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10-03 投稿


wedded 發(fā)音

英:[?wed?d]  美:[?wed?d]

英:  美:

wedded 中文意思翻譯




wedded 短語詞組

wedded to

1. 獻身的; 執(zhí)著的

He is wedded to his own opinions and nothing can change him.

他固執(zhí)己見, 什么也不能使他改變。

1、wedded wife ─── [法] 妻子, 正室, 正妻

2、lawful wedded ─── [法] 合法結(jié)婚的

3、wedded life ─── [法] 婚姻生活

4、ruthlessly bedded forcibly wedded ─── 無情的被褥強行結(jié)婚

5、lawfully wedded nymph by don k hotey ─── 唐克霍蒂合法結(jié)婚的仙女

6、lawfully wedded ─── 合法結(jié)婚的

7、wedded dis ─── 婚變

wedded 詞性/詞形變化,wedded變形

過去式:wedded 過去分詞:wedded 原型:wed

wedded 常用詞組

wedded to something ─── 熱愛某事,專心致力于某事;對某事固執(zhí),不肯放棄某事

wedded 相似詞語短語

1、rewedded ─── 重編

2、readded ─── 已讀

3、bedded ─── adj.[地質(zhì)]層狀的;v.為…提供住宿處;上床;固定在…上;分層(bed的過去分詞)

4、wedged ─── adj.楔形的;v.鍥入(wedge的過去式和過去分詞)

5、tedded ─── vt.翻曬

6、-bedded ─── adj.[地質(zhì)]層狀的;v.為…提供住宿處;上床;固定在…上;分層(bed的過去分詞)

7、unwedded ─── 未添加

8、redded ─── v.整理;n.(鮭魚、鱒魚等的)河床產(chǎn)卵區(qū);收拾利落;n.(Redd)雷德(人名)

9、wadded ─── [化工]填絮

wedded 習(xí)慣用語

1、(be) wedded to sth. ─── 專心致力于某事; 固守[堅持]某事

wedded 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、I wonder at this haste; that I must wed ere he, that should be husband, comes to woo. ─── 世間哪有這樣匆促的事情,人家還沒有來向我求過婚,我倒先做了他的妻子了!

2、And the ghost lamented to his son that his mother should so fall off from virtue, as to prove false to the wedded love of her first husband. ─── 鬼魂又對兒子哀嘆說:他母親竟然墮落到這個地步,這樣背棄同她第一個丈夫的一場恩愛。

3、Concerns about safety, which keep many would-be cyclists wedded to their cars, seem overblown. ─── 基于安全方面的考慮,許多本可能選擇騎車的人選擇信任自己的汽車。

4、Soon it was the eve of the wedding day. Her newly- wedded joy was mixed with a touch of melancholy. ─── 終于,到了結(jié)婚前夕,在她新婚的喜悅中卻摻雜這一股淡淡的哀傷。

5、They were wed in the spring. ─── 他倆在春天結(jié)婚了。

6、How many hours do you typically spend on the wed in a month? ─── 一個月上網(wǎng)多少時間?

7、Susan Stewart to be your lawful, wedded wife? ─── 做你合法的妻子嗎?

8、Will lucky sevens result in wedded bliss for the lucky in love? ─── 吉祥的“7”字會給戀愛中的幸運兒帶來婚姻幸福嗎?

9、He's very wedded to the idea. ─── 他頑固堅持那個想法。

10、Harry Bennett to be your lawful, wedded husband? ─── 為你合法的丈夫嗎?

11、David is wedded to his work. ─── 大衛(wèi)十分熱愛自己的工作。

12、He is wedded to his own opinions and nothing can change him. ─── 他固執(zhí)己見,什么也不能使他改變。

13、Wed August 24th It's big changes for the visit of West Bromwich Albion. ─── 8月24日星期三在迎戰(zhàn)來訪的西布朗維奇的陣容中出現(xiàn)重大變化。

14、Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband. ─── 你能接受這位男士做你的合法婚姻的丈夫嗎?

15、Not long after, she and Frank are wed. ─── 不久后,她便與法蘭克結(jié)婚。

16、She will wed her daughter to a rich man. ─── 她準備把女兒嫁給有錢人。

17、Business schools remain wedded to theory; business is about action. ─── 商學(xué)院仍然只忙著談理論,但商業(yè)講究的是行動。

18、As everyone knows, meditation and water are wedded for ever . ─── 大家都知道,沉思和水是始終結(jié)合在一起的。

19、They are a newly wedded couple. ─── 他們是一對新婚夫婦。

20、She wrote a note to the newlyweds wishing them great felicity in their wedded life. ─── 她寫信給那對新婚夫婦,祝愿他們婚姻生活幸??鞓?。

21、Russians who wed foreigners should exiled? ─── 和外國人結(jié)婚的俄國人應(yīng)被放逐?

22、She is wed to her opinion and nothing will change her. ─── 她堅持己見決不動搖。

23、MR , do you take this woman. to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together in the estate of matrimony? ─── 你愿意娶為合法的妻子,共同過婚姻生活嗎?

