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10-03 投稿


martially 發(fā)音


英:  美:

martially 中文意思翻譯



martially 相似詞語短語

1、martials ─── adj.軍事的;戰(zhàn)爭的;尚武的;n.(Martial)人名;(法)馬夏爾

2、impartially ─── adv.公平地;無私地

3、maritally ─── 結(jié)了婚似地;作為丈夫

4、partially ─── adv.部分地;偏袒地

5、arterially ─── 動脈的;動脈狀的

6、martial law ─── 戒嚴令;戒嚴法;軍事管制

7、marginally ─── adv.稍微,略微地;輕微地,很少地;邊緣地;在頁邊;最低限度地

8、martial ─── adj.軍事的;戰(zhàn)爭的;尚武的;n.(Martial)人名;(法)馬夏爾

9、sartorially ─── adv.裁縫地;在服裝方面;在服裝式樣上

martially 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Song Mountain, the middle Yue, most famous for the Buddhism temple and the traditional martial arts. ─── 中岳嵩山上有多處寺院,特別是禪宗寺院少林寺的中國功夫響譽世界。

2、He is a martial hero who dares to fight against party tyrant. ─── 他是個敢于和黨閥作戰(zhàn)的勇士。

3、The colonel or commanding officer approves the sentence of a regimental court - martial(Charles James. ─── 上?;蛑笓]軍官同意團隊軍事法庭(查理斯 詹姆斯)。

4、Ve learnt some form of martial arts. ─── 你學了一些中國功夫。

5、They learned some Chinese language, martial arts, painting and folk dancing. ─── 可知外國學生學習了漢語,武術,繪畫和民族舞蹈。故選。

6、The Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle. Straight lines stems from this principle. ─── 九、武道始于點而終于圓。直線亦從此一道理而生。

7、This is very important in the development of martially effective technique and must be researched carefully. ─── 這對武術有效性的培養(yǎng)而言是非常重要的,應該要用心研究。

8、Afterwards,he became the first Westerner to open a martial arts school in Japan. ─── 后來他成了在日本開辦武術學校的首位西方人。

9、Taijiquan is a form of martial arts. ─── 太極拳是武術的一種形式。

10、The Wushu essence and treasure of the Chinese the Shaolin Martial is. ─── 內(nèi)容簡介:少林功夫是中華民族之瑰寶、國武術之精髓。

11、His every film, a martial arts stunts are designed to be different, this effort is needed. ─── 他的每一部電影中,武打特技都設計得不同,這的確要花心思。

12、Hobby:Martial arts(Judo, Karate, Kendo...... ─── 興趣:武術(柔道,空手道,劍道....

13、The qualities the Egyptians were interested in, of course, were martial. ─── 古埃及人所崇尚的品質(zhì)當然是威武和英勇。”

14、I was deeply impressed by the Chinese martial arts in it. ─── 中國武術給我留下了深刻的印象。

15、A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court - martial. ─── 軍人禁閉室軍隊中拘禁犯有輕微過失的軍人或等候軍事宣判的軍人的監(jiān)牢

16、Is a fictional world of martial arts and warriors. ─── 仿佛進入了一個奇幻的武俠世界。

17、He faced a court martial for disobeying orders. ─── 他因不服從命令受到軍法審判。

18、They use graceful movements and mix in meditation , tai chi, and martial arts. ─── 他們優(yōu)雅的姿態(tài),融入了冥想、太極、和武術的動作。

19、Chinese martial art comes together with Hollywood. ─── 中國武術在好萊塢已有立足之地。

20、He was going to be tried by court martial. ─── 他將由軍事法庭審判。

21、One from Sri Lanka athletes De Lee Andy Lau to a song and martial arts was a direct certification. ─── 一位來自斯里蘭卡的選手阿德以一首劉德華的歌曲和一套武術表演獲得直通證。

22、At the lighting ceremony in Zhengzhou, Shaolin monks performed martial arts. ─── 在首站鄭州的點火儀式上,少林小子將進行武術表演助興。

