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10-03 投稿


muzzy 發(fā)音

英:[?m?zi]  美:[?m?zi]

英:  美:

muzzy 中文意思翻譯




muzzy 網(wǎng)絡(luò)釋義

adj. 無精神的;迷糊的;發(fā)呆的n. (Muzzy)人名;(英)馬齊

muzzy 反義詞


muzzy 短語詞組

1、big muzzy ─── 大型博物館

2、Muzzy's button ─── [醫(yī)] 馬濟氏紐(點)

3、muzzy-headed ─── [網(wǎng)絡(luò)] 槍口

muzzy 同義詞

snout | bridle | restrain | suppress | hooter | shut up | schnozzle | gag | beak | stifle | bind | proboscis |silence | conk | hush | quiet | gun muzzle | nose | quieten

muzzy 詞性/詞形變化,muzzy變形


muzzy 相似詞語短語

1、muzzle ─── n.槍口,炮口;口套,口絡(luò);動物的鼻口;vt.使…緘默;給…戴口套;封鎖…的言論

2、buzzy ─── adj.引人注目的;有趣的;時尚的;充滿興奮或期待的氛圍

3、fuzzy ─── adj.模糊的;失真的;有絨毛的;n.(Fuzzy)人名;(英)富齊

4、muzzed ─── v.(使)(某物)模糊不清;n.(非正式)模糊,混亂狀態(tài)

5、muzaky ─── 火槍手

6、muzzily ─── 模糊地

7、muzzes ─── v.(使)(某物)模糊不清;n.(非正式)模糊,混亂狀態(tài)

8、mizzy ─── 桌子

9、muzz ─── v.(使)(某物)模糊不清;n.(非正式)模糊,混亂狀態(tài)

muzzy 常見例句(雙語使用場景)

1、Taylor was breathing a sign of relief that midfielder Muzzy Izzet's neck injury is not as serious as first feared after he was stretchered off following a collision with Lee Dixon. ─── 艾錫傷勢不如原先想象般嚴重,泰萊可以暫時松一口氣。艾錫和迪臣碰撞受傷,要由擔架抬出場。

2、The picture is muzzy. ─── 這個圖片很模糊。

3、Studies on forecasting the incidences of rice yellow stem borer by using muzzy close degree ─── 模糊貼近度用于三化螟發(fā)生量預(yù)測的探討

4、Those drugs made me feel muzzy. ─── 那些藥使我昏昏欲睡。

5、Application of Muzzi Control Techniques to the Feed Water Control System of Power Plant ─── 模糊控制技術(shù)在發(fā)電廠給水自動控制系統(tǒng)中的應(yīng)用

6、You speak with muzzy consecution. Though they are penetrating judgment, they can't be understood. ─── 你說話的理路不清,盡管是真知灼見,卻不能為人理解。

7、Bologna are directing all their attention in getting Roberto Muzzi as the player is highly rated by their coach Mazzone. ─── 博洛尼亞將全部注意力都集中在穆齊身上,因為他們的教練馬佐尼對這名球員的評價很高。

8、He sat up, his head muzzy with the dream, his cheeks salty, tear-stained. ─── 他滿臉淚痕,咸咸的。他坐起來,腦海里還懵懵懂懂地縈繞著那個夢。

9、a muzzy head ─── 稀里糊涂的大腦

10、2. He sat up, his head muzzy with the dream, his cheeks salty, tear-stained. ─── 他滿臉淚痕,咸咸的。他坐起來,腦海里還懵懵懂懂地縈繞著那個夢。收藏指正

11、After a couple of wines my head felt all muzzy. ─── 我喝了兩杯酒就昏頭昏腦的了。

12、Cerci reminds me of Muzzi when he was young, but, in my opinion, he's even stronger than my ex teammate. ─── 切爾奇讓我想起了年輕時候的穆齊,但我認為他比我這位前隊友更出色。

13、The pain in his head spread from the point where Medivh had touched him, and now his forehead felt heavy and his thoughts muzzy. ─── 他頭部的隱隱劇痛以麥迪文接觸過的那一點為中心不斷擴散,現(xiàn)在他已經(jīng)感到頭重腳輕,腦袋發(fā)昏。

14、Celebrated in 40 countries, used in national curriculum, and presented at Harvard, MUZZY is a masterpiece for children.It's engaging, it's fun and it works. ─── 溫習和強化 所有教材組件都是互相緊扣,每個學習單元均在不同媒體顯現(xiàn),讓孩子在不同模式全面學習。

15、* After a couple of whiskies my head felt all muzzy. ─── 我喝了兩杯威士忌, 就昏頭昏腦的了.