24、They decided to wed on the most romantic day( of the year), Valentine's Day. ─── ( 他們決定在最浪漫的情人節(jié)那天結(jié)婚。

25、You made that promise when we wed. ─── 你在婚禮上答應(yīng)過我。

26、Officiator: If anybody knows why these two should not be wed, speak now... ─── 女:如果現(xiàn)在有人覺得他們不能結(jié)婚,請你快說。

27、China faces the possibility of a second downturn with its fate still wedded to that of the West. ─── 中國面臨著再度陷入低迷的可能,其命運仍與西方緊密相連。

28、No marriage was possible between them; not even that of souls; and yet, it is certain that their destinies were wedded. ─── 在他們之間是不可能有什么結(jié)合的,甚至連靈魂的結(jié)合也不可能,而他們卻又相依為命。

29、He spends most evenings at the office. You could say he's wedded to the job. ─── 他大多數(shù)晚上都在辦公室度過,你可以說他熱愛這份工作。

30、The keynote address and summit discussions will take place all day on Wed. ─── 在主題演講和討論首腦會議將舉行一整天在周三。

31、In the ceremony, Venice was said to be "wed to the Sea'. ─── 在儀式中,威尼斯被說是“嫁給了大?!薄?/p>

32、Besides, there is no one round here who would want to wed a poor girl like me. ─── 再說,這里周圍人家沒有人愿意跟一個象我這樣的窮姑娘結(jié)婚。

33、Duke: I asked but two things when we wed, loyalty and a male heir. ─── 公爵:當(dāng)我們結(jié)婚時,我只要求兩件事:忠誠和男后代。

34、A man may woo where he will, but he will wed where his hap is. ─── 向誰求愛由自己,與誰結(jié)婚靠機遇.

35、To navigate between web pages and wed sites called surging. ─── 在網(wǎng)頁和網(wǎng)站之間進行漫游稱為沖浪.

36、Anderson and her longtime friend Salomon wed in Las Vegas on Oct. 6. ─── 他們將在周五例舉他們不可調(diào)和的矛盾,用法律形式,來解決結(jié)婚問題。

37、And you, Linda White, do you take Jack Robinson to be your lawful, wedded husband? ─── “琳達?懷特,你愿意接受杰克?羅賓遜做你合法的丈夫嗎?”

38、Their first attempt to wed earlier this month in Buenos Aires was thwarted. ─── 他們于本月早些時候在布宜諾斯艾利斯申請結(jié)婚遭拒。

39、The classic rules require that the woman be carried piggyback, and that she be wedded to the man carrying her. ─── 不過,今年的比賽與往年相比增加了一個規(guī)則相對嚴格的傳統(tǒng)組別:女選手都要被放進一個籮筐里,由男選手背著。

40、He wedded a girl from Scotland. ─── 他娶了個蘇格蘭姑娘。

41、Like dear St Francis of Assisi I am wedded to Poverty: but in my case the marriage is not a success. ─── 人生就是一件蠢事追著另一件蠢事而來,而愛情則是兩個蠢東西追來追去。

42、He had been wedded to literature in his early years. ─── 他早年就和文學(xué)結(jié)下了不解之緣。

43、He will wed that waitress next month. ─── 他準備下個月和那個女招待舉行婚禮。

44、English: Better be half hanged than ill wed. ─── 中文:與其擁有不幸的婚姻,不如孤守單身。

45、Why did you wed your daughter to that terrible man? ─── 你為什么把女兒嫁給那個可怕的男人?

46、Conservationists are mostly wedded to preserving diversity in nature. ─── 主義者大多致力于保持物種的多樣性。

47、Wed April 27th A further 400 Matthew Harding seats go on sale. ─── 4月27日星期三馬休-哈丁看臺又有400張球票繼續(xù)出售。

48、A businessman must wed efficiency to thrift. ─── 企業(yè)家必須于效率興節(jié)約相結(jié)合。

49、He thought me too poor to wed his sister. ─── 他認為我太窮,不配娶他的妹妹。

50、They were wedded in the fall. ─── 他們在秋季結(jié)婚了。

51、Without jobs or incomes, it is nigh on impossible to wed. ─── 在沒有工作和收入的情況下,結(jié)婚幾乎就是天方夜譚。

52、Mr. Elton returned to the village with a hastily wooed and wedded bride, a lady of small fortune, extremely bad manners, and great pretensions to elegance. ─── 埃爾頓先生重返海伯利村,帶回一個倉促求愛成婚的新娘。這位婦人小有資產(chǎn),極其粗俗,卻偏偏矯揉造作,自命高雅。

53、The task proved (to be) more difficult than wed thought. ─── 中文:這項任務(wù)原來比我們預(yù)想的難得多.

54、They are wedded by common interests. ─── 共同的利益將他們結(jié)合在一起。

55、He proposed she become his lawfully wedded wife. ─── 他請求她做他的合法妻子。

56、Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife? ─── 你愿娶這個女人為合法妻子嗎?