23、With help from Ovitz,Seagal contracted to make martial arts films for Warner Bros. ─── 在奧維茲的幫助下,西格爾和華納兄弟電影公司簽了約,為其出演功夫片。

24、He knows everything about martial arts and is immersed in its minutiae. ─── 他知道武術的一切并且沉迷于它的細節(jié)。

25、Tell me you taught Chinese martial arts. ─── 告訴我你教中國武術。

26、If there's a general court martial I'll have to say so. ─── 萬一最高軍事法庭開庭我只能直說啦。

27、The sound of martial music is always inspiring. ─── 軍樂聲總是令人振奮的。

28、You love Chinese Martial Arts films. ─── 你喜歡中國戰(zhàn)爭藝術電影。

29、He has been practicing martial art since child and has muscles of iron. ─── 他從小習武,鍛煉成一副鋼筋鐵骨。

30、Nunchaku is a kind of special weapon of China martial art . ─── 雙節(jié)棍是中國的一種奇門武術兵器,相傳是由宋太祖趙匡胤始創(chuàng)的。

31、He had a black belt in the martial arts. ─── 中國武術是中華文化的精髓。

32、She cut a pretty martial figure in the world of myth, and enjoyed worship among the ancients. ─── 在神話世界里,她面容嬌美,英姿颯爽,受到古人的崇拜。

33、He is well versed in both polite letters and martial arts and is almost omnipotent. ─── 他文武雙全, 幾乎無所不能。

34、In his spare time, he likes to watch movies and pratice martial arts. ─── 他喜歡利用業(yè)余時間去看電影和練武術。

35、The martial spirit has been roused greatly. ─── 士氣大振。

36、Of or relating to war; martial. ─── 軍事的屬于或關于戰(zhàn)爭的;有關作戰(zhàn)的

37、Persons who engage in other activities against the order of martial law. ─── 從事其他抗拒戒嚴令的活動的。

38、Kung-fu is a kind of traditional Chinese martial arts. It's different from boxing. ─── 功夫是一種中國武術,與拳擊大不相同。

39、On the German side, confidence, success, and the sense of growing power inflamed the martial instincts of the race. ─── 在德國方面,信心、成功和力量日益增強之感,都激發(fā)了這個民族的戰(zhàn)斗本能。

40、The associator must train the modest characteristic, learn others with an open mind and respect other martial arts. ─── 會員要培養(yǎng)謙虛的品質(zhì),虛心向他人學習,尊重其它武道。

41、In Fight Science, the different martial arts are explored. ─── 《科學看武術》探索了不同類型的武術。

42、Few propaganda posters mar the landscape, and martial music is rarely heard. ─── 幾處宣傳海報損毀了這美麗風景,并且軍歌也很少聽到。

43、He has been practicing martial art since childhood and has muscles of iron. ─── 他一直習武,鍛煉成一副鋼筋鐵骨。

44、The Martial Way is centred in posture. Strive to maintain correct posture at all times. ─── 五、武道以姿勢良否為中心。何時也應當保持姿勢正確。

45、Their deadly style has earned them respect from other martial artists. ─── 他們致命的打法為他們博得其他武術家的尊敬。

46、He inherited, however, but little of the martial character of his ancestors. ─── 可是,他并沒有繼承他祖先的那種好勇斗狠的性格。

47、Have watched the International martial mart competition at "Ao ti center " ! ─── 在奧體中心觀看了一次很精彩的世界搏擊比賽。

48、Hundreds and thousands of people are practicing martial arts. ─── 全市640多家拳社培養(yǎng)了大批武術人才。

49、Templar techsmiths forge weapons that hold true to their martial and medieval roots, incorporating a mixture of technology and the arcane. ─── 圣堂武士的工匠們鑄造了捍衛(wèi)真理的武器,融合了技術與魔法。

50、You've learnt some form of martial arts. ─── 你懂得一些戰(zhàn)爭藝術的形式。

51、They helped to breed both the martial curse and the "economic blizzard". ─── 他們幫助滋長戰(zhàn)爭禍根和“經(jīng)濟風暴”。