16、After a couple of whiskies my head felt all muzzy. ─── 我喝了兩杯威士忌,就昏頭昏腦的了。

17、Studies on forecasting the incidences of rice yellow stem borer by using muzzy close degree ─── 模糊貼近度用于三化螟發(fā)生量預(yù)測的探討

18、Chris Sutton and Muzzy Izzet are both expected to be available for the home side, while the league leaders welcome back Arjen Robben. ─── 薩頓和伊澤特有望為主隊出場,榜首老大迎接羅本歸來。

19、When Bieber was asked what exactly he meant by her (blank) he blushed and softly whispered the words tizzy muzzy (muffin). ─── 當比伯被問到她對他來說意味著什麼,他臉紅著小聲得一個字也聽不清。

20、One time Chelsea record signing Chris Sutton is struggling to be fit with a calf strain, as is Muzzy Izzet, a youth product of ours who was sold before making a first team debut. ─── 在切爾西有過一場出場紀錄的克里斯.薩頓正在小腿肌肉拉傷的恢復中,同樣的問題出現(xiàn)在Muzzy伊澤特身上,他是我們青年隊出來的,在進入一隊之前被賣掉了。

21、Muzzy's button ─── [醫(yī)] 馬濟氏紐(點)

22、muzzy plans ─── 過于籠統(tǒng)的計劃

23、While the future of Caracciolo with Brescia is still uncertain as the forward seems to be heading to England, the club is looking for a replacement and Roberto Muzzi, who is also chased by Bologna and Fiorentina, is a possible candidate. ─── 目前布雷西亞仍然不知道卡拉喬洛未來是否會去英格蘭,俱樂部正在尋找替代者:穆齊,同時佛羅倫卅和博羅尼亞也是追求者.

24、a muzzy voice ─── 模糊不清的聲音

25、The television picture's muzzy. ─── 電視畫面模糊不清。

26、Muzzy scared me when I was little. ─── 遲鈍被驚嚇我當我是小。

27、After a couple of whiskies my head felt all muzzy. ─── 我喝了兩杯威士忌,就昏頭昏腦的了。

28、alan woke with the early-morning sun gently warming his face. he sat up, his head muzzy with the dream, his cheeks salty, tear-stained. ─── 阿蘭醒來時,晨陽暖暖地照在他的臉上。他滿臉淚痕,咸咸的。他坐起來,腦海里還懵懵懂懂地縈繞著那個夢?!澳銊偛旁诳蓿彼穆曇粲謧髁诉^來。

29、The television picture 's muzzy. ─── 電視畫面模糊不清。

30、After a couple of whisky my head feels all muzzy. ─── 我喝了兩杯威士忌,就昏頭昏腦的了。

31、A method based on map matching arithmetic which includes muzzy logic arithmetic can emendate error of GPS localization.This method is introduced in the paper. ─── 著重分析了地圖匹配算法的基本原理,基本方法,并應(yīng)用了一種基于模糊邏輯地圖匹配算法校正GPS定位誤差。

32、The picture is muzzy. ─── 這個圖片很模糊。

33、Muzzy scared me when I was little. ─── 遲鈍被驚嚇我當我是小。

34、Now the voice sounded muzzy. "I think I hit my head on something . . . " ─── “啊~”這個聲音暈暈乎乎的響起“我想我頭撞上了什么東西?!?/p>

35、The point of conflict between the two parties is that Muzzi insists on a biannual contract while Bologna have offered a one year contract. ─── 在穆齊和博洛尼亞在合同上存在分歧,穆齊要求得到一份兩年的合同,而博洛尼亞只愿意提供一份一年的合同。





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