57、He was wedded already to his books and his parish. ─── 他早已同他的書本和教區(qū)結(jié)了不解之緣。

58、The firm's two founders and much of its engineering staff were too emotionally wedded to its past successes to make a break. ─── 公司的兩名創(chuàng)始人和大多數(shù)的工程技術(shù)人員都太迷信過去的輝煌,畏首畏尾,不求進取。

59、Wed night will be Slow Flow. ─── 周三晚上的課程調(diào)整為慢速的流瑜伽。

60、Jack Robinson, do you take Linda White to be your lawful, wedded wife? ─── “杰克?羅賓遜,你愿意接受琳達?懷特做你合法的妻子嗎?”

61、Permission or a promise, especially a pledge to wed. ─── 允許或答應(yīng),尤指婚約

62、Feature: Spring can bounce back quickly . Achoice for newly wed couples. ─── 產(chǎn)品特點:回彈性強,是新婚人士最佳選擇。

63、She is newly wed and is not used to it yet. ─── 她剛做了新婦,還有點不習(xí)慣。

64、Do you take this woman (man)to be your lawful wedded wife(husband)to live together in the holy estate matrimony? ─── 你愿否以此女人(男人)為你合法之妻子(丈夫),與你共同生活在圣潔之婚姻中?

65、Do you take this woman (man) to be your lawful wedded wife ( husband) to live together in the holy estate matrimony? ─── 即:你愿否以此女子(男子)為你合法之妻子女(丈夫),與你共同生活在圣潔之婚姻中?

66、They are at last happily wedded. ─── 他們終于喜結(jié)良緣。

67、In the West, most women take their husband's surname when they wed. ─── 在西方國家,很多婦女婚后會冠夫姓。

68、She's wedded to her job. ─── 她專心致志于工作。

69、Better be half hanged than ill wed. ─── 與其成怨偶,不如守單身。

70、He has been wedded to translation. ─── 他與翻譯結(jié)下之緣。

71、Never shall he be wed to the child of such a wretched soul living in this miserable hovel. ─── 他決不能和住在這個破茅屋里的可憐蟲的孩子結(jié)婚。

72、He dreaded to contemplate Thomasin wedded to the mere corpse of a lover that he now felt himself to be. ─── 他一想朵蓀要嫁的是他現(xiàn)在這樣一個槁木死灰的情人,他可就不敢再往那方面想了。

73、But, because of the intimacy it allows between audience and actors, the RSC is wedded to it. ─── 但因為它使得觀眾和演員更加密切,皇家莎士比亞公司堅持這樣做。

74、Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? ─── 你能接受這位男士做你的合法婚姻丈夫嗎?

75、So wed better love our enemy. Its the best way to kill him! ─── 因此,我們最好愛我們的敵人,這是消滅敵人最好的方法!

76、It's remarkable how wedded they are to their standard m.o. ─── 他們擔(dān)心過于創(chuàng)新的想法,除非創(chuàng)業(yè)者們有足夠資本作出補償。

77、English: Early wed, early dead. ─── 中文:早婚者早夭。

78、To this day, Japan is still wedded to its old ways, despite 20 years of evidence they no longer work. ─── 直到今天,無視二十年來老模式已經(jīng)失效的種種事實,日本仍然在走老路。

79、You can turn on your computer and go surfing on the wed. ─── 你可以打開你的電腦上網(wǎng)漫游。

80、The royal couple wed on April 10, 1959, when Akihito was crown prince. ─── 天皇夫婦于1959年4月10日喜結(jié)連理,當(dāng)時明仁天皇還是皇太子。

81、He never thought at the time that the foreign wife was a White Russian that Han had wed in China. ─── 他當(dāng)時也沒想到這外國老婆是在中國娶的白俄。

82、He is wed to his own opinion and nothing can change him. ─── 他固執(zhí)己見,什么也不能使他改變。

83、He is wedded to his own opinion and nothing can change him. ─── 他固執(zhí)己見,什么也不能讓他改變。

84、He is wedded to his work. ─── 他專心致志於工作。

85、Wed He was afraid of risking failure because he didn't want to lose face. ─── 他怕冒失敗的風(fēng)險,因為他不愿意丟臉。

86、Newly wed girl told mom her husband is still a virgin. ─── 初婚的女孩告訴媽說她的丈夫還是處男。

87、Celeborn(2) Elf of Doriath, kinsman of Thingol; wedded Galadriel and with her remained in Middle-earth after the end of the First Age. ─── 凱勒鵬多瑞亞斯的精靈,庭葛的親眷,與凱蘭崔爾結(jié)為連理并在第一紀結(jié)束之際與后者留在中土。

88、Dear fans, I will write more on the Lakers we face them on wed. ─── 作為一個老兵,我很高興地看到布魯克斯成長的每一場比賽。

89、Therewas a friendly but naive king, who wed a very nastyqueen. ─── 從前,有一位友好而天真的國王,卻娶了一位惡毒的皇后.

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