52、Fencing is one of the ancient types of martial arts. ─── 擊劍是古老的軍事藝術之一。

53、Judge Advocate is a person appointed to act as prosecutor at a court- martial. ─── 軍法檢察官也就是被任命為軍事法庭檢察官的那個人。

54、He is extremely skillful in martial arts. ─── 他武功超群。

55、The Martial Way begins with one thousand days and is mastered after ten thousand days of training. ─── 六、武道始于千朝,而完善于萬夕不懈之磨煉。

56、Try using movements from the sport or martial art you practice. ─── 使用你正在練習的體育運動或武術中動作。

57、Do you like martial arts novels? ─── 你喜歡看武俠小說嗎?

58、A competent professional club fighter would massacre most martial artists. ─── 一個出色的職業(yè)俱樂部選手可以滅了多數(shù)所謂的武術家。

59、Can you take us to see your martial arts teacher? ─── 你能帶我們見見你的師父嗎?

60、Take them to the district military committee and let them be tried according to martial law. ─── 上一回不是村長放了的? 送給區(qū)武委會主任按軍法處理

61、In her free time, she enjoys being outdoors and participating in sports, including soccer, swimming, and martial arts. ─── 在閑暇時候,她喜歡出門,參與一些體育活動,包括英式足球、游泳和武術。

62、Nunchaku is perhaps one of the most well recognized weapons in2)martial arts. ─── 雙節(jié)棍可能是武術中最為人所熟知的武器。

63、The R.O.C.'s biggest election since the lifting of martial law has ended. ─── 中華民國自解嚴以來最大的一次選舉已經(jīng)落幕。

64、He was convicted at a court martial. ─── 他在軍事法庭上被判有罪。

65、Which kind of martial arts is the best? ─── 哪種功夫是最好的?

66、How are your martial arts skills? ─── 你的武功如何啊?

67、The Martial Way begins and ends with courtesy. Therefore, be properly and genuinely courteous at all times. ─── 一、武道始于禮亦終于禮。為此,必須常懷真誠之心,以禮待人。

68、GC: How does your martial practice and your Buddhist practice relate? ─── 你的武術訓練和佛學如何結(jié)合?

69、The six major dances were also categorized into the "civil"and "martial"types. ─── 六大舞又分為"文"、"武"兩類,

70、So for you, a martial arts movie must have a moral code, otherwise it's just an action film. ─── 因此對你來說,一部武術電影必須有一個道德法則,不然就只是動作電影。

71、Louis Cha( Jin Yong) is rewriting all15 of his martial arts novels to refine the plots. ─── 為了使作品更精彩,著名武俠小說大師金庸正在改寫自己的作品。

72、The martial music is inspiring. ─── 軍樂聲鼓舞人心。

73、Shiqi adds both indoor and outdoor activities such as dancing and martial arts. ─── 增添活動的姿色風采:室內(nèi)和室外娛樂,載歌載舞,繪畫,打功夫。

74、There,he taught English and perfected his martial arts,earning black belts in Aikido,karate,judo,and kendo. ─── 他在那兒教授英文,精修武技,贏得了合氣道、空手道、柔道和劍道的黑帶。

75、Every foreign student in China is very keen on martial arts. ─── 在華的外國留學生都酷愛武術。

76、For years Josette has studied the martial arts1. ─── 喬賽特學了好些年武術。

77、Murphy's unhappy martial life terminated in divorce. ─── 墨菲的不幸的婚姻以離婚告終。

78、You might be a martial artist if.... ─── 你可能是一個功夫高手,如果....

79、Traditional martial artists fare even worse with their fantasy moves. ─── 傳統(tǒng)武術家使用他們想象的動作會更糟糕。

80、People have been anxiously awaiting another martial arts blockbuster from Zhang Yimou. ─── 人們一直在急切地等待著張藝謀的下一部武打大片。

81、They declared martial law in the mining communities. ─── 他們宣布對礦區(qū)實行軍事管制。

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