金牌。

22、Would they give you a medal, Clarice, do you think? ─── 你會把它裝裱起來掛在墻上嗎?

23、He won a silver medal in shooting for Sweden in 1920. ─── 他在1920年瑞典奧運會上,獲得了射擊銀牌。

24、They will battle for the gold medal. ─── 他們將加入到金礦的爭奪戰(zhàn)中。

25、He was decorated with a medal for bravery. ─── 他因勇敢被授予了一枚獎牌。

26、He was honoured with a golden medal for his excellent speech. ─── 他以出色的演講贏得了一項金獎。

27、Why?They have missed the gold medal. ─── 為什么啊?她們已經(jīng)失去金牌了.

28、He is sure have a chance of a gold medal. ─── 他肯定可望得金牌了。

29、The champion was awarded the gold medal. ─── 冠軍被授予了金牌。

30、Try for a scholarship,an Olympic medal,a job in the Civil Service. ─── 力圖獲得獎學(xué)金、奧運會獎牌、公務(wù)員的工作。

31、In a few years you may be the gold medal winner of the Olympics. ─── 幾年后,你說不定還會奪得奧運會金牌呢?

32、He was not awarded his gold medal or diploma. ─── 他將不被授予金牌或是證書。

33、He received a medal in reward for his bravery. ─── 他因表現(xiàn)勇敢而獲得了一枚獎?wù)?

34、Corrected medal display bugs and repetitions. ─── 修正了勛章顯示的錯誤和重復(fù)的錯誤。

35、He won a medal for gallantry. ─── 他因勇敢而得了一枚獎?wù)隆?/p>

36、Maybe you will get an English medal too. ─── 也許你還可以得到一顆英國獎?wù)隆?/p>

37、The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award. ─── 奧林匹克的優(yōu)勝者獲得一枚金質(zhì)獎?wù)伦鳛楠勝p。

38、Department of Defense Meritorious Service Medal. ─── 國防部建功服役勛章。

39、He won a gold medal in the Olympic Games. ─── 他在奧運會上得了一枚金牌。

40、The winner at medal play in a golf tournament. ─── 擊數(shù)最低者在高爾夫球比賽中以通盤擊數(shù)計分的得分低的人

41、In the Olympic Games the winner gets a gold medal. ─── 在奧運會上優(yōu)勝者將得到一枚金牌。

42、Bronze medal of double dragon design. ─── 雙龍圖案銅牌一枚。

43、His dream is to compete for an Olympic medal. ─── 他的夢想是贏得奧運會冠軍。

44、With which team did they compete for the gold medal? ─── 她們和哪一個隊爭奪金牌?

45、He won a gold medal in the match. ─── 他在比賽中獲得一塊金牌。

46、Memory fading with the medal ribbons that he wears. ─── 回憶隨著他掛在身上的勛章彩帶一起逐漸褪色。

47、The prize also includes a gold medal and a diploma. ─── 和平獎還包括一枚金質(zhì)獎?wù)潞鸵槐咀C書。

48、He pulls out the medal and shows it to me. ─── 他拿出獎?wù)聛碚故窘o我看。

49、You fought bravely. You shall have the medal. ─── 你戰(zhàn)斗得很勇敢,你應(yīng)該得到獎?wù)隆?/p>

50、He won a gold medal in the game. ─── 他在比賽中贏得一枚金牌。

51、He was awarded a medal for bravery. ─── 他因勇敢而獲得獎?wù)隆?/p>

52、They competed for the gold medal. ─── 他們爭奪金牌。

53、He was awarded a medal for his daring deeds. ─── 他因勇敢的行為而獲得獎牌。

54、With such a beautiful dive she will get the gold medal. ─── 她會憑借這個優(yōu)美的跳水動作得到金牌的。

55、He received a medal for his heroic feat . ─── 他因其英雄業(yè)績而獲得一枚勛章。

56、A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of an upright post with a transverse piece near the top of it, or a modification thereto. ─── 十字勛章用接近頂部的地方橫梁上的一根立柱的形狀制成的勛章或徽章或由此加以裝飾的飾物

57、He wins the medal for his country and his people. ─── 他贏得這塊獎牌是為了他的祖國和他的人民。

58、He was given a medal for bravery. ─── 他因勇敢而被授予獎?wù)隆?/p>

59、Which team will China play against for gold medal? ─── 中國隊將同哪個隊爭奪金牌?

60、Ten sportsmen competed for the gold medal. ─── 十名運動員正這塊金牌。

61、Department of Defense Distinguished Service Medal. ─── 國防部卓越服役勛章。

62、He is wearing a medal on his chest. ─── 他胸前佩帶著一枚勛章。

63、Winning the gold medal is yet another feather in her cap. ─── 奪得金牌是她又一值得驕傲的成就。

64、The Clark Medal is given every two years. ─── 克拉克獎?wù)旅績赡觐C發(fā)一次。

65、Later in the week, the Kenyans waltzed off with gold medal in the steeplechase. ─── 上星期末,在障礙賽跑中肯尼亞人輕而易舉地贏得了金牌。

66、Le Jingyi,won a gold medal at the Atlanta Olympics. ─── 樂靖宜在亞特亞大奧運會上榮獲一枚金牌。

67、One of the great competitions is not for a medal. ─── 其中一項大的比賽并不是為了獎牌。

68、He carried off the first- class gold medal for painting. ─── 他榮獲繪畫一等金質(zhì)獎?wù)隆?/p>

69、He received a medal for his heroism. ─── 他由于英勇而獲得一枚獎?wù)隆?/p>

70、His name is on the reverse of the medal. ─── 勛章的背面刻著他的姓名。

71、His pride lies in the fact that he is the gold medal winner. ─── 他的驕傲來自于他是冠軍。

72、He has a great mind to get a medal. ─── 他一心想拿獎牌。

73、The medal he won was his boast. ─── 他獲得的那枚獎?wù)率撬尿湴痢?/p>

74、Do you feel bad about losing the gold medal? ─── 你們與金牌失之交臂,感到遺憾嗎?

75、He's get a drawer full of medal but he's too modest to wear them. ─── 他有滿滿一抽屜的獎?wù)?,但是他很謙虛,從不戴它們。

76、The king himself gave her the medal. ─── 國王親自發(fā)給她獎牌。

77、The country bestowed its highest medal on the war hero. ─── 國家給戰(zhàn)爭英雄頒發(fā)國家最高獎?wù)隆?/p>

78、He liked to fantasize that he had won a gold medal. ─── 他喜歡想像自己已經(jīng)贏了一塊金牌。

79、In 1976 she was awarded the MacDowell Medal. ─── 1976年她被授予麥克道爾獎?wù)隆?/p>

80、Here, we see a medallic artist working on the design of a James Monroe commemorative medal. ─── 在這里,我們看到了一個藝術(shù)家的證章的詹姆斯·門羅紀(jì)念獎牌設(shè)計工作。

81、He didn't deserve the gold medal he got. ─── 他不配得金牌。